The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1059: Sure enough, no brains

Chi Nan made a decision, and the others couldn't help it no matter how much they thought. Hermilla is both moved and happy. He simply lowered his head and closed his mouth, and didn't mean to refute Chi Nan because of Chi Nan's chaos.

Although there are a lot of resources to help, Sophia and Hemila are still only close to the golden peak. The training of a mage is completely different from that of a fighter. A fighter can use resources to accumulate it, but a mage needs to improve knowledge and spirit. Instead, it is Pico Silk, which has recently reached the level of its golden peak.

It's a pity that Wei Wei Si is a warrior, and warriors have no way to obtain elemental pets. They have done experiments before. Any warrior who uses this method will only get injured in the end.

Regardless of the strength of the fighter, the effect is the same. But even so, after receiving the news, Wei Wei Si still came here, wanting to watch the two sisters improve. Worried about too much movement, Chi Nan didn't mean to place the test site on this plane, but instead planned to use it on the element plane.

For the time being, a few people didn't go there, but waited here. Under the suppression of a few people, Chi Nan did not allow the real body to pass, as long as there was an incarnation on the opposite side. In Hemila's words, there is no difference between the incarnation and the real body anyway.

"How can there be no difference? It's really possible to do something else at night, but incarnation won't work." Chi Nan whispered.

When several women heard this, they gave Chi Nan angrily, as if they hadn't heard it. This guy, why don't he care about the occasion if he doesn't get serious, don't he see that there are many subordinates around him?

"We're over here." Olna was still expressionless, her figure flashed, and she entered the space channel. In the rear, Carol and Galio, who had just returned, also passed through the space channel under Horn's leadership. That's right, for the sake of safety, Chi Nan sent out Horn who had been with him all the time.

Four legendary masters fight one, if this can still be lost, then there is really something wrong. Besides, there is also his own avatar over there, and the avatar can also cause huge problems for those legendary elements.

"It's a pity, there are no elemental creatures with two attributes. You can choose one by yourself at that time."

"I know, just choose the flame attribute. Chi Nan, do you know where you got the heart and crystal core of the legendary creature."

Chi Nan waved his hand: "It's almost solved. Hermilla is an ice attribute. We hunted a sea monster before. The ice attribute is a variation of the water attribute. Both are ice attributes. The material of Hermila is resolved. ."

"You and Sophia both chose the flame attribute. Just think of a solution from this. I remember that the elves have a monster core that collects the flame attribute and the materials on the body. I can exchange them with them." The family relationship is very good, and there is no problem in wanting to get something.

"But I don't know the last one. Why don't you go to the Dragon Clan to ask. After all, there are many experts on the Dragon Clan, and many die. I just don't know if those arrogant guys will buy it."

"If it doesn't work, I can choose the wind attribute." After thinking about it, Olna finally took a step back.

Because Olna herself has two attributes of wind and fire, and Sophia has only one attribute of fire and no other attributes. Chi Nan nodded slightly, did not say anything, and did his best by then.

No way, there are too few legendary creatures. Even the elves have very few collections. Several legends died in the Cthulhu Empire this time, but they were all evil attributes. They weren't monsters and couldn't be used.

While discussing, a group of people have arrived in the first area. This place is where a legendary fire attribute creature is located. Common fire-attribute creatures are all red-skin monsters, and this is no exception.

But the red-skin monster was very large, more than three meters tall, and his skin was fiery red from time to time. The two sharp horns on his head looked very like a big demon. But Chi Nan knew that this thing was just an elemental creature. The creatures in this world have nothing to do with demons directly.

"That's it, fire-attribute creatures almost mutate and attack with flames, and our self-detonation airship can't help it. Be careful yourself." Chi Nan said to the others.

Orna said nothing, but an arrow flew past without hesitation. The flame monster who realized he was being attacked instinctively directly counterattacked, and he didn't even dodge. In the impression of this creature, the attack that needs to be dodged does not yet exist. As a result, the arrow fell directly on the monster.

A hole in the next, every arrow carries Orna's domain power, which is not something that can be exempted casually. On the contrary, the fireball from the monster was directly evaded by Orna. When the three soldiers saw this, they also rushed out one after another.

The four domains were expanded directly, and the flame monster's domain was directly compressed back, tightly attached to his body surface, and there was no way to spread it one step further. The flame monster encountered this situation for the first time, and it was quite unresponsive.

"I can see that this thing really has no brains." Chi Nan looked at the monster speechlessly, basically using instinct in all kinds of battles, and there was no change. Being forced to a desperate situation, he didn't know how to fight back, and he wouldn't even use his own advantages. As a result, the monster was easily suppressed by the four masters.

It can be said that if they didn't want to catch alive, they would be able to kill them in such a short time. After all, it is not difficult to kill this elemental creature, as long as you smash your head or directly impact with other elements.

It's not that the elemental creature in the legend needs to find the core to be able to kill it. This is really a bit puzzled.

When the flame monster's power was continuously consumed and its size was reduced to less than two meters, Olna suddenly nodded to Horn and the others. Horn received the signal and pierced the long sword into the ground, opening the circle that he had just set up.

This magic circle is not simple, it was created by Chi Nan specially inviting the legendary mage of the plane of bugs to help. Although the other party didn't know what Chi Nan was going to use for it, there was no problem with using it to restrict the elements.

Chains appeared out of nowhere, the flame monster was entangled by more and more chains, and four masters suppressed it. After half an hour, the flame monster finally couldn't move. "Quickly, don't waste time, we will pass now."

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