The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1075: Where does the legend come from

   The high priest's laughter spread through the plant channel throughout the entire alliance. All of a sudden, the senior leaders of the alliance, who had been fighting for this period of time, were stunned. No one thought that things would turn out to be like this.

   "What to do, our legend actually died, and they still have a legend. Even if they all die together, it's better than it is now." An alliance senior said in a flustered manner.

   In fact, for them, the best result is that everyone is dead. In this way, no one can stand on his head. And with the current situation, there is no problem in destroying those beetles.

   But the current situation is obviously the rhythm of this world being swallowed by the other party. In a short period of time, they will never have a new legend. If legends were so easy to cultivate, there wouldn't be so many years left with only these two. Unfortunately, under the power of the gods, these two didn't even have a chance to escape.

   Inside the temple, a huge beetle statue slowly walked out. The breath on the body slowly began to fall.

   "It seems that the beetle **** just broke out with the help of the power of the idol. After the power burst, the idol itself was damaged. Fortunately, if the beetle **** can keep using that power, we can't deal with it."

   Chi Nan was frightened, the two rays of light just now were definitely not attacks belonging to the legendary level.

   Fortunately, suddenly, Chi Nan found a crack on the beetle statue. Obviously, a powerful force burst out just now because of the damage that he couldn't bear. If this is not the case, Chi Nan must consider whether to call Olna and the others back.

"Chi Nan, we can attack now. The current situation is no better for us than this. Even if those alliance leaders have any bad ideas, they can only shut up afterwards." Olna said calmly. Said.

   Chi Nan thought for a while and nodded and said, "Then attack, but be careful. Now the Beetle God’s attention is on this place, and no one knows what kind of power a **** has."

  Treat a god, Chi Nan never takes it lightly, even if this **** has failed, even if that **** doesn't know how far it is from here. However, if you are not careful, the consequences will be devastating to zombies.

   "Don't worry, we know." Orna said calmly. Then, when a group of high-level alliance leaders were about to collapse, a new savior appeared. Of course, this is true for some people.

   In the air, Orna flew out with an arrow before she arrived. The arrow burned directly in the air and turned into a small phoenix, with a strong flame power, across the void, and chased towards his goal. The attack that appeared suddenly was not very eye-catching and did not arouse the attention of others.

   It was the result, but everyone was stunned. The Beetleman, who had been seriously injured, suddenly felt dangerous. Instinctively expand the field. But his domain has been worn out in the battle just now.

   He was badly injured, and his strength was consumed a lot. As a sacrifice, there is no way to restore one's own power. Only by praying to the gods can one recover the power of oneself through the power of the gods.

   As a result, the power of the sacrifice remains the same as before. As a result, this arrow easily penetrated the high priest's domain, and after the color faded a little, it pierced into the high priest's chest fiercely.

   The next moment, the high priest's face was pale, and the whole person was burning. Like a large torch, it was burned to ashes in the eyes of countless people. A gust of wind blew, and nothing was left.

   "This is, what is going on? It seems that the guy died just now. Could it be that we have a chance to win?"

"Great, I finally died. I immediately gave Chi Nan an order and asked him to go all out to fight for the temple in the shortest time, even if all the plant weapons are eliminated. Hahahaha, this belongs to Our mortal age."

   A group of people almost sang and danced. The headquarters of the alliance, which has been serious for a long time, is also full of noise at this time. Countless paper documents are flying all over the sky, like a garbage dump. All people smile like children because they know that they still have a chance to win. The feeling of coming out of despair is hard for ordinary people to understand.

   It was just that when Chi Nan received their order, the corner of his mouth curled in disdain: "You also order me, do you have that qualification."

   Chi Nan ignored them, but Olna and others had already arrived on the battlefield. There was no way for them to see who attacked the Beetleman High Priest with the arrow before.

   But now it's different. After the three figures rushed into the battlefield, the firepower was on. Every arrow of Olna will cause a large area of ​​explosion around, and at the same time a sea of ​​flames burns.

   That kind of devastating destructive power, the kind of lethal power that one person can suppress the entire battlefield, all show Olna's terrifying combat power that has reached the legendary level. Even the Beetleman statue was full of flames because of Olna's attack, even the cracks deepened a lot.

   The red light flashes in the eyes of the beetle Two red lights and two arrows in the air collide, but both disappear, and no one takes advantage. And taking advantage of this opportunity, Carol and Galio also rushed over.

   The long sword in his hand carried a strong white light and slashed fiercely on the beetle's body. The "Kacha" beetle has two huge cracks on its body, and the red light flashes in it. The divine power is constantly repairing it, but it can't keep up with the speed of destruction.

  The arrow following it got into the crack. The violent flame power on the arrow directly turned the small crack into a big crack. Even on the huge beetle statue, it became unusually clear.

   "Oh my god, this is, this is a legendary master, where is this legendary master coming out of it."

   A group of high-level leaders in the alliance were stunned at this time. Hasn't there been only two legends in his league for a long time, how come three more suddenly appeared. They have never heard of it, what is going on.

"Look, that legendary ears are pointed, like those wood elves, are they related to Lord Chinan?" At this point, many people turned pale, wondering what they thought of .

   If there is really something to do with Chi Nan, with Chi Nan's overall strength, what will happen to their alliance in the future. These are the three legendary masters, how can they hide so well, how good they would be if they had just died. ...


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