The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1077: Final cleanup of the bug plane

At this time, Chi Nan directly turned off the screen on the battlefield, and the aboriginals on the plane of bugs suddenly showed a screen change, and only then recovered from the final shock. &1t;/

Everyone saw that the last statue of the beetle **** had been shattered. Everyone heard it too, it was the last unwilling roar of the Beetle God. The pressure on my body suddenly disappeared from my body. &1t;/

His own plane is finally safe. "We won, we finally won."&1t;/

A cheer rang out in the square, instantly infecting everyone around him. The incomparable joy of joy continued to radiate, and all the people on the entire plane were plunged into the joyful ocean. &1t;/

At this moment, even those nobles and high-ranking alliance members who were not in the mood could cheer involuntarily and threw the things around them into the air. Some nobles who have always paid attention to their appearance also took off their coats, waved them, and vented their emotions, tears streaming out continuously. &1t;/

This is a huge disaster for the entire world. I can't remember how long it has been, perhaps hundreds of years ago, or perhaps even more distant. From the time the insects appeared and ate the whole world step by step, they had been in dire straits. &1t;/

People of this generation have been in an atmosphere of despair from birth. Every day there are countless people who cannot bear this kind of desperate atmosphere and choose to destroy themselves, and countless people go crazy in this environment. &1t;/

On the frontline battlefield, many soldiers did not naturally die on the battlefield. It's because they can't see the end of the war of hope, which makes them nervous. Some soldiers rushed to the insects frantically on the battlefield, and were finally wiped out by the insects. &1t;/

Whenever such a person appears, it is a cruel shock to their souls. No one can see hope, all they see is despair, and everyone is just lingering. &1t;/

Even today, when they saw that the only two legends were wiped out by the power of the gods, the feeling of despair eroded everyone's hearts. However, the turn of the game was that three legends appeared again in the holy tree leader, and finally drove the beetle **** out of this world. Hundreds of years of resistance finally ended with their victory. &1t;/

Maybe there are not many people left now, but they believe that as long as there is no evil **** to intervene, they will eventually rebuild their civilization. This moment will be remembered by future generations. &1t;/

"Although we have driven away the beetle god, there are still many beetles left by the beetle **** in this world, as well as the beetle people who escaped. We must find these existences."&1t;/

Chi Nan began to speak publicly. At this moment, Chi Nan's reputation in the world has been unprecedentedly high. It can be said that he is definitely the first person, even the previous legendary masters can't compare with him. Everyone knows that the three new legends must have something to do with Chi Nan. Judging from their appearance, Chi Nan is the dominant player. &1t;/

In the past, it was simply incredible. But now, if Chi Nan can lead them to victory, it doesn't matter. No matter how incredible things are, they can be ignored in the face of such a big victory. &1t;/

Chi Nan continued: "If those beetles and beetle people are left behind, maybe one day they will be able to communicate with the beetle **** and return to this world. Therefore, we must eliminate all these existences."&1t;/

"Yes, Lord Chinan is right. We must eliminate these existences, otherwise we will always be in danger. If I am one, even if I fight this life, I will leave a hidden danger for future generations. Homeland."&1t;/

In the past, many people tried desperately, but they were forced and desperate. But now it's different, now desperately, that's valuable. Anyone can feel that the battle at this time is realizing self-worth. &1t;/

But before, the battle at that time seemed to be deceiving oneself, just lingering. &1t;/

Seeing the appearance of these people, Chi Nan was very happy: "Then, let me divide and track them. We will form a team and start to clean up the remaining beetles and beetles in this world."&1t;/

Chi Nan has deployed a lot of satellites in the sky. With this opportunity, Chi Nan has successfully promoted the latest neuro-brain, updated everyone's equipment, and used satellites for positioning. &1t;/

As for the underground, there is no way for this Chinan, only to let the plants search through some holes in the ground. Fortunately, the beetle can't live underground all the time, otherwise Chinan really can't clean it up. &1t;/

As the entire world began to clean up, those beetle men entered a period of panic. &1t;/

The true beetle people, their faith collapsed, and without the gaze of the gods, they didn't know what they should do. These beetle people became crazy and desperate, even more exaggerated than the humans and orcs at the time. &1t;/

Many beetle people ran out by themselves to destroy them everywhere, and then they were completely cleaned up. And those Transformed Beetles who betrayed the Alliance, at this time, regretted their deaths. After these people were caught, they had no chance to die happily. Will be pulled out, find out all the history, and then parade, dying miserably amidst the scolding of everyone. &1t;/

Slowly, these publicly reviewed programs to transform the beetle man are about to become the most popular entertainment programs in the world. Because of these public hearings, they have also brought huge income to some entertainment practitioners. &1t;/

Big 6 is the most western, this is the hardest hit area, there are no people, and this place also has the most residual beetles and beetles. &1t;/

Chinan did not mobilize the originally few indigenous people, and for the time being there was no way to produce enough plant weapons. Therefore, Chi Nan simply mobilized some wild orcs from the local area to come to this world. &1t;/

For mad orcs eating and fighting are their biggest hobbies. As for death, this is not in the consciousness of the mad orcs. As long as there are a few people to command, the mad orcs can wield enough strength. &1t;/

The transformed mad orc totem warrior wields even more powerful combat power. With the addition of these wild orcs, the beetles in the west have also entered the final cleaning stage. &1t;/

It seems that it can be cleaned roughly in just two months. It is a good thing for a long time to want to completely clean up these beetles. At least, it will not work within two years. It may even be longer, this is because his plant weapons can be searched everywhere uninterrupted. &1t;/

After setting up all this, Chi Nan focused on his guards again. &1t;/...


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