The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1083: The final struggle in the Plains of the Undead

Just as Chinan spread the purple bloodweed channel, the elves' attack on the Plains of Undead came to an end. To be honest, if the elves didn't go all the way, they would clean the ground.

According to the strength of the elves, the Plains of Undead had long been leveled. But even so, the Plain of the Undead is far less than the Cthulhu Empire, and the Cthulhu Empire is still about to be wiped out.

The innermost layer of the Plain of the Undead, this place is a sinkhole excavated by a large number of undead. This place is also the final gathering place for Necromancers. At this moment, the last Necromancers gathered here.

Looking at the past, the necromancers that are usually very difficult to see are everywhere here. Those who can have a seat are of the golden level. And there are dozens of these golden level necromancers. On the other side, there are some undead warriors, death knights and the like, which have reached the golden level more.

These are the last high-level powers on the Plains of the Undead. Unfortunately, their enemy is the elves. Without the corrosive influence of the Undead Land, the elves are so powerful that they can't resist it at all.

"Damn it, if it wasn't for the purification tree led by the holy tree, how could we have fallen into this situation."

"That is, it is not good for the Sacred Tree Collar. However, if the Cthulhu Empire hadn't done this kind of thing, it would not be jointly destroyed by others. If the Cthulhu Empire still exists, the Elves would not dare to do this to us rashly."

A Necromancer whispered: "The matter has reached this point, so I don't need to talk about it. Besides, when the Cthulhu Empire is going to do things, don't we also agree."

At this time, everyone closed their mouths. Indeed, they and the Cthulhu Empire have always been along the way. At that time, because the scale of the sacrifice was too large, it was impossible to conceal it, so they knew about it before the sacrifice began.

Even many materials are provided by their Plains of Undead. In the early days, many arrested people and some undead used for work were also provided. The Cthulhu Empire was able to expand the blood pool to that size so quickly, and this was indispensable for them. After all, after the sacrifice, in the so-called kingdom of God on earth, the activities are all undead creatures.

Originally, these necromancers thought that their spring was here. When blood spots appear on the sun. They can feel that their strength is increasing, and the sun's suppressive effect on them has diminished.

Even some places of death will naturally form undead creatures. At that time, there were undead everywhere on the Big Six, and they thought that their time had finally arrived.

But who would have thought that the Heretic God Empire would be so vulnerable and easily destroyed. "Well, let’s talk about what we should do next. There is nothing on our road that can stop the elf’s footsteps. The next moment, they will definitely attack our place directly. As you, it’s hard to hide. ."

Everyone knows that as an undead professional, he is almost like half an undead, and his body is full of death. No matter where you go, it will have a great impact on your surroundings, and it is not easy to hide.

Especially after they didn't know what method the Sacred Tree used to search for those who were hiding, they were even more unconfident. So now, they have no retreat and can only do their best.

After embarking on the path of undead professionals, it is impossible to look back and rebuild other powers.

"There is no other way but the last resort. But with this method, we have no retreat, and we may also be attacked. Everyone, vote."

The Necromancer sitting in the first position finally said helplessly. People around you look at me, I look at you, and then raise their hands one by one. Everyone knows that this is the last moment of life and death.

"Very well, most people agreed, so let's start. I hope that none of us will die here. If you can't get a place to live afterwards, then everyone should find a place to hide."

In the end, Wei's Necromancer stood up and said, and then walked towards the deepest part of the big pit behind. Others followed closely. In this place, there was a huge magic circle on the ground, connected to an altar in the middle. It seems that these things are some years old, and they are definitely not new products that have just been made.

Everyone glanced at each other, then walked to their place and chanted the spell. Then, the undead around, threw the things that had been prepared a long time ago, such as some dead bodies and some smoky crystals, into the deepest part of the big pit.

There were even some zombie skeletons and the like, and they jumped into the big pit by themselves. There was no movement in the entire big pit, and it was still the same as before, with thick gray smoke full of death.

I don't know how long it has passed before the earth began to shake. Wei's mage turned around and ran: "Hurry up and get out of here."

Others ran away in a panic, and in the depths of the big pit, a powerful force hit the ground. In the void, there is a special magic circle resisting this force. But under the impact of this force, every time it hits, the magic circle will weaken a lot.

I don't know how long it has passed, but when it hit the last time, the magic circle finally couldn't hold on and shattered. Those undead professionals have been far away from this place, hiding in the distance watching the changes here with lingering fears. A white ray of light rose into the sky, like a huge sword that pierced the firmament, traversing the sky.

The earth was shaking constantly, and a huge figure slowly crawled out of the big hole.

"What's happening? This doesn't seem to be an The elves have also discovered the difference in this land.

"Look over there, what's going on over there, it seems that there is a white light. That direction is not good, there is the core place of the undead plain, the tomb of the undead, something must have happened over there."

The elves immediately realized that something was wrong, and Silinkaye, who was adjusting the battlefield at the center and rear, also noticed this. "The strength of this power is not right. This is a legendary power. Report it immediately."

I have seen more than one legendary level of Silin Kaye, and is more sensitive to legendary power. The elves didn't have so much suspicion between each other, Slinka said so, and the other elves believed it immediately.

It didn't take long for the news to be sent to the rear, and the masters of the elves were dispatched immediately. ...


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