The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1086: Energy Heart and Fast Growing Wood

"This is the kind of special plant that can store a lot of energy?" Chi Nan looked at a ball in his hand. This thing looked like a tumor growing on a tree, but Chi Nan knew that this was a complete plant.

Of course, this plant is actually a parasitic plant, it will only parasitize on the trunks of some powerful big trees, absorbing the power of the big trees to strengthen itself. When its own energy reaches a certain level, the tumor will split instantly, and many of the same sarcoma will appear, and a large number of seeds will appear at the same time, spreading towards the surroundings.

Strictly speaking, this thing is no different from normal parasites and is of no use at all. But in Chi Nan's view, this thing can store a lot of energy, which is very precious.

"Yes, my lord, after our experiments, although this sarcoma is only a bronze level, it can store up to two energy pools." This energy pool refers to the energy pool that is currently in use.

There are two energy pools of this kind, and the energy in the full state can create an airship mothership.

These words shocked Chi Nan. Without experimentation, Chi Nan himself didn't feel how useful this thing was.

"And this, this kind of wood grows very fast. This is what we found in an abyss. There is no sunshine and no rain. So every time it rains, it will grow quickly. The fastest In just one hour, it grew from a seed to a complete tree."

After a pause, the person continued: "The only drawback is that the lifespan of this thing is not very long. After it grows into a big tree, it will wither and die within a few days at most, leaving only seeds."

Chi Nan nodded gently: "You are doing very well. Let me give you the next experiment of these two things."

Chi Nan waved his hand to let the others back down, and he started to study with the sample. The ability to store a lot of energy and plants that can grow quickly made Chi Nan a thought flashed in his mind.

"First of all, raise the level of these two plants, at least not too bad, and raise it to the silver level first. As for the gold level, it is not necessary for the time being, after all, it is too wasteful."

If you want to improve the level of a plant, this is not a troublesome thing for Chi Nan. It's just that Chi Nan is not sure whether the enhanced abilities of some plants are what they need after they are upgraded.

But there is no problem with these two plants, because the abilities of these two plants are so single, it is impossible to have other abilities prominently strengthened. In fact, the result was the same as Chi Nan thought. When the sarcoma reaches the level of silver, the intensity of that stored energy is directly expanded more than ten times. The wood that grows fast grows faster.

"In that case, then this sarcoma is called the heart of energy, and there is this kind of wood, which will be called fast-growing wood in the future." Chi Nan's eyes lit up, and there is no name anyway, so he named it himself.

And these two special plants have become very precious in Chi Nan's eyes. If it's just a single one, it may not be of much use, but the two together will give Chi Nan a new idea.

"The energy of the energy heart is still not enough, so first upgrade to the golden level. As for the fast-growing wood, merge with other plants to create some simple plant weapons."

After a lot of experiments in Chinan, both things were finally transformed by Chinan to a degree beyond recognition.

When it is completely completed, the final result is a very small airship, which is smaller than the transmission airship. Even, there is no way to put a person in it.

And the center of this airship is an energy heart that has reached the golden level. "It's great, it's finally finished. Now, it will be easier for us to sit up some things in the future."

"Chi Nan, what exactly is this thing? You have been busy for several days. Could it be that this is a new weapon?"

Chi Nan smiled, and said to Sophia: "This thing is not a new weapon, it's just an improvement of a previous weapon. I can't understand it now, so let's try it out."

"Okay, okay, I want to see it too." Wei Wei Si raised her hand and said. Speaking of which, they all have great expectations for this new and special thing. Whenever Chi Nan worked hard to create something, it was generally very useful. Of course, there are a few cases where the things made are not so practical.

However, even those things that are not practical, after being improved by other researchers, are very popular both inside and outside the territory. The so-called impractical, generally refers to the use in the military.

They had known Chi Nan's habits a long time ago, and most of the latest things were first applied to military weapons. In fact, not only Chi Nan, but also the major empires treated alchemy techniques and items in the same way. Moreover, what they did was actually more extreme than what Chi Nan did.

At least sometimes in Chinan, the things they make are purely for civilian use and have nothing to do with the military.

"Where to send it to the test? There are still a lot of bugs on the bug plane, and the environment is quite do I need to go there to test?" Hermilla put forward her own opinion.

Chi Nan shook his head and said, "No, the current environment of the bug plane is too comfortable and there is no danger. My new type of weapon must be tested in the most dangerous environment."

After thinking about it, Chi Nan said again: "Also, inform Holm and Dad Bald that all the top military members will come over and watch them. Follow-up tests need them to do, and I need their opinions. Press, just follow the previous rules." The army has its own system, which is not subject to outside interference.

Chi Nan gave the order, and soon a group of people sat in front of his crystal board. All people are in their own secret rooms. For such secret things, all people will use the most appropriate way to protect the secrets from leaking out.

Countless people in the whole world are staring at them now, and one who accidentally leaks something can easily cause turmoil in the outside world. Whenever something about the Alien plane appeared, it was also the time when these people were the least winged.

Everyone is there, and the strange airship in Chi Nan has also been sent to the plane of the undead, flying in the air at this time. Through the screen, we can clearly see everything that happened on the other side, and many officials have begun to talk about it. Reading Net

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