The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1098: Big project, buy tickets to watch the excitement

The transaction is completed, but the work is not completed. Because such a large bone dragon skeleton needs to be transported, it is not an easy task. The number of dragons is too small, and they dare not take it lightly.

In the end, the dragons directly recruited a large number of dragons to take charge of this matter. It is also the first time that Chi Nan has seen so many dragon people. For a long time, Chi Nan thought that the number of dragon people was very small.

But today Chi Nan doesn't think so. Behind Carter brought a large group of dragon people with low eyebrows and pleasing eyebrows. There is no need to count carefully, the number is at least thousands. And this is the first batch, and more dragons are coming. "These all have a certain level of technology, so there will be no problem with them for the next thing."

It is not easy to be able to ask one's own opinions. Chi Nan nodded indifferently: "Yes, you have the final say on this skeleton now." Since the transaction is completed, Chi Nan naturally doesn't care.

Behind his back is the shining of stars. During this period of time, Chi Nan exercised his bow and arrow skills spontaneously every day, and at the same time was familiar with the abilities of the shining stars, so he was not exposed to the incomparable space at all, but placed behind him.

Seeing Chi Nan dressed like this, Carter was also very happy. After all, it was given out by himself. The more others value and like it, the higher the sense of accomplishment in Carter's heart.

Afterwards, these dragons began to work under the arrangement of both parties.

"Sure enough, these dragons are not fuel-efficient lamps, they are really cautious."

Chi Nan saw that the tall dragon was torn down piece by piece by them and handled it carefully. Chi Nan couldn't understand that kind of treatment. Only after the treatment, the death air on the dragon bones disappeared, and the faint dragon power was clearer, the bones looked whiter and brighter, and it was indeed effective.

The most important thing is that the steel and plants used to support it have been taken down. And carefully cleaned inside and out, and finally burned down. This made my attempt to find Dragon Valley through plants failed.

Although Chi Nan didn't think that he could succeed in doing so, the care of the Dragon Clan still made Chi Nan look at him with admiration. Every race can survive for a certain reason.

Even if this race is a powerful race like the Dragon Race, Chi Nan thought of it silently.

At the same time, there was another thing that made Chi Nan dumbfounded, and that was the gathering of many people outside. Not only people from their own territory, but also people from other territories and even local people from the Holy Dragon Empire, all dared to come here from thousands of miles away.

As a member of the Sacred Dragon Empire, the status of the dragon in their eyes is very important. They had already heard of the huge skeleton of this third-generation Dragon King, and even turned it into a myth.

In order to see this, the nobles of the empire put aside their reservations, and were not afraid of the threat of the sacred tree collar, they ran with their guards. When these people arrived, Weiwei Si felt that this was a good opportunity instead.

As a result, after the three women fiddled with each other, they pulled up a cordon on the wasteland around the city. If you want to watch near the city, you have to buy tickets.

Such measures not only give the territory an income, but also strengthen exchanges in many aspects.

At this moment, there are a large number of people around, and the dense number makes people who are not used to it feel that their scalp is wrinkled.

"Hurry up, the one in front is not ready. Isn't it just a ticket? It's not very expensive. If it doesn't work, I'll pay for it." There are already people behind who can't wait any longer. These people are really troublesome.

In the distance, the tall figure is the bones of the three generations of Dragon Emperor. Even though he was so far away, he could still see the terrifying figure. In this way, they can't wait to take a closer look.

Perhaps, in this life I only have this opportunity to watch the dragon skeleton and the dragon. I don't even know if my children and grandchildren will have a chance. Especially for the people of the Holy Dragon Empire, that would be even more hopeful.

"That's right, don't waste our time. I have heard that the big man above is transferring the skeleton, and he wants to transfer the skeleton to Longgu. Now he has started working. If it takes a long time, maybe we won't be able to see it. The skeleton of the dragon is gone.” Behind, a nobleman from the Holy Dragon Empire, who seemed to be of great standing, said.

"Really, it's going to start the demolition? No, I want to speed up, and I must record all the scenes."

"Of course it is true. Can I still not get the real news based on my identity. But even the video, our empire has long been secretly recorded by spies, it is clearer than you, and more complete."

The person just now dissatisfied and said: "It's from the Empire, can it be the same as mine. Besides, I can't get it."

"What you said is correct. The self-recording shows more sincerity and is more valuable for collection. Thank you for reminding me. When I get the video from the Imperial Intelligence Department, I will make a copy for you."

These two nobles, who were originally very different in status, just chatted together on a common topic.

There are also many people who have become friends with each other because of these topics. Of course, they almost fought more. There are only militiamen on the scene to maintain order, and these people are just staring at each other, not daring to mess around.

After buying tickets, a large number of people walked towards the middle one after another, like a pilgrimage. The closer they are to the dragon's skeleton, the stronger the sense of horror and oppression. Of course, these people are not allowed to enter the city. The city has been completely sealed off by the dragon. Anyone who dares to approach, the dragon will not care who this person is, just kill it directly.

"Okay, everything is smooth, so be it. Keep staring, and you must not let any accidents happen here."

When everything was in a stable period, Chi Nan ordered Hemila and the others.

Hemila nodded and said, "Don't worry, we are watching here. By the way, you don't have to stay here, Weiweisi, work hard." Hemila blinked at Weiweisi.

Weiweisi nodded slightly. Recently, the two of them have been reducing their workload so that they can have more time to practice. This Weiweisi knows. There is no way for Pico to break through without side effects, Pico can only rely on itself. They all knew that Chi Nan would never let Wei Wei Si use the method of divine power to make a breakthrough.

It's just that as a fighter, there is no special method. It is too difficult to break through the legendary level by relying solely on oneself. Even if there are a large number of legendary masters as training partners, it is just as difficult. Reading Net

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