The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1100: Space gate with independent property rights

On this day, in the largest city overseas, a group of people have been busy here since early morning on the side square.

Because of the busyness of these people, it has attracted the attention of everyone in the entire city. "What happened over there? How come there are so many people. Those people seem strange. What is that badge."

"Stupid, those are domain research workers who have special permissions. They can cooperate with the lord to study plants. We usually don't see such big people. Don't talk nonsense and don't cause trouble."

An old man next to him walked over: "Haha, I was here early in the morning. I heard that Lord Lord is going to open the space gate. From now on, we are going to the mainland. We just need to walk through the space gate. There is no need to travel long distances."

"No, is this true? If we are going to the mainland now, it will take five days to fly with an airship."

Not far away, a militiaman said disdainfully: "You said that it is a civilian airship. Military airships don't take that long. I heard that the fastest military airship can reach the mainland in a day at most."

"That's it, do you still use it?" The young man just retorted dissatisfied.

The militiaman said proudly, "Huh, I listened to what my brother said. My brother is a regular soldier, a small regiment commander."

Everyone's eyes changed suddenly, who didn't know, it was very difficult to be a soldier in the Holy Tree Collar. In the sacred tree, being a soldier means becoming a commander of the plant army.

The entire territory is guarded by an army of plants, so there is very little demand for soldiers. Don't look at that little captain with a small print, but there are definitely a lot of plant troops under his control.

For civilians like them, these are all characters who need to look up to themselves. Even some people with the title of nobility would envy these people who are qualified to serve as soldiers. No wonder he would be proud to have such a brother. This person is here today, together with other militiamen, to accompany him to prevent accidents.

"It's amazing, come on, have a drink. By the way, since your brother is a errand in the army, then you should know what this thing is. We really want to know the effect of this thing." A young man handed a bottle. .

The militiaman took a sip unceremoniously: "There are colors, I like them. Let me tell you, it's not a secret anyway."

The militia lowered their voice: "This is the teleportation array and space gate that the Lord Lord has just studied. It has our own property rights." Everyone now knows what this independent property rights are.

This shows that this thing has not used any other people's information at all, or even used alchemy methods, otherwise it would not have said that. This thing is probably made of pure plants.

"This was stripped from a legendary arbor of the space system and divided into three models. We are the largest model here. It can cross the continent and appear anywhere in the world with the same model of teleportation array."

Pointing to the middle, the militiaman said triumphantly: "Is it a teleportation array if you see that array? It's very convenient for you to directly transmit through that if you pay for it. It's very convenient to see if the one next to it is not, that is the space gate. , Permanent, but it takes longer to open. To get to the opposite side, just walk over."

"It's so convenient, so in the future, will we be able to go to the mainland to play casually."

The militia sneered: "Huh, you think too much, let alone how expensive this thing is. You have to pay ten gold coins once you use it. The average person can't use it at all. Only big businessmen and people with status can use it. Just say that. , Do you think anyone can use it."

"Isn't that a space door, why can't it be used?" Everyone was puzzled.

The militia said indifferently: "First, the space door needs to be opened, which consumes more energy. Second, the space door is continuous. It can pass many people continuously, and the smaller number is simply a waste."

After a pause, the militia continued: "I heard that this space gate is basically used by army soldiers for rapid transfer. Others can use it, but they must make a great contribution to the territory and receive the Medal of Honor. ."

In Chinan's territory, there are not so many cross medals, only one kind, and that is the Medal of Honor. Anyone who has made a great contribution to the territory will receive a Medal of Honor. Contribute next time, get another one. On the back of the Medal of Honor, the time and event of the Medal of Honor will be engraved.

All this represents only honor, not a status symbol like the Cross Medal.

But now it's different. Everyone knows that without the Medal of Honor, you can't use the space gate, you can only use the ordinary teleportation array. In many cases, this is a very delay, especially when dealing with bulk goods.

At this time, many people began to think carefully. At this moment, a bright light suddenly lit up on the square, and then the light turned black. In the void, a black plane appeared out of nowhere.

Not long after, the sound of running came from the other side, and a group of soldiers in red armor ran out from the other side. "Very good space door test is completed, you can use it, the effect is good, continue to test the next one." Then the soldiers ran back again and disappeared in front of people's eyes. Now, everyone around believed the effect of this thing.

At the same time not only overseas, but also some floating cities and large inland cities have built different types of space gates and teleportation arrays. On the half-elf empire, a happy space gate was completed.

From then on, to transport goods to the half-elf empire, you no longer have to fly a long distance, just go through the space channel. As for the half-elf empire, some people are not at ease, so they don't care about their own business.

All in all, with the help of space channels and teleportation arrays, the traffic inside and outside the entire territory has become more convenient and faster. The sacred tree collar once again entered a period of faster development.

"If the empires and kingdoms weren't worried about us using this method to deal with them, and not letting us build space channels in the past, our trade network would be more developed." An official said to Chi Nan.

Chi Nan waved his hand indifferently: "Don't worry about them, they will naturally come and beg us to build when they see the benefits. Now, we should develop ourselves first. Well, that's it."

Chi Nan frowned suddenly, because just now, another new plane was discovered. It's just that this time the new plane was discovered not by the main plane coordinate tree, but by the bug plane. Reading Net

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