The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1102: There are many planes connected here

It didn't take long for the analysis to be completed. "The concentration of elements in this world is very high, and there are even more comprehensive types of elements than the types we have collected so far. There are even some special elements. Don't know the specific role?"

Chi Nan was surprised in his heart, the world seemed to be a little different. "According to the calculation of curvature, this world is very huge, dozens of times or even larger than our main plane, which is really exaggerated."

I don't know if this is good luck or bad luck. Such a big world can definitely bring greater benefits and help to myself. But the shortcomings are also very obvious, that is, the power level of this world must be very high. It is not difficult for oneself to take root here, but it is difficult for one to gain a certain status.

"The element concentration is dozens of times that of the main plane. How did this develop? According to calculations, there is a possibility that there may be more than one demigod in this world."

When the analysis reached this point, Chi Nan was even more shocked, extremely surprised in his heart. "No, I have to break through to the demigod level as soon as possible. I can't wait, otherwise it will definitely be unsafe."

From Chi Nan's point of view, the demigod was simply more pressured than the gods. Because it is not easy for the gods to come into the general low-level planes, but the demigods are different. The demigod has no restrictions in this area, and can perfectly display his strength. A demigod is much stronger than the power projected by the beetle god.

At least by virtue of himself now, he is not an opponent at all, his plant army is also vulnerable in the eyes of the opponent.

Before long, some black spots in the distance flew over. These black spots look like clouds, on top of which are some weird buildings made of stone, and the overall appearance is circular.

This is a weird style that I have never seen before. It looks full of strange gorgeousness, but it also feels a little too simple.

After a while, an old man walked out of the building and stood on the balcony. The flying weird building also slowly landed. Through the incarnation, Chi Nan could feel a huge threat.

"Legend level mages, and flying mage towers that can provide legend level mages, or something similar to mage towers, this world is really dangerous." Chi Nan thought silently in his heart.

A strange light radiated from the building and quickly spread.

When it landed completely, the light disappeared. The old mage looked at Chi Nan, with a difficult expression on the corner of his mouth that seemed to be smiling. "Welcome to the Alchemy League. I am Francis, the local representative of the Alchemy League. The first time you come to the Alchemy League, you need to be checked to make sure that you are not an aggressive race."

Chi Nan's expression was taken aback, what was going on, couldn't he see this spatial passage. And what is the Alchemy Alliance? Is it an organization of alchemists?

And Chi Nanxian, the old man, speaks very special. He speaks an ancient language, and he can understand it. But just as he spoke, the old man's mental power produced a special vibration next to him.

Chi Nan was certain that even if he didn't understand the other party's language, he would know what the other party wanted to express.

"Hello, we are explorers from the Sacred Tree Empire, and I am the King of the Sacred Tree Empire."

The old man nodded slightly: "A special avatar, like our alchemy avatar, I know, this is for safety. But no matter what, we still have to test it."

Chi Nan sighed, the situation is better than others, there is no way. "Well, I agree, how do I need to test."

The other party can even see that his natural incarnation is not the deity, this technique is a bit too high.

"Don't worry, our Alchemy Alliance is a multi-plane alliance. Our plane is connected to many other planes. There were also many people from other planes who came to our plane before. As long as you are not an aggressive race, Anyone can join the embrace of the alliance. However, to enter the alliance assembly requires a certain amount of strength."

"The Alchemist Alliance is dominated by alchemists, but strength is always the most important. The legendary level can be added to the Alliance Council to make some decisions. If you want to enter the core of the alliance and become a decision maker, you need to become a demigod. ."

Chi Nan was surprised: "Become a demigod? How many demigods are there in the alliance."

The old man said indifferently: "There are six demigods in the alliance on the bright side, and a few are unwilling to join and drift away.

Okay, that's six. Compared with them, his territory is nothing at all now. Sure enough, among the many planes, he has just started, and he is not qualified to compete with those powerful forces.

But an alliance formed by a large number of planes is really interesting. Perhaps, I can set up a similar organization in the future. Forget it, Chi Nan suddenly shook his head, after all, his side is different from the other party. The opponent is the main alchemist, but he is the main one, and the plants he controls are the best subordinates.

After introducing the alliance, the old man waved and threw a special contract in front of him.

"Signing this contract is the basis of our mutual trust. This contract guarantees that it will not cause any harm to you during the investigation, nor will it reveal any of your secrets."

After all, this is the first time the two parties have met, and no one will believe anyone. This kind of contract is the most effective protection. Moreover, it is impossible for Franci to enter the opponent's plane himself, this is to prevent the opponent from being left behind.

No matter how strong the league is, if you die then really nothing needs to be said.

After a glance, after confirming that there was no problem, Chi Nan directly used Soul Fluctuation to sign a contract. The contract came into effect. At this moment, both parties were relieved. Such contact between different planes is something that no one dares to take lightly.

Franci waved his hand, and some puppets walked out and walked into the space channel. These puppets were all made by Franci. It can be seen that this old guy is also an alchemist, and very powerful.

Chi Nan didn't know what strength a legendary alchemist could wield, but it was definitely not simple. Everyone knows that alchemists are the strangest group of people, and they always have all kinds of strange props in their hands.

And Chi Nan has also seen the method of testing. Those puppets will randomly look for some people, whether they are civilians or executives, they can easily hypnotize them, and then get various information from the depths of their brains. ...


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