The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1104: Get to know each other and prepare to join

Franci directly stopped his aircraft next to him, and the next day, someone built a large number of buildings nearby. Chi Nan was an eye-opener, and the construction of this plane also had a different style.

A large number of alchemy products, like the most professional engineering team, in less than a day, a huge palace and outbuildings were built. This degree is simply faster than the growth of his own plants.

Of course, Chi Nan's actions also shocked Franci. He never thought that there would be ways to use plants to grow into various buildings. Although the construction is not so fast, it is convenient to construct. Just sprinkle the seeds and set the shape to allow these plants to grow freely.

Franci knows that for a small number of construction manufacturers, his own degree is much faster than the other's. But the number is different, no matter how much the number is, the actual construction degree is the same, because they are all planted and can grow at the same time.

And you have to invest in various materials and alchemy puppets, otherwise you can only build them in batches. From this point of view, the other party can actually live by himself. How did that little plane give birth to such a monster?

Perhaps, the alliance will join another powerful branch. Thinking of this, Franci was even more happy. As the leader of himself, the better Chi Nan is, the greater the contribution he brings to the alliance, the more benefits he will benefit from.

As a result, Franci was more enthusiastic about Chi Nan's attitude. From Francis's side, Chi Nan also gradually gained a deeper understanding of the entire league. This plane used to be one of its own, with masters emerging in endlessly, and wars continued. Until one day, a powerful mage opened a channel to other planes.

From this day on, the war broke out. Because that plane is a plane controlled by an evil god. During the war, the power of the entire plane gradually integrated, and finally an alliance was formed, which was similar to the bug plane.

The difference is that the power of this plane is more powerful, and there are several demigods. But even so, the war with the opponent is still at a disadvantage. Until later, this mage joined the alchemist to open up other channels.

After finding one plane after another, and occupying it, or uniting with the people inside, it gained enough power to regain the disadvantages of the war bit by bit.

Chi Nan generally understood that because there were powerful enemies, when they opened up other planes, they had no courage to conduct two-line combat, so they could only choose to cooperate with the other side. The opponent's strength is far from their opponents, so naturally they dare not do anything. In addition, there is a stronger enemy, so there is a foundation for the two sides to unite.

And as more and more planes join, the final alliance is formed. In the most powerful period, there were nine demigods in the alliance. At that time, the war between them and the other side was really wave after wave, and there were battles every day.

It was only later that the war gradually eased down, and the losses on one's side were great, and the losses on the other side were also very great. Although the war continued, it remained relatively calm.

At this time, the alliance finally gained more time to develop, so more and more planes were registered and entered the alliance's sight. Chi Nan didn't expect that he would come directly to the plane of the Alliance Headquarters this time.

"In other words, up to the present position, the war with that powerful plane has not stopped and continues. Even because of the perennial war, the space channel has expanded, and there is no way to disconnect it. The space channel itself has formed a A huge plane, like a space dedicated to war."

Chi Nan thought silently in his heart, although this plane seems to be safe, the external pressure is not small. Their existence is no different from the bug plane, but it is relatively stable.

Because of the tremendous role that alchemists played in the war, the industry of alchemists developed extremely fast. Today, the alchemist has become the mainstream of the entire plane.

This is why this alliance is called an alchemy alliance. Not only is the number of alchemists the most powerful, but it is also the reason why they rely on alchemy products the most.

But after so many years of exhibition, a lot of materials needed for alchemy have also been consumed. And the more they consume, the more materials they need, so they look for more other planes as their source of materials. Chi Nan thought silently in his heart, it seems that this alchemist's exhibition has begun to affect the balance of this plane.

The consumption of resources is a huge problem that no plane can ignore. In this way, in this world, I can quickly make a lot of contributions. Because he has nothing else, countless cannon fodder.

Plant army and alchemy products can be different. The former requires a lot of time to manufacture and also consumes a lot of resources. And your own army of plants, as long as you have soil and seeds. With sufficient magic power, even the sun can be omitted. If one's own army of plants were put on the battlefield of this world, one's own contribution would be great.

At that time, all kinds of powerful plant materials that I need will continue to be sent to myself. In the record, the entire plane is connected to at least twenty ectopic planes.

Among so many planes, the number of various special plants produced is definitely not a decimal.

Thinking of this, Chi Nan found Franci directly and agreed to join the alliance. And Franci finally breathed a sigh of relief. In the past few days, he has fully seen the extent of the plant exhibition.

This matter He has already explained to the people above, the above command is to stabilize the opponent with all his strength, must let Chi Nan join the alliance, and absolutely cannot be an enemy. For such a long time, Franci kept communicating with Chi Nan and finally succeeded.

No way, for a researcher who doesn't communicate with the outside world very much, life during this period is really exhausting. Speaking of which, even Chi Nan doesn't like this kind of social activities very much.

After determining his purpose, Chi Nan began to mobilize manpower to flood the world. The natives without the plane of bugs come from their true subordinates. The natives of the bug plane still don't know that their plane is connected to other planes. Chi Nan plans to find a suitable time to announce these things.

Anyway, the number of indigenous people is small, and their strength is not very strong. The fighting during this period has reduced their strength a lot. What can I do if I know it. ...


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