The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1114: New missions, conquer new planes

"So you discussed my problem last time in a meeting." From this, you can find the record of the last meeting. &1t;/

Franci said with some embarrassment: "Haha, every member who joins the alliance needs to go through an inspection. I didn't tell you before. This is because the inspection period is like this. I also experienced it at the beginning."&1t;/

Suddenly, Franci became serious: "This matter can't be spread out. If someone joins in the future, we will still use this method to investigate. This is responsible for the entire alliance and also for ourselves." &1t ;/

Chi Nan nodded slightly: "I know, don't worry, I'm not angry."&1t;/

He knew that this was Franci who was warning him. If he was angry or resentful, there might be another mechanism behind it. Chi Nan didn't believe that if he was an outsider who just joined casually, the Alliance would be so at ease with him. So, there is definitely another way to continue testing yourself. &1t;/

Perhaps this method is not even known to Francis and the others, and it is possible that even they themselves are being monitored. But it's enough to know this kind of thing, why do you have to say it to offend people. &1t;/

Continuing to look through it, Chi Nan was suddenly surprised: "Unexpectedly, the alliance's materials are already scarce to this point. Most of the alchemy weapons you use are still models from a long time ago, because there are no resources."&1t;/

Franci looked helpless: "Yes, except for you this time, the last time the resource planes were discovered was still more than a hundred years ago. Unfortunately, the resources have been mined almost. Even if it is so economical, it still won't work. Yours The plane, let’s not talk about it, after the beetle **** rages, there is nothing left on your side except some ore."&1t;/

Chi Nan knew that ore was still needed by the Alliance. After all, what alchemy needed most was all kinds of metals extracted from ore. But the magic crystal mine was ruined by the beetle, and nothing was left. &1t;/

What really makes them look down on is because the sacred tree plane is too small to produce too many high-grade metals. So, it seems that my tin tree can be opened. Chi Nan thought of it silently. &1t;/

I don't know how popular the metal extracted from the tin tree is in the league, maybe I can get it out by myself. But it doesn't work now. First, you need to understand the market. Second, if this thing benefits them too much, you can't keep it now. At least, you have to wait until you have broken through the demigod level before they dare not act rashly. &1t;/

Um, then it is decided, iron bark and similar plants cannot be brought out to let them know for the time being. In fact, the tin tree should also be a special kind of mutant plant, because only the main plane's own territory appeared at the beginning. &1t;/

Switching to other planes, Chi Nan hasn't found anything similar until now. Moreover, the iron bark was born from the improvement of ordinary plants, and it has a lot of luck. &1t;/

Other plants have also been tried, but they have not succeeded in any way. Sometimes, the world is so wonderful. &1t;/

"There is one more thing. Now that you have joined the alliance, you also need to do something for the alliance. Every member who joins the alliance is a combat power of the alliance, and this combat power is reflected in the outside world."&1t; /

Chi Nan looked strange: "Outside? Do you want me to join the ranks of fighting those alliance enemies. But I don't even know what the alliance enemies are. Are you sure I will just pass by?"&1t;/

Franci said quickly: "Of course not. Although you are also obligated to fight against those things, you don't use it now. At least this year, or even next year, there won't be too large-scale wars on the opposite side. Moreover, your plant weapons still need a certain amount. Time test, when the test is almost done, someone will notify you to participate."&1t;/

This is just not trusting oneself, or not trusting one's own plant weapons. After all, their own plant weapons appeared in this world for the first time, and they also needed to go through a lot of actual combat. &1t;/

Chi Nan knows very well that this is a war related to the survival of this plane. Once a problem occurs locally, the consequences will be very serious. Just don't let yourself know the inside story, will this also be a test? &1t;/

Suddenly, Franci handed himself a piece of information: "This is the mission given to you by the Alliance. You need to take your people to conquer this new plane. There is no such thing as too powerful in this plane. It is very suitable. Newcomers participate. After you conquer this plane, this plane belongs to you personally, but the resources inside belong to the alliance."&1t;/

Well, this is a means of the Alliance to encourage the conquest of other planes. Resources, this range can be large. All kinds of daily necessities used by people as small as ordinary people, as large as mineral vein materials, and population can be regarded as resources. &1t;/

Even if it is worse, even stone soil can be used as a resource. However, Chi Nan didn't say anything. Perhaps in their view, resources are the most important, but from Chi Nan's view, plants are always the most important. &1t;/

At this moment, Franci suddenly said again: "By the way, to remind you, when conquering the plane, it is best to conquer thoroughly, conquering from the beginning to place, and completely bring the entire plane into your own control. No matter it is. Bright face or dark face is good for the future, although I don’t know what good is it?"&1t;/

"Why? Where did you hear this." Chi Nan was very strange. &1t;/

"When I listened to two demigods talking, they let me hear them when they leaked. I just don't know the specific function, I only know that even those demigods are very eager."&1t;/

"Then those demigods got control of this what happened later?"&1t;/

Franci shook his head and said: "There is no birth. To be precise, none of the demigods meets such requirements. Moreover, not all planes meet the requirements, but those planes do not meet the requirements, I don't know this." &1t;/

Chi Nan wrote it down secretly. I'm afraid that there are some things that he wouldn't be able to know if he doesn't reach the level of a demigod. However, when he conquered the plane, he always controlled it completely without leaving any hidden dangers. &1t;/

At least, within the scope of his own knowledge, Chi Nan will not leave hidden dangers. "Okay, I see, I will pay attention." Chi Nan took the piece of information. There are space coordinates on it, and there is also a space channel controlled by the alliance. It's just that the channel is far away from my position, so I don't need to go, I just open a channel on the spot. &1t;/...


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