The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1117: The main enemies are the tortoise and the water tiger

Generally speaking, the information has been collected, and after some local conflicts, Miria gradually took control of the situation on the opposite side, and began to adjust some configurations of underwater weapons in a targeted manner.

Of course, this is not Miria's own job, they don't have Chi Nan's kind of work, and they can easily adjust the ability of experimentation with just a few thoughts. Miria led her team to test and adjust together, which took a long time to complete. If Chi Nan did it by himself, it would take just one day.

But after all, Chi Nan's mind is only his own, not as big as the brains that so many people gather.

Some thoughts of many people, even Chi Nan felt bright. Sure enough, there are more people, and all kinds of sparks of thought will be generated. It is absolutely impossible to rely on yourself alone.

"Our main enemies are these two, at least this part of the sea where we are, should be like this."

Miria said to Chi Nan and the others: "The sea on this plane is very deep, the exact depth is unknown, but we descended below 30,000 meters, but we still did not detect the bottom. It is expected that it should be deeper."

"There are many floating islands underwater, which are only used by many underwater creatures to inhabit and multiply, and they are also the focus of underwater creatures' competition. But this is meaningless to us, because we can build out of thin air at any time. The enemy is the strongest. The big one is this tortoise, and the other is this water tiger."

Two creatures appeared in the screen. A huge tortoise, although it's a tortoise, it's absolutely different. Because the tortoise's body is translucent, as if it were made of black gems.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's really hard to imagine such a beautiful tortoise.

And this tortoise is not easy to mess with, the sharp claws can easily break open very hard things. So it is a tortoise, not a sea turtle. A strong stream of water can be spit out from the mouth. This current is not a normal current, but a special kind of magic. The most powerful turtle, the water spit out can even affect the operation of the field.

But the tortoise hadn't reached the legendary level yet, this terrifying ability to control water flow was shocking.

On the other side is the water tiger, which is the name given by Miria, because this thing is somewhat similar to a tiger. The whole body is white with black lines, as if it were a white tiger. But these water tigers are bigger.

Adult water tigers can reach a length of thirty to fifty meters, second only to those turtles in size. Yes, the tortoise is bigger. The water tiger has webbed feet and sharper claws.

These water tigers can also attack by natural magic, but they are not remote, but they control the water flow by their side, so that they can defend and attack. This underwater is basically the territory of both of them.

"The deeper the water, the greater the water pressure. This is not something ordinary organisms can bear. However, these two organisms cannot go ashore and can only survive in the water. So a habitat that can be used for reproduction is very important. Those suspensions The special islands in the water are the breeding grounds that they must fight for, and the main battle between them comes from this."

Miria is also very clear about this, such a long time to gather intelligence, it is not fake. Even before, for a huge underwater mobile base, the two sides had a big fight underwater.

"I have to say that this thing is indeed very dangerous. Under this kind of water pressure, it is no wonder that the Alliance is not willing to come to this plane to maintain this strength. If this is replaced by someone else, there is really no way to conquer this plane."

Chi Nan looked at the information on these two creatures while analyzing. First, the turtle with the largest number is actually the tortoise, and the strongest individual is also the tortoise. It sounds like these tortoises are the strongest. But in fact the opposite is true, because these turtles are basically crushed by the water tiger, and in most cases, the water tiger is the dominant one.

I think that turtles have strong reproductive ability. Like ordinary turtles, they can lay a lot of tortoise eggs each time. Each time it hatches, it is a large area, so the number of tortoises is the largest.

But the growth cycle of tortoises is too long. I don't know how long it will take to grow up. Although he grows up, his strength is far better than that of the water tiger, and while his defense is strong, he will be able to attack more successfully, and his melee combat is not bad. But often most tortoises die under the hands of the water tiger before they grow to that level.

On the contrary, water tigers are viviparous, their reproductive ability is not as strong as tortoises, and their cubs need to be taken care of, which is more troublesome. But the advantage is that the growth of the water tiger clan is very fast.

If it takes more than a hundred years for tortoises to grow up, then it only takes about ten years for these water tigers to grow up. Because there are a lot of numbers on both sides, the tortoise is usually below.

But similarly, because the lifespan of the tortoise is very long, the lifespan of this Warcraft turtle is longer. So there seems to be some old monsters among the tortoises, and they are very powerful. Although he didn't show up, he could feel that the water tigers were actually scrupulous. It is precisely because of this that the tortoise cannot be exterminated and can always maintain a certain territory.

The two sides have been fighting each other for so many years and have become the main race in the entire sea. Moreover, when the two sides are catching other food, they basically treat the other side as food, and this hatred is even stronger.

Perhaps the members at the bottom do not have much wisdom, but as their strength reaches the silver level, even monsters will have wisdom. Therefore, this situation of feeding on each other is also tacitly approved by them.

"Can we clean them up?" Chi Nan raised his head and asked Miria spread her hands: "Water tigers are nothing, after all, our growth rate is faster than their reproduction rate. Many. But those tortoises are very troublesome. Especially the large tortoises, the shells on their bodies are too hard."

The defensive force is strong, so there is no way for your own underwater weapons to create obvious damage. There is no way. Although he has a powerful weapon that can have an effect on the existence of the legendary level, it is basically useless underwater. In such deep waters, these weapons are only against the environment, I am afraid they can't keep them for long.

"Why don't the Alchemy Alliance send people to this place? Don't they have very powerful alchemical weapons. I don't believe that those things are not as powerful as our plant weapons." Sophia said with some confusion.

Chi Nan was also helpless: "It's not that they refused to come, but because the price-performance ratio is not enough."...


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