The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1131: Slinka is back at night

The ocean plane temporarily stopped opening, maintaining the existing turf. Although he didn't know what the old tortoise thought, Chi Nan knew that as long as he gave in, the tortoise would not continue to attack him.

Perhaps the tortoise race has always done this. Fortunately, there is no such a powerful existence on the water tiger. However, the water tiger has no demigod master but can survive till now, which also shows the character of those tortoises.

Anyway, the site that still exists is already very large, and a variety of seafood is very rich. There is no danger in the seabed, as it can produce a large amount of resources needed by one's own territory, so it's good to continue to stay in place for the time being. Now that he has no strength, he can only give up temporarily, Chi Nan put his gaze on the plane of the undead, that is his own plane.

At this time, the plane of the undead had undergone a lot of transformation, and a lot had been restored. On the territory where he is, he can see countless virgin forests and many kinds of plant weapons at any time.

In addition, the wood spirit leading the plant weapon also walked around, a peaceful atmosphere. It's just that during this period of time, because he didn't pay much attention to it, Chi Nan didn't know much about the current changes there.

"What happened to the Undead Plane? Tell me about the news over there."

The person in charge of the Undead Plane is the bald old man. Hearing Chi Nan’s words, he immediately replied: "Lord Lord, the Undead Plane has been developed very smoothly. We have more legendary masters. Now the edge of the three big six is ​​basically close to our In hand."

Chi Nan nodded: "Very well, hurry up, wait until the four edge 6s are occupied, don't attack the central 6s for now, and spend a little time to accumulate troops." Because of this defeat, Chi Nan faced the plane of the dead. Be more cautious.

I don't know why, although the plane consciousness of the undead plane did not tell him that there are demigods among the undead, but Chi Nan always feels that the center of the big six seems to be something wrong. In that case, it's okay to postpone some time.

"Sir." The bald-headed father has a very calm personality, and he doesn't mean to take risks.

After this period of training, on the plane of the undead, his own legendary guards and other legendary masters have improved their power by leaps and bounds. There are legendary undead as opponents, and even they are sometimes reluctant to kill the enemy. Just trap the enemy, and then take turns in battle, constantly improving their abilities through battle.

By now, except for those legends who just broke through, everyone else has basically mastered their own power. Now even if you are fighting with those old legendary masters, I believe it will not easily fall into the disadvantage.

If you want to wield a stronger force, it won't be possible for a while.

The plane of the undead is very stable, the plane of the holy tree has long been taken, and it is still developing smoothly. The alliance can only make arrangements for itself, and there is no way to expand its influence too much. On the main plane, there seems to be nothing wrong.

On the main plane, he already has a very high status and strong strength, but it is very difficult to take it down. The most important thing is that because Chinan has always lived here, Chinan has a feeling of being tied up.

Anyway, before others came to provoke him, Chi Nan didn't want to start a large-scale war here. Now it seems that he has nothing to do for the time being, and Chi Nan suddenly feels a little bored.

But the next moment, Chi Nan will not be bored. Because Miria suddenly said to He Chi Nan: "The patriarch, Sister Slinka Ye just said that she is coming back, and the battle on the Plain of the Undead is over."

"Wh, what? Slinka is coming back by night?" Chi Nan's expression changed slightly when he thought of what he had said the other day. Even the heart is beating, and I don't know why there is a weird longing in my heart.

"Yeah, we also just learned that there is nothing going on at Silka Yee, so we are coming back. You have to solve this matter as soon as possible, otherwise Silka walks around at night, there will definitely be some problems. "

Sophia said quietly beside Chi Nan. Now that Hemira is preparing to negotiate, Weiweisi also followed. Sophia is the only one who can do this. Thinking of Hermilla's explanation to herself before leaving, Sophie's eyes became much firmer. Whether it is for yourself or for Chi Nan, you must take it down.

"Haha, um, isn't that joking." Chi Nan suddenly flinched in his heart.

"You won't be scared anymore. If you say it clearly, then you must do it. Otherwise, how about I help you." Sophia's eyes flashed so that Chi Nan couldn't understand it. Light.

"No, no need, okay, okay, I will come by myself. You are also true, aren't you just a woman? See me take her down and show you." Chi Nan felt that he seemed to be despised.

As a lord, as a demigod, how can he be despised by others and still be despised by his own woman? Isn't that embarrassing? Chi Nan didn't even know that he would say such a thing when his brain was hot. After speaking out, Chi Nan regretted a bit, but also felt that he didn't know why he was relieved.

"By the way, you didn't mean to test me like this on purpose." Chi Nan suddenly said in a somewhat unconfident voice.

"Temptation? What temptation, why temptation. It is good for everyone to join us, and you don't want to keep hiding from her. I heard that elves are very sensitive. If you keep hiding from her, time What should I do if Slinka night becomes disgusted with you." The elf is very sensitive, and it is no secret.

Chi Nan lowered his head: " If it is really like that, it won't be good." The long-standing outlook on life and the reluctance in Chi Nan's heart rushed back and forth into his heart. I want to follow the idea in my heart, but I feel something is wrong.

"What are you worrying about? I really don't know why you are so troublesome. Other people have so many women and lovers, and they are not like you. Even the elves don't reject this."

Chi Nan was taken aback. Of course he knew what he was worrying about. After all, the education he had received was different since he was a child. This is not the earth, and you cannot think according to the way of thinking of the earth, but Chi Nan is still very entangled.

"Well, since it's not the original world anymore, just go to the countryside. This time, you can't let the woman take the initiative." Thinking of the situation of the previous women, Chi Nan feels full of shame even now. . To find this site, please search for "6 Mao" or enter the URL:....


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