The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1155: The road to becoming a **** is not easy

"So, I don't know what route the leaders are taking." Chi Nan wants to find some insights from their routes, which may be of great help to him in the future.

Just hearing Chi Nan say this, Curiai smiled bitterly: "Which way to take? As long as we have a way to go, it's good. Who cares about which way. Even if you become a god, as long as there is a **** willing, We will not hesitate to turn back. Even if we are used as cannon fodder, there is at least a glimmer of hope." She didn't expect her to say that.

"Why is it like this? Do you know how to become a **** and you can't get through it?"

"Know what, the road to becoming a **** is too difficult. It is almost impossible to rely on your own power. Relying on your own power is the most difficult, because it requires at least a hundred times the power of a semi-god, how many people can gather such a huge The power of it."

A hundred times, so exaggerated? Even Chi Nan was taken aback. There was only so much power. Although the power he had gathered was exaggerated, Chi Nan didn't know if he could get through this path.

"What about other methods? For example, having a plane or something."

"Owning a plane, this is the easiest way. But this method is not easy to succeed. First, the power of this plane must be strong enough, at least it must be able to cultivate a few demigods, otherwise the plane's origin is not enough."

Chi Nan nodded. Although the plane of the undead was half dead, it still had this level.

"Secondly, this plane must completely belong to you, whether in name or in the world. When you have complete control of the entire plane and almost no one will dislike it, you can become a child of this plane. In this plane, enjoy the closeness and power bonus of the entire plane consciousness."

After a pause, Kuriai's eyes changed: "Then, you can use this kind of closeness to extract the power of the plane consciousness without paying attention to the plane consciousness, and forcibly use the origin of this plane to make yourself a god. "

"But remember that this method will damage the plane, and even severely it will cause the level of the plane to drop, and it will take a long time to recover. So once you do this, you must be fast. Because the plane It takes a little time for consciousness to react, and it will be backlashed. Many people who walked this way in the past were eventually backlashed to death by plane consciousness."

Chi Nan nodded lightly. He was not a son of a plane, but a master of the plane. Even if it damages the plane, it won't be backlashed. It seems that this road can be taken by itself.

"Is there any difference between relying on the origin of the plane and your own strength?" This must be asked clearly.

"Of course it's different. After all, the origin of the plane is not its own strength. The use of external forces to condense the laws is repulsive from oneself, and there is no way to tap out one's full potential. In terms of strength, it is better to rely entirely on one's own. These are these. I am not very clear, but these are all valuable experiences left by the predecessors."

It turns out that this is the case. It seems that I have to work hard first to see if I can rely on my own strength to break through. After all, I am different. If it doesn't work, then you can only rely on the origin of the plane and think about the future.

But Chi Nan didn't show it. If they knew it, this was the road to becoming a god, and God knew how they would deal with him. Demigods are not without desires. When they meet the conditions they need, they will be crazier than anyone else.

"Is there only these two methods?" Chi Nan asked cautiously.

"Of course not, otherwise, how could there be so many gods? The first type is almost impossible to do, and the second type is also problematic. That is, for a long period of time, only one **** can appear on a plane. Because the original power of the plane is limited, it takes time to restore the original." This is normal.

It's like one's own undead plane, even if you kill it yourself, you won't be able to recover it for a while. At least, hundreds of years are definitely needed.

If it weren't for the demigod level, his life span was unlimited, no one could wait for such a long time. What Chi Nan didn't know was that it was because his plants had a special relationship. If you change to the plane to restore the original source by yourself, it may be tens of thousands of years. Even if the level of the plane drops, it will never be possible to replenish enough if the level does not increase.

"There is the last method to rely on external forces, but this method is generally not necessary and no one is willing to choose. That is faith, with the help of the power of the belief of sentient beings, forcibly involving the law, condensing into one's own strength."

"But faith is a power that gods can use. Demigods cannot be purified. What they can collect is only messy beliefs. When many demigods absorb faith, they will be turned into lunatics by the messy information. Most demigods walk away. This way, they will eventually become evil gods, because before they become gods, their spirits are already confused."

There was such a statement, and Chi Nan was shocked. But suddenly, Chi Nan found that he seemed to be able to go that way. The tree of life that I have just transformed is itself a filter of faith.

I just don't know the specific situation. If there is no impurities, I can really use it.

"Moreover, by using this method, the achievement is also the belief in God. Even after the most dangerous moment, in order to strengthen oneself and ensure one's godhood, we must work hard to develop believers. In the end, it is very likely that they will be assimilated by believers' beliefs. , Lose yourself."

Kuriai sighed: "The gods who follow the path of faith and become gods can finally get rid of the shackles of faith. I have not heard of them. There seem to be some legends, but those methods are not So, is no one in this world taking this path?" Anyway, this is also a way.

"Yes, why not, I want to become a god, this is what any demigod wants. But it doesn't work on our plane. Once someone walks this way, he will become the enemy of the right and left. There is an abyss outside of us. Threat, if someone is turned into a lunatic by faith and destroys in the plane, no one wants to see this."

That's why it's no wonder that all the demigods are concentrated. It seems that it is not only to keep a group to keep warm, but also to monitor each other. For their own safety, anyone who dares to absorb faith will be besieged by others.

It seems that the people from the Abyss plane are not only disadvantaged when attacking. I don't know why, Chi Nan suddenly felt sorry for these people. They didn't even have the chance to try even the most dangerous path because of the situation. ...


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