The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1166: The tree of life responds

Everyone can only get one element pet, and it must be of the same attributes to bear it. Chi Nan didn't know the specific situation before, but now Chi Nan can feel it.

Once an elemental pet is created, it is equivalent to deriving a special existence from one's own soul. The core of this elemental pet is connected to his soul. You must have the same element attributes as your pets to form a contract-like channel, otherwise you won’t even have a complete opportunity.

Before reaching the demigod, Chi Nan really couldn't feel it. But if there are too many elemental pets, then their soul will completely collapse. Therefore, this thing cannot be used by Hermilla.

However, through Chi Nan's own perception, it was discovered that the materials at the level of the demigod were not something ordinary people could bear. There must be a water element mage, and at least to reach the legendary peak, to be able to carry it.

And in effect, it should not be as good as the golden level carrying the legendary level, this is because of the repulsion of divine nature. Each person's divinity is unique, and the higher the difficulty does not mean that the elemental creatures perform better. Divine rejection, that kind of pressure is no small matter, it seems that this thing seems a bit wasteful.

But Chi Nan didn't worry much, because he had already had other ideas, and that was the tree of life.

The tree of life can directly produce elemental spirits, which are also made of elements, which may be useful. If it is really useless, put it with your turtle and store it as a material in the future.

Anyway, that tortoise demigod was originally the existence that Chi Nan wanted to solve. Even if Chi Nan didn't want to use this thing, his subordinates would basically not use it, but it would be no problem to sell it to the legendary masters of the Alchemy Alliance.

There are many legendary masters in the Alchemy League, and you can definitely find one that meets your requirements. Moreover, with this piece of material, it is very possible to create a water attribute demigod mage, and that value is very much. The entire alchemy alliance, plus his own only sixteen demigods, each is a precious resource, and they can't help but not be tempted.

And adding an elemental pet of the same level, it is equivalent to having two demigods born at the same time, the effect is very terrible.

After Chi Nan took the materials and talked with others on the crystal board, he flew to the place close to the entrance. That's right, it's flying, and Chi Nan is flying by himself.

In fact, legendary level masters can already fly. But without flying skills, relying on its own, it can only fly for a short time, and the power consumption is not small, so few people can fly.

Unless it is needed during battle, everyone is walking on the ground. But when it comes to a demigod, it's different. The flying ability of a demigod is almost an instinct. It doesn't consume much, and the flight speed is not slow. In the past, when he was with other people, Chi Nan was still accustomed to riding in an airship, but he didn't have so much scruples by himself.

Chinan, who made the first long-distance flight, is now able to fly much faster than the Green Leaf Flying Dragon and Airship. "Sure enough, it feels best to fly by yourself, although it's not that comfortable." Chi Nan said hypocritically.

"I have a reaction, great, I know it will definitely work." When Chi Nan came to the tree of life, it suddenly appeared that the tree of life was trembling. This kind of reaction is indeed correct.

"I only need the core of the elemental demigod, wait, this feeling is... Forget it, wait until I try it out." Chi Nan narrowed his eyes, and now it seems not very good to give the core directly.

In that case, the demigod that was created before was still the elemental demigod before, and he couldn't leave this world, because it was still a special elemental creature created with the help of this world. At most, it's just that you can control it in this world. But in this world, Chi Nan had no need to use a demigod at all.

Chi Nan took the materials and left the Elemental Plane and came to the outside world. Then he looked for a tree of life in the outside world, but this time, the reaction was weak. "Without the support of World Origin, it is difficult to use?"

Chi Nan's eyes rolled, and he thought silently in his heart. At the same time, they are still communicating with plane consciousness. This kind of direct creation of a demigod is impossible without the help of the origin of the plane.

"In that case, the final result is that you can only steal it." Chi Nan still thought of a way. After becoming a demigod, many things that I didn't understand before suddenly became clear. Everything that I didn't understand now seemed to have become instinct. Planar consciousness does not have too strong subjective consciousness, so many things can be done.

For example, stealing the origin of the plane will definitely be rejected by the power of the plane. But if you steal it while adding it. It's not that Chi Nan can't help it, he has pure power of faith.

As long as it is supplemented with the power of faith, then this face will definitely not reject him, or even react. Said it is stealing, in fact it is almost the same as trading. As for the manufacturing itself, it uses the power of the plane's origin to help, but the things that are manufactured must belong to oneself, and the power of belief will be consumed even more.

"Although the power of faith absorbed for such a long time is not too much, a demigod should be no problem. Unexpectedly, in order to cut off the control of the plane consciousness, a creature of the demigod level is still needed, but it is not a loss. ."

After Chi Nan understood it clearly, he once again came to the Elemental Plane, because it could only be done here. UU reading

However, some materials need to be prepared in advance. Chi Nan gave an order, and the materials that could be collected were almost collected. The tortoise demigod only needs one crystal nucleus for the whole body, not even the heart that he has retained.

Then the tortoise's demigod body can be dealt with. Only when dealing with it, Chi Nan actually found forty-eight beads in the tortoise demigod's body: "I want to come, this is the legendary tortoise bead."

Demigod-level turtle beads, I don't know if they have any effect. When Chi Nan was preparing the materials, he simply took Hemila and the others to experiment with the turtle beads. Not to mention other things, at least this turtle bead is very beautiful. At first glance, you know that this is a very precious treasure, and it is produced by a demigod, and it is definitely a powerful treasure.

Even if it is just used as an ornament or ornament, it is actually not a waste, Chi Nan thought in his heart. ...


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