The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1171: The first independent breakthrough

After coming for two days, after everyone's enthusiasm for the little turtle passed, the water elemental turtle was finally able to get out of it.

At this time, Chi Nan finally announced: "From now on, the accumulation of troops has reached the standard, then the general attack on the plane of the undead will begin. At the same time, the attack will start from four directions. Daddy Bald, here is it for you. In addition, , Olna and Miria both assisted in the past, completely transforming the plane of the undead as much as possible."

"No, I still want to control the ocean plane." Miria immediately raised her hand to object.

Chi Nan waved his hand: "Don't be so troublesome, the ocean plane has basically been taken, and then let others control it. Without the existence of a demigod, the ocean plane is not our opponent."

Without waiting for Miria's objection, Chi Nan opened his mouth and said, "When the affairs on the plane of the undead are over, you should manage the head office on the plane of ocean." Chi Nan really has no choice.

Miria, this little girl, sometimes is very difficult to order. But there is no way, this is the case for both elves and half-elves. In terms of loyalty, Chi Nan didn't doubt it at all, and Miria was different from others.

For a long time, Chi Nan still spoiled Miria very much. Milia pouted and looked aggrieved, but she agreed.

"Also, take this little guy with you. Even if the enemy has a demigod, you don't have to worry about it now."

In fact, the Undead Plane had already accumulated troops, and the reason why it had not attacked was because Chi Nan was worried. The undead plane is much larger than the main plane, and the power of the plane itself is stronger.

No one knows whether there will be a demigod on the plane of undead. At the beginning, Chi Nan had indeed prepared a total of the Undead Plane, but later a demigod appeared on the Ocean Plane, and Chi Nan had to suppress it. If there is a demigod on the plane of the undead, and it is also drawn out, then all of his layout on the plane of the undead will be destroyed.

This time, with the water elemental turtle, Chi Nan didn't worry about anything. Even if the opponent's strength is stronger, he can also play in person. There is always no problem with two playing one.

And Chi Nan's own gaze was still on the side of the Alchemy Alliance. Just joined the Alchemy Alliance and became one of the elders, still guarding a position on the side of the war passage, Chi Nan didn't want any accidents there.

After arranging things, Chi Nan has also been paying attention to the progress of the Undead Plane.

The next day, the whole city suddenly turned golden. "Strange, what gave birth." Many people raised their heads and looked at the golden yellow faces reflected in the sky. After searching carefully, everyone finally found out that this golden yellow color came from the air. A cloud in the sky completely turned into a golden appearance.

At this moment, someone pointed under the clouds and shouted: "Look, what's underneath."

Everyone glanced over, and found that under the cloud, there was a halo that was barely visible to the naked eye. This halo is exactly golden yellow, and the clouds are also dyed into this color by this halo.

At the end of the halo, someone finally appeared, actually coming from the side of the City Lord's Mansion, still inside the City Lord's Mansion. At this time, everyone was relieved. Because this change occurred at the City Lord's Mansion, there was no problem.

This is Hongsha City, the city lord's mansion of Hongsha City, and that is where the demigod lord lives in Chinan. With the existence of this demigod lord, everyone felt unusually stable.

At this moment, Chi Nan also noticed this change, and suddenly the whole person got up. "This is the power of the domain. The new domain will be released because it can't be controlled. Someone has broken through to the realm of legend."

This kind of power spillover situation is not the kind of situation that relies on external forces to force a breakthrough, it is born by relying solely on one's own power to break through. Others who have reached the legendary level have all felt this change.

"Who is it, who has such a great ability to break through to the legendary level." Everyone is very strange.

At this moment, Chi Nan smiled. Looking at the specially prepared retreat on the side, there is only one person in that place now. "Look at the direction of power dissipation, it's over there."

When everyone looked over, Sophia suddenly covered her mouth: "It's Wei Wei Si, Wei Wei Si broke through, great."

That's right, there is only Weiweisi who has been retreating in that place recently. When Weiweisi said that she had touched the edge of the legendary realm, Chi Nan still didn't believe it very much. It seemed that Weiweisi was not having an illusion.

The ability to explode domain power to repel the power of heaven and earth is already a sign of a successful breakthrough into the domain. Sure enough, Weiweisi was talented and had the greatest potential besides Slinka Yee.

Relying solely on one's own strength to break through, this is much better than any external help. Even with the help of the legendary element pet, it is far inferior to this. It's just that Weiweisi is a warrior, and warriors are inherently weak. In the same level of competition, fighters are basically difficult to be the opponents of master type masters.

"Let's go, let's go over and have a look, and welcome Wei Wei Si to leave the customs." Chi Nan said as he walked over there.

Hermilla also nodded quickly: "Well, I really have to congratulate Weiweisi. To break through the legend with her own strength, besides you, Weiweisi is the first in our territory."

Chi Nan shook his head and said, "No, Weiwei is the first one. My situation is special, you know."

Except for the most core secrets, his wives know everything else. After hearing Chi Nan say this, everyone did not refute ~ After all, Chi Nan's situation is indeed so strange.

"You go to prepare a banquet, we have to celebrate tonight." Slinka said to the servant next to her. After coming to Chi Nan's home for so long, Slinka Ye has gradually integrated into the role of the lord's wife. After all, she used to be a princess, even if she had some problems with the identity of the princess, Slinka Yee was still very comfortable with this kind of life.

Sophia also waved her hand and said to one of her men: "Go, comfort the people, and at the same time spread the news to avoid panic. Let those people stop too."

The subordinate nodded quickly and disappeared in a flash. Even if Sophia devolves power, but because of the identity issue, as long as it is Sophia, the intelligence organization under her still dare not show the slightest disobedience.

While arranging, several people have already arrived at Weiweisi's retreat. ...


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