The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1175: Quantity and quantity bump

Hearing Kuriai’s words, Chi Nan said without hesitation: “I’ll go over, after all, you have to see the demons with your own eyes before you can achieve targeted transformation. My plant weapons are all adjusted like this ."

The time here is not very long, but they have also seen the power of plant weapons. And those researchers also know some of the subtle adjustments made to plant weapons. The adjustment range is not very large, but the overall effect on the Abyss Demon is very effective.

For example, the attacking habits of the bush warriors. The powerful toxins of the bush warriors basically have no effect on the abyss demon. Without killing the heart or the brain, the Abyssal Demon is very difficult to kill.

When the habit of adjusting and paying attention to the warriors are all attacking towards the head and heart position, the loss of the abyss demon becomes very large. The adjustment range is not very large, but the effect is indeed very telling.

Recently, all major forces are purchasing plant weapons. Although the number of plant weapons is still very insufficient, the trend of plant weapons replacing alchemy weapons has slowly taken shape. Especially for those soldiers on the front line, many people have already jointly reported that it is necessary to increase the number of plant weapons, especially low-level bases that can automatically produce weapons.

If the quality is not enough, just use the quantity to make up. This is a new style of play they have recently experienced.

Don't worry about the weapon being destroyed, don't worry about the wastage, as long as the brain strikes over. In the past, when they fought such a smooth battle, those alchemy puppets were meant to be used sparingly, for fear of breaking a little.

"I'll go over too, I want to look at this guy to prevent him from cheating." Dragon King Garth also spoke.

"So what about the others," Curiai said, looking at the others around him, but no one wanted to.

Also, after all, they are all demigods, they are the same everywhere, how comfortable they are here. The most important thing is an issue of identity and face. Demigods who like to mix with ordinary people are really rare. This is the same as those nobles who don't like to mix with common people, even if they are used to it, they should avoid other people and avoid being known to laugh at themselves.

It was some inexplicable rules, Chi Nan faintly despised it in his heart. Then, the two people used the space channel to enter the war channel. "Hmph, I will take good care of you."

After Dragon King Garth said fiercely, the air flow oscillated and aroused countless smoke and dust. A huge figure rose into the air and flew towards the distance. This is the body of the Dragon King Garth, a huge dragon with a golden body and a golden dragon.

That's right, the golden dragon has always been the royal clan of the dragon clan, regardless of the plane. And this head is really big enough, much bigger than the dragon skeleton I saw at the beginning.

If this is standing on the ground, the height is at least three kilometers, this is a big mountain in itself. It's just that with such a large body, the strength in the body is not much more than that of himself, and I don't know whether it is strange or strange to the other party. Wait, maybe it has something to do with the plants in your body, the tree itself is also several kilometers in height.

Forget it, no matter what, Chi Nan shook his head and flew towards his own side. Before returning to his position, the abyssal demon in the distance had already attacked. At a glance, there was red and black in the line of sight.

Those abyss demons are mainly red and black, which may have something to do with their environment, but it is more likely because of abyss consciousness, this is Chi Nan's own thoughts.

No matter how cruel it looks, it is always an enemy. On my side, countless soldiers controlling the alchemy magic puppets also greeted the past, and the flying vehicles in the air took off one after another, aiming their muzzles at the opposite side, but they did not attack.

In the first wave, there are some ordinary little demons, and there is no powerful existence. If this is to use a flying vehicle to attack, it would be too wasteful of magic spar energy. Even those airships on his side would not waste their missiles because of these things. The front war fortress basically uses elemental weapons to attack.

If the entity is not consumed, it will only consume a few elements, and it can be restored when there is time, and it can be restored quickly while fighting. In the same way, when the battle started on his side, he also released the army.

Glancing at the endless red and black waves on the horizon, there are green waves on his side. Endless bush warriors and little tree spirits were born at this time. There were also some spider tanks and scorpion tanks in it, forming a seemingly chaotic mixed army, which violently collided with the enemy rushing on the opposite side.

With a "boom", a huge explosion sounded, and then it was as if the sound of the waves hitting the reef was almost the same, but it was more messy and louder. "This is really a battle between quantity and quantity."

Looking at this scene, Chi Nan couldn't help but sigh. I haven't seen this kind of scene for a long time. The last time I was fighting with insects. But these abyss demons are more terrifying, because the abyss demons are not only afraid of death, but also very fanatical.

Even if he is injured or even fatally wounded, he must attack frantically, even more terrifying than his own plants. The body has a strong black breath, with a strong corrosiveness. Even if the core plant brain is not attacked, plants that are seriously injured by attack will be eroded by demonic energy, which will lead to death and withering.

On the battlefield, you can see those demons devouring each other at any time. Devour the dead companion, devour the injured companion. Sometimes even the enemy is still in front of They will devour each other desperately.

Some demons are still devouring the remains of their own plant weapons. After sweeping the past, there weren't many corpses left on the front line, they were all eaten by the demons themselves. It was really a cruel race.

"Wait, what's going on?" Chi Nan suddenly realized that after a demon swallowed his own kind, some changes occurred in his body and he became stronger and stronger. Perceive carefully, the strength of this demon is improving.

"Could it be that these demons evolved by devouring their own kind? No, they seem to be able to swallow other things and evolve. It's a terrible race." Chi Nan saw a demon who had eaten plants, and some plant characteristics appeared on his body. . Sure enough, these demons have evolved and improved using similar methods.

The means of war is not only through combat stimulation, but also a means of providing corpses. ...


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