The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1178: Lurking in the abyss and developing in secret

Batches of special plants entered the other side's territory, and it didn't really attract the other side's attention. Most of the plants, as soon as they penetrated into the abyss, they were hit by many demons around them.

"Very well, it's just the instinctive attacking attitude of the devil, and it's not what was revealed by the will of the abyss. The will of the abyss is more chaotic than I thought. This is just behind the battle, and they have already fought each other. If it is a normal commander, what? I won’t let my own army have infighting and fighting each other."

Seeing the scene on the other side, Chi Nan became more sure of his guess.

If it weren't for the number of these demon creatures is really countless, and the abyss environment is too corrosive, I am afraid that such an abyss plane has long been abolished.

It's just inexplicable, Chi Nanxian's own plants actually sent some special messages to himself.

"This is? The Will of the Abyss actually has the effect of inheritance." What Chi Nan didn't expect was that although the Will of the Abyss was chaotic, it could still have the effect of inheritance. This information is open to all creatures in the abyss.

Of course, the most important thing is to kill and swallow under the abyss environment to improve one's strength. This is the most critical. As for the following things, because the level is not enough, the general plants don't know. At the same time, there is a language that belongs to the abyss alone, and this kind of information also appeared in Chi Nan's consciousness.

"This thing can't be used indiscriminately. This is the essence of the will of the abyss, and it is born with the function of communicating the will of the abyss. If anyone uses the language of the abyss casually, it is easy to be targeted."

Chi Nan just felt it for a while, and then understood. After the golden enchanted plants entered, Chi Nan gained new knowledge. This is the condition for the Golden Abyss Demon to evolve into a demon noble.

Kill and swallow a hundred of the same level, or one of a higher level, and that's it. This method similar to raising Gu is the best method the Abyss uses to train masters. Moreover, if it is to invade other worlds, it takes only ten masters of the same level to swallow them, to meet the requirements of evolution and become a new abyssal noble.

"Unexpectedly, their evolutionary method is actually like this. Swallowing, I am afraid that it not only swallowed the flesh and soul of the other party, but more importantly, swallowed the original power that has been released from another world."

Chi Nan, who had a deeper understanding of the plane, quickly figured it out. In the heart of the abyss demon, there is nothing other than evolutionary promotion. To evolve, then killing and devouring are the only means.

Abyss Demon has no cultivation method, they can only improve through this cruel method similar to raising Gu.

As I understood, the plants that had been released by the other side had slowly converged. Just like Chi Nan thought, the opposite is indeed a very huge plane, and even the area of ​​that plane is larger than the main plane of the Alchemy Alliance. In such a big place, there is no abyss demon god, which is a bit surprising.

But with such a large plane, there are definitely many Abyss Lords, and every Abyss Lord exists at the level of a demigod. I don't know how many of these abyss lords have to swallow up to this point.

Based on the information he collected, Chi Nan chose five relatively safe places, and then five enchanted base airships were deployed in these places. The improved magic sun flower was planted as soon as it was rolled out.

The sun over the abyss is not normal, but blood red. It was the same color as the Cthulhu after sacrifice, but not the same power. Bathing in the sunlight of the abyss can make the abyss demon feel strong and powerful.

In this environment, the magic sun flower absorbs energy faster. In the energy pool, although the life magic is still conceived, it is the demonized life magic. It is very different from Chi Nan's life magic.

If it weren't for this thing completely belonged to him, Chi Nan doubted that this magical power would be mobilized by him.

Chi Nan could only use such magic power, but he dared not use it to absorb and recover. Chi Nan could feel the abyssal power contained in it. As long as you dare to absorb, if you absorb more, you might become a demon too.

However, if you don’t use it yourself, you can use it for your avatar. Chi Nan suddenly thought of something interesting. Simply, an avatar was born directly on the opposite side. As long as the abyss consciousness cannot erode oneself, there is no problem. As a demigod, it is not easy for the world consciousness to erode oneself, not to mention that one is not in the abyss yet.

"Let the conceived avatar control this evil life magic. Maybe I can cultivate an abyss lord of my own." The special life magic power of the abyss consciousness has faintly broken some of its own limitations. . Originally, it was impossible for the incarnation to reach the level of one's own ontology, but it seems that it is possible now.

Besides, it doesn't matter if there is no way to achieve it. Anyway, I didn't expect this in the first place.

Not long after, various types of plants after demonization began to appear, and they were produced on a large scale. Even the airships and war fortresses in the sky are the same, they are all products of magic.

As long as they are not controlled by themselves, these enchanted plants will be as aggressive as normal abyssal creatures. At best, they will not attack each other. This is also an instinct that goes deep into the bones.

And faintly, there is already a consciousness in Chinan that is urging his own plants to gather their own plants to the war channel, and attack them here, and they can also get the opportunity of rapid Drive and temptation are the means used by the will of the abyss to control the creatures of the abyss. To deal with this simple-minded abyssal demon, this method of temptation is really effective, but unfortunately, as long as there is no coercive means, my plant will not do it casually. Let the plants grow fast here. "

Chi Nan used his higher authority to forcibly suppress the temptation will of the abyss. Plants have simple minds, so schizophrenia and madness will not occur. No matter how the Abyss Consciousness summoned, there was no movement at all.

This abyssal consciousness also doesn't have its own subjective consciousness, so it still urges and tempts it over and over again, without other means. After confirming this, Chi Nan was completely relieved. It seemed that the abyss was not so unsolvable and inconsistent. The key was to see whether it could resist the erosion of the abyss consciousness.

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