The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1180: New Abyssal Nobility

"Lord Lord, according to our research, these abyss nobles are all the same, there is no field like ours."

A report was delivered to Chi Nan's hands, making Chi Nan frown. Although these abyss nobles are all legends, their methods are basically the same. A powerful and terrifying body with resilience, plus a deadly devilish energy.

The method of close combat is their main method, and the others are different characteristics due to different types of evolution, which is the same as that of monsters. These abyss nobles do not have the power of the domain.

In other words, their field may have been integrated into their own body. If there is no special means, it is indeed not an easy task for the legendary existence to deal with an abyss demon one-on-one.

Even in a one-on-one situation, these demons have a higher chance of winning. Not because the demons are powerful, but because the aura of power in them is too corrosive. The abyssal nobles also have a certain degree of thinking, which can be said to be normal intelligent creatures, but their minds are simple and chaotic, similar to mental patients.

In addition, there is no similar person to communicate with oneself, so thinking and not thinking are the same. These are all based on the behavior of the demons and the demonic language, plus the results obtained after analysis of the plant brain.

"In other words, apart from being used as materials, these things basically have no research value. Is the teleportation array established? It's good, then send some to the other side."

Chi Nan said without hesitation, the natural incarnation of himself on the other side has not been gestated until now, it seems that it is because of the lack of something crucial. After all, the incarnation of nature is different from other plant weapons.

Chi Nan thought for a few days, and finally decided to send the bodies of these abyssal nobles.

On the other side, after receiving the corpse, he threw the corpse into the cultivation tank. Some special powers belonging to the devil flowed out along the cultivation grass little by little, and then eroded into the natural incarnation.

After consuming the corpses of ten abyssal demons, his avatar was finally completed.

"This avatar is a bit manic." After Chi Nan took over the avatar, his brows were frowned. This avatar was filled with a kind of manic power, so that he could not help but want to destroy something.

Fortunately, I am remotely controlled by consciousness, so I can control my behavior. Even the vegetable brain can ignore this mania.

After experimenting, Chi Nan found that this new body was actually similar to the abyss demon nobles. It's just that his own life magic condenses himself, and the generated power is more terrifying than ordinary magic energy, and it is more corrosive. Whether it is for normal creatures or demons, it has a very powerful attack effect.

Perhaps, this is the real demon nemesis. The difference is that his various abilities can still be used, whether it is a variety of spells or the condensed release of magic power, or even a variety of techniques.

Anyway, the magical power of life after demonization has nothing special in its use except for its characteristics.

After studying for a while, Chi Nan discovered that his natural incarnation had a special mark. Chi Nan smiled with a light touch. "So that's the truth, this is the truth about the abyss nobles."

Chi Nan understood that the so-called Abyssal Nobility was actually a mark the Abyss added to himself, which was a mark recognized by the will of the Abyss. Those who recognize the will of the abyss naturally have greater obligations. Therefore, when encountering some things, the will of the abyss will forcefully issue orders, ordering these nobles of the abyss to do things.

Those abyss nobles went to die one by one, it was for this reason. Of course, if you can resist the will of the abyss, you can also ignore this order, but there are only a few that can resist.

The incarnation of Chi Nan directly ignored this order, who made his main consciousness not here.

The so-called abyss nobles, not so much an evolutionary breakthrough, as it is the abyss actively opened their shackles. Every demon is born with the shackles of abyss consciousness. The saying that demons have no potential is the same for each one.

The devil does not need to rely on cultivation, as long as it can bring benefits to the abyss, he can follow the rules of the abyss to improve himself. The abyss opens the shackles on the body, and the demons can naturally increase their strength.

This avatar was created directly in the abyss, so it is fully recognized by the abyss, so there is this kind of shackles in his body. But because his own consciousness was suppressed, the abyss instinctively felt something was wrong.

But later, he incorporated the blood of the corpses of the abyss nobles into it. From the perspective of the abyss consciousness, this was the devouring of the demon itself. The quantity swallowed enough, then naturally the shackles were opened for him next.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, his natural incarnation was finally completed. No, this can't be said to be the incarnation of nature, it should be regarded as the incarnation of the devil. Within the abyss, the strength of the demon avatars is much stronger than those of the natural avatars.

"I am considered a powerful force on this plane now. Next, maybe I should plan to make my incarnation become an abyss lord, so that I can lay a foundation here. Even if the abyss has any targeted ideas , I can also get news in advance, and then arrange it in advance.

Thinking of this, after Chi Nan gave his demon incarnation an order, his main consciousness returned.

Speaking of it, he is still very cautious about Abyss Chi Nan. Who knows if his consciousness has been there for a long time, will it cause other bad things? Therefore, Chi Nan still dispelled the idea of ​​long-term control.

Just use the crystal board to observe and order from a distance.

A few days later the intelligence collection was completed, and Chi Nan found that this battle was really protracted. From other levels of the abyss, there is a steady stream of abyss nobles and various demons coming, all lining up to participate in the battle.

This battle will not last for more than a year. And it will not be until the latter part of the war that the abyss lord who can't hold on will be attracted to participate in this kind of battle.

In other words, for the time being, I don't have to worry at all. Chi Nan breathed a sigh of relief, so he had more time to set up. "So, what we have to do now is to take time to solve the problems on the plane of the undead." Because of this sudden war, and the problems on the plane of the undead, Chi Nan didn't solve it.

I was afraid that I had just left, but because of the appearance of the Abyss Lord, the war was lost.

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