The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1191: What do these lords want to do

The divine blood potion made by the blood of the evil **** had an effect beyond Chi Nan's imagination. But Chi Nan couldn't use all of it. Although there was a lot of sacred blood, there was still a limit on the number of medicines produced.

Chi Nan himself calculated that after all the divine blood in his hand was made into divine blood potions, he could only make about 3,000 to 5,000. This is because I have the tree of life that I can completely control, and the magic of life that can supplement the power of the tree of life. If it were replaced by someone else, it would be impossible to create a potion for God's blood.

If used directly, the greatest possibility is not to become a divine creature, but to be torn to pieces by the power in the blood of the divine.

"The rest will be kept for the time being, and I will talk about it later when I have a chance. However, the effect of this medicine exceeds my imagination, and I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing."

Looking back, Chi Nan found that he still underestimated the effect of the Divine Blood Potion. A few days after using the potion, Chi Nan noticed that Hemila and the others had changed. It's not just that it has a divine nature, it's as simple as increasing its potential and strength.

The most important thing is that after being branded with their own brand, Hemira and the others are less and less resistant to themselves.

On the surface, it may be the same as at other times, being very obedient to oneself. But at night, Chinan can find something special. Because Hermilla and others are more receptive to their own requirements.

Some poses that I didn't want to pose in the past are now half pushed. At first Chi Nan felt very happy, thinking it was a welfare, but later Chi Nan found something was wrong. The reason why Hemila and the others are like this is probably because their own brand in the blood of the gods has played the biggest role, making it impossible for them to resist themselves.

Fortunately, nothing bad was discovered for the time being, so Chi Nan did not make any countermeasures.

After all, Hemila and others are his own wives, and what Chi Nan wants is not a few slaves. With a wry smile, Chi Nan shook his head helplessly, and could only watch it later, hoping that the imprint of divinity was not as extreme as he thought.

For his own brand, Chi Nan doesn't have any good research methods, after all, this thing exceeds his own ability too much. Even many gods do not have this ability, which is no longer the ability of mortals.

After that, Chi Nan returned to the war channel. Sure enough, although Hemila and others were still worried about their safety, when they spoke, no one would object, but they were still worried. If it was before, they would definitely have to entangle themselves for a long time before letting themselves enter the war channel.

This time, Chi Nan was able to arrive easily, but the demigod tortoise was also stuffed into Chi Nan.

Through the last battle and some recent studies, the demigod tortoise is much stronger than before. If you fight the undead giant again, the tortoise will definitely not fall into the wind, although it still can't help the opponent.

The war channel is no different from before, except that there are more and more various kinds of demons, the war is still so tragic. After fighting for such a long time, there is basically not much to be seen. Either it was eaten by the devil himself, or it was dragged back by Chi Nan with plants and turned into fertilizer. Actually, there were not many corpses on the ground.

There are not many corpses, but the ground has turned red. There is no way, every time one dies, some blood will always be left on the ground. Chi Nan now understands why he felt something was wrong here in the first place.

It turns out that these are the smell of blood. The blood flowed more, and the ground on the front line of the battlefield became a whole red. This color, just like the original Hongsha Ridge, is a color that only appears near iron ore.

The battlefield did not change much, and Chi Nan focused his main attention on his demon incarnation. Since he was recognized by the abyss and became a demon noble, his status on the opposite side has improved a lot. At least, among the middle and lower demons, the status of the demon incarnation is already considered good.

There is a large army of demonized plants under his hand, which surpasses most demon nobles in strength and influence.

During this period of time, Chi Nan’s incarnation has also received many challenges from demons, whether it is single-handed assassination or frontal group battles. Anyway, there are various challenges. In short, these demon nobles have become the nourishment of Chi Nan's incarnation.

When the number of times increased, Chi Nan's status also improved. However, Chi Nan found that whenever he killed a demon noble, his mark would increase a little. This was the hallmark of the abyss.

Perhaps after raising it to a certain level, he will be able to raise his status again. If the nobles also had their status and status, their status would be much stronger than the average demon nobles.

Faintly, Chi Nan had already touched the level of the demon lord and was able to get some news. "It's weird, what exactly do these demon lords want to do?" Chi Nan looked at the report in his hand very strange.

Unlike ordinary demons, Chi Nan's avatar can keep himself awake, and will not do some crazy things because of the violent demon power on his body. It is still completely controlled by Chi Nan, and there is no possibility of mutation.

Many of the investigative plants sent by Chi Nan were destroyed by demons. Not because of how vigilant they are but because the demons are very irritable and often attack everything around them for no reason. When they feel prying and threatening, they destroy even more violently. Every distance, you can see the fighting of demons.

Coupled with the violent power of the devil, the devil itself possesses many special abilities. Moreover, the suppression of the demon's own level is also very obvious, so most of the monitoring plants sent by Chi Nan were destroyed by various accidents.

In order to maintain monitoring, Chinan continuously sent a large number of monitoring plants to make up for it with numbers. In the abyss, even satellites in the sky often encounter some irritable flying demons and then get destroyed.

It's just that Chi Nan discovered a strange feature recently, that is, some demon lords have quietly connected.

In the words of the shore of the Alchemy Alliance, in every battle, there are a few demon lords who appear at the end, and they will leave after a while, and they will not fight with them at all because they have lost too much before.

But what happened this time, the demons started to communicate with each other. The demon lord who usually doesn't leave his territory has left frequently recently, which made Chi Nan discover something wrong.

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