The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1198: The 7th leader is born

Soon, the body of the demon lord was roughly divided. According to the value of the demon lord's own corpse, Chi Nan found that he got a little more than half of the value, which was obviously to be good to himself.

Chi Nan didn't ignore the kindness of other people, nodded slightly, didn't say anything, and let other people discuss.

And Chi Nan himself started to clean the battlefield. In fact, he just sent back all his divine plants. Although the battle just lasted for a relatively short period of time, his divine plants were somewhat damaged.

Divine plants are divine plants, which have not reached the level of true demigods. Although they can compete with demigods under the blessing of Chinan's divine realm, their nature is too fragile. These plants will take a long time to recover after going back. There was even a green leaf flying dragon, which was targeted by two demon lords because of the strong attack.

As a result, the two attacks were superimposed, and he lost this powerful plant warrior. As long as such a plant is manufactured by Chinan himself, it will take a month to form a batch, and there will not be a few in a batch.

With such a loss, Chi Nan said it was impossible if he didn't feel distressed. But there is no way, such a battle, there will be losses in the end. The demigod on his side can not die, which is already very good.

The most injured one is the Dragon King who has been fighting here and is the largest. This guy has received the most attacks, and the scales on his body have fallen off a lot. Given the physique of the dragon clan, I don't know how long it will take to recover.

It didn't take long for the trophies to be divided, and then there was nothing else on the battlefield.

But at this time, Curiai suddenly said: "Elder Chi Nan's strength is obvious to all. I propose that Elder Chi Nan be the seventh lord of our alchemy alliance."

Everyone was stunned just now when he said this. The leader is not an ordinary elder, he has a considerable right to speak in the Alchemy Alliance. Even in some cases, it is possible to mobilize the power mobilization of the main plane of the Alchemy Alliance, as well as the military and resource mobilization of some other subsidiary planes. It can be said that the power is so great that it makes people feel scared.

On the contrary, those elders, their right to speak is basically in their own territory and plane. If they want to mobilize the overall change of the main plane, then they can't do it.

Why is the power of the six leaders the strongest? Isn't it because these rights allow them to get the most resources.

For a long time, the six leaders are the strongest, at the peak of the demigods, so they become the leader and no one has anything to say. And these six are also the six demigods with the oldest existence, and they have much higher qualifications than the others.

But what is Chi Nan, how long has he joined, although his strength is indeed very strong.

However, in the eyes of many people, Chi Nan's strength basically shows the trap, and his own strength may not be as good as the six leaders. This is because of their vision problems and they can't tell.

They didn't know that the plants summoned by Chi Nan were blessed by their own strength. Even with Chi Nan's own bow and arrow attack, apart from the six leaders, no one else could see much. On the surface, it was just restraint in terms of strength, and no one could see how strong Chi Nan's strength was and how threatening it was to them.

The six leaders can be seen, but there is no explanation. The suggestions made by Curiai, the other leaders are also bowing their heads and pondering, it seems that this is a sign of passing.

An elder hurriedly said: "How can this be? Although Elder Chi Nan is very strong, it is true that he is not qualified enough."

"No, the leader of our alliance always considers strength and contribution, and never considers seniority. We recognize the strength of Elder Chi Nan, and it is definitely not under us." This is not just the power brought by the trap.

In their eyes, although they couldn't see the power of the realm of gods, after Chi Nan's own life magic power was condensed, the threat to them also let them know that Chi Nan's strength is very powerful, and it may be stronger than them.

The one who felt the deepest was Gas. Gass didn't even speak, but glanced at Chi Nan from time to time with jealous and disgusting eyes. It seems that I am afraid of being seen by Chi Nan, this kind of performance is really interesting.

"Since the strength of Elder Chi Nan has been recognized by you, then we also recognize it. But the contribution. Elder Chi Nan has not been in the alliance for a long time. I am afraid that the contribution is not enough." Another elder said.

It seems that as long as the interests involved are relatively large, anyone will be anxious. They dare to speak out even when facing a person they can't afford to provoke. It's really profit making people crazy, Chi Nan thought of it silently. Chi Nan didn't say anything, just watching it quietly, anyway, the identity of the leader is of no use to him.

The reason why they want to get the resource tilt so much is not because the main fighting method is to use puppets. Of these demigods, one-third of them are alchemists, and the puppets used are powerful.

Kuriai shook his head and said: "Contributions have been made. Not to mention the plants that Elder Chi Nan had traded to other people before, they are much more cost-effective than our puppets, and they are not afraid of waste, and they have saved many potential young people. Live."

Everyone nodded There is nothing wrong with this. Kuriai went on to say: "This is another battle. Without Chi Nan, we would definitely fail. At that time, the entire plane including your plane would become a part of the abyss. At that time, even if we were not dead, we would be defeated. Assimilation to become a devil, this is a very big contribution."

Now, no one dared to say anything. Although without them, Chi Nan would not have won. But without Chi Nan, they would inevitably fail. This time, Chi Nan's contribution is too great.

If you count it carefully, Chi Nan's contribution will definitely not be much smaller than the other six leaders, at least much larger than the others. Thinking of Chi Nan's strength and influence, as well as contributions, it seems that he has achieved it in all aspects.

"Well, I agree." Finally, an elder raised his hand to agree. "With the development model of Lord Chinan, I am afraid that it will not require too many resources, and the main plane should not suffer turbulence."

A sneer flashed in Chi Nan's eyes, and he knew it was asking and reminding himself. However, Chi Nan didn't care, and directly said, "Except for population, I don't care about anything else." At this time, everyone was relieved, and then raised their hands one by one in agreement. The seventh leader of the alliance was officially born.

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