The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1207: Why didn’t Lord Sacred Tree come?

Of course Hemila and the others didn't know these things. This time, Hemila and others knew that Chinan was busy, so they simply came out together to visit the imperial capital of the Holy Dragon Empire, and stop by for a stroll here.

Apart from practicing hard, Slinka also plans to take this opportunity to take a good rest. Perhaps, they can also find some materials they have always wanted to find from here, after all, the Holy Dragon Empire is a veteran empire. In terms of potential, they are far inferior to the holy tree leader. But in terms of the ultimate aura, the current Sacred Tree Collar is still a lot worse than the Sacred Dragon Empire.

"These people from the Sacred Dragon Empire are really annoying. They used to be so respectful, but this time they dare to treat us like this."

A wave of anger emerged in Wei Wei Si's heart. For a long time, the diplomacy has been done by Weiweisi. Before, they didn't dare to be so disrespectful to themselves. Even before Chi Nan broke through the demigod, he could still enjoy the courtesy.

After Chi Nan broke through, his strength has also reached the realm of legend. As soon as he walked outside, everyone was even more respectful and almost flattering. But this time, I felt the indifference of these receptionists.

With their strength and status, the people who connected to them were not dragons, but ordinary humans. You know, in the Holy Dragon Empire, the most noble ones have always been those dragon people.

The dragons were not dispatched to receive themselves, which already shows that they don't take themselves seriously, do they want to suppress themselves in all aspects.

"Anyway, the Sacred Dragon Empire has always been like this. We don't need to be too angry. Our strength has always been hidden. If the Sacred Dragon Empire knows about it, it will definitely not be like this. But it's only this time. ."

Hermilla was very open, still comforting Wei Wei Si.

Sophia also whispered: "It's just because their Dragon King has broken through the demigod. They think that the dragon clan's demigod is stronger than the other demigods, so they are so proud. This is psychological. It's just venting, besides, after this time, they may not be what will happen." Sophia seemed to think of something, and suddenly laughed.

"But am I just angry? These people are so snobbish." This is true.

In fact, a handful of talents in this world would not be like this, those big forces, which one is not. Even if it was Chi Nan, people who didn't like false and unreasonable snakes would choose to compromise when they were not strong enough.

Even now, in the face of some unknown circumstances, he is still preserving his own strength, even showing the enemy's weakness. Think about it, a former commoner, even a half-elf who was humble in the eyes of mankind, can develop to the present, is it possible to traverse all the way? The performance of the Sacred Dragon Empire can only show that they have no future for development.

The time for the banquet came soon, just a few days, in fact, many people have already arrived. Many people from the forces have been waiting here for more than a month.

Hermilla and their status are extraordinary, so they didn't come here until the end. Of course, the other forces did not dare to say anything, after all, they were also a demigod behind them.

And even if Chi Nan didn't show up, they wouldn't doubt it anymore. That's a demigod. If you show up casually, doesn't it seem very shameless. The higher the status, the more difficult it is to meet.

After the banquet began, one after another, people who came here entered the venue one after another. This venue was transformed from the main square in the center of the Holy Dragon Empire. The ceiling above was not known how many alchemy products were used to raise it. There is no such thing as a floating ball in the Holy Dragon Empire, it can only be done by other methods.

However, if it is possible to build such a large ceiling in the air, if the technology is higher, perhaps the ability to build a floating city will also be possessed by the Holy Dragon Empire, but the cost is relatively high.

"Now that the banquet begins, please take your seats. Our Holy Dragon Empire adheres to the most orthodox ancient empire in the world, and will generally maintain the policy in the future, of course, will make a little change. This change will wait until the banquet. After that, the lower level will tell everyone that we are happy now."

The king of the Sacred Dragon Empire stepped up and said his plans for the future, of course there was only one sentence. The governance of the country has always been the work of the lower-level parliament, and the upper-level people only need to eat, drink and have fun.

If it hadn't been for the Dragon King to break through to the demigod this time, they wouldn't have come forward at all. It was just this sentence that made others feel nervous. The consistent style of the Holy Dragon Empire is very domineering.

Now, with the help of the power of the Dragon Emperor, no one knows how far they can achieve it. Even making some countries around them feel like slaves, it seems that this situation is not impossible.

Some forces are even considering whether to stay away from the Holy Dragon Empire. It is too dangerous to stay here.

As for those in the lower councils of the Sacred Dragon Empire, at this time, they had begun to talk to the people around them, preparing for the next new policies. There is no way, the people above give orders, and they can only do so, even if they know that it is not good to do so.

Halfway through the banquet, the king of the Holy Dragon Empire suddenly got up. Seeing him all got up, everyone else got up too. Being polite, Hemira and several others also got and they also felt the oppression from a distance. This kind of oppression is impossible for ordinary people to feel, but they can.

"Respectfully invite Lord Dragon Emperor and the elders of the Dragon Clan." King Shenglong shouted. This time there is no need for the emcee. In front of the dragon clan, the dragon people are just like servants and slaves, and there is nothing noble at all.

At the door, a figure slowly walked out. Although these people are in human form, the dragons on their bodies indicate their identities. These are all dragons. The headed dragon clan with golden eyes, the coercion on his body is even more intense.

The King of the Sacred Dragon Empire was bent over ninety degrees, like a dog leg. I have never seen a person like King Sacred Dragon, and he is a little unbelievable, but thinking about it, it seems that this is normal.

The Dragon Emperor looked around, and slowly said, "Why didn't the Lord of the Holy Tree come?" The huge Dragon Power is even stronger, and a wave of powerful coercion spread out with the power from the demigod. Many people around, because they couldn't bear the pressure, knelt down on the spot. Hemila and others, who were under pressure, immediately felt a huge pressure on themselves.

Hermilla and the others changed their eyes, gritted their teeth and insisted.

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