The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1215: Will the demons unite?

"After becoming the overlord, there is no way to challenge other demon lords. This is a kind of balance. No wonder there are not as many abyss demon gods in the abyss as you imagined." Chi Nan muttered.

After becoming the overlord, he has lost the opportunity to challenge other demon lords. So to deal with them, you can only attack them forcefully. This method of forcibly attacking weakens the opponent less and consumes more of your own forces.

It's no wonder that the Balrog didn't control this plane at the beginning, because the forces under him were too small to withstand the consumption. But I am different. I have a lot of plants. It can be said that the production is faster than the consumption. When the foundation is laid, it is simply a plague-like spread, and no one can stop it.

In this case, Chi Nan did not wait any longer, and directly attacked the demon lord closest to him. Within a few days, the surrounding demon lords were wiped out by himself.

But then, Chi Nan discovered that there was a problem. Because the other demon lords, when they saw something bad, they actually united.

"Unexpectedly, the demons would also unite. Could it be that I pressed too hard?"

Hermilla, who was looking at the screen, also smiled: "Yes, who makes adults so powerful. It's just this situation, what do you want to do, adults." Other people around were also looking at Chi Nan with a smile.

Chi Nan said indifferently: "What else can I do, direct attack, with such a powerful advantage, what countermeasures are still considered."

Suddenly, Chi Nan asked, "By the way, why didn't I see Slinka Yee today? Isn't she the most interested in this kind of thing?" It's been a whole day, Slinka Yee doesn't know what's going on. The place is really strange.

"I thought you wouldn't ask anymore. Our demigod potions have collected all the materials and are ready for the first trial manufacturing. The alchemist spawned basically met the requirements, so Slinka went over to watch. Go. But I think this time, I’m afraid it’s hard to succeed. Don’t worry, we’re just experimenting, and we’re not directly using the devil’s heart."

Chi Nan nodded gently: "Don't worry too much. After all, this level of potion is not so easy to make. If it doesn't work, just train a few more legendary alchemists. Or, let other elemental type mages work part-time. "

First of all, there are already a lot of legendary wizards of elemental type, and the wizards basically use some alchemy methods, and it is also possible to work part-time. As for the issue of medicine, it really can't be done in a short time.

And Chi Nan himself, after such a long time of improvement, also found that his strength had improved a lot. It is still a long way from reaching the level of relying on one's own strength to break through the true god, but Chi Nan sees hope.

His strength can still continue to improve, this is Chi Nan's happiest thing. Originally needed a hundred times the strength, but Chi Nan now has more than thirty times. As plants continue to spread and there are more and more high-level plants, this accumulation of power will become faster and faster. Now, it's up to you whether you can withstand so much power.

If you break through with your own strength, then your strength is definitely the strongest among all the gods. In the future, even if he doesn't join other gods, maybe he can survive.

The world of gods is very dangerous, not as simple as ordinary people think. All of this was summed up and sorted out from the knowledge sent from the abyss, which is not something that ordinary people are qualified to know.

Putting things aside for now, Chi Nan controlled the army and continued to attack. On the opposite side, taking advantage of this period of development, Chi Nan himself has cultivated many truly powerful divine plants, or magic plants.

These mutated plant soldiers can reach the level of the demon aristocracy, that is, the legendary level. There is no domain, the power amplifier is powerful, and it is no different from the general demon nobles. Even Chi Nan himself used a large number of demon corpses to extract the essence to cultivate several wood elves and demon nobles.

These wood elves can also exert the power of ordinary demon nobles. It can be said that at the level of the demon aristocrat, Chi Nan is not weaker than the opponent. It's just that the demon lord of the opponent united, causing Chi Nan a headache.

I thought that this union was only a formality. But Chi Nan did not expect that this was not a form at all, but a special contract signed with the help of the will of the abyss to unite their territories with each other.

On the territory of any ally, they can get a full territory bonus. Even if your own territory is occupied, you can still get the support of other territories. As long as they don't leave the alliance, they will be able to exert their full strength.

If there is only one Demon Lord who can exert his full strength like this, Chi Nan can still deal with it, but there are a total of thirteen, and Chi Nan has a headache. By virtue of himself, it is not necessarily the opponent's opponent.

Originally wanted to use a relaxed method to occupy their territory and bring the entire abyss plane under his control. But who would have thought that it turned out that these guys are so difficult to deal with.

"All the demon lords usually stay together, with the most powerful wing demon as the core. If you want to attack them, it will cause all the demon lords to be besieged. Is there any way you can do ~ Chi Nan asked the surroundings.

There are many winged demons among the higher demons, and it can even be said to be the most common type. It is the peak of the normal evolution of demons. Wing demons are very powerful in all aspects and have no shortcomings. It is the most suitable evolution mode for demons to survive. And the final evolution type is not weak, just like these demon lords.

Weiwei frowned, and finally said: "The devil's war has no tactics at all, only head-to-head. Now there are only two ways, one is to pile up their subordinates with numbers and weaken their bonuses as a whole."

"The other way is to attack head-on. With your means, there should also be a chance."

Chi Nan said helplessly: "There is a chance, but it will take some time to prepare for the divine creatures, and the loss will not be small. After all, those are demon lords. My incarnation may not be able to protect myself from injury."

"Then let the two methods come together, weakening on the one hand, strengthening on the other, it will take time anyway. The two-pronged approach should be able to achieve good results by then." At this time, Sophia gave Chi Nan an idea. Chi Nan thought for a while, it seemed that this was the only way to do it.

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