The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1220: Seems to be 1 point short

Chi Nan felt the existence of the **** seat, which was the reward of the world for his becoming a god. It is not this plane under your feet, but a complete world formed by countless planes, which is the whole world.

"Chi Nan, have you become a true **** now?" Sophia asked quickly. As Chi Nan's power fluctuations subsided, the signal that was not very stable has finally stabilized again.

Chi Nan closed his eyes and felt it, then shook his head: "No, it's not completely successful yet, it's a little bit worse."

"What's wrong, isn't it possible to become a **** immediately?" Others were also surprised.

"If it is with external force, it may be an immediate success, but relying entirely on my own strength, it is still a bit short." Chi Nan did not hesitate, because he already knew his situation.

"My current spirit has transformed and become a real godhead, maybe it is a godhead." Chi Nan didn't know what was going on with the sacred tree in his head, and he was too seriously affected by this thing.

This sacred tree has brought a powerful ability to himself, allowing himself to continue to develop to this day. But similarly, this tree did not allow itself to practice any fighting spirit spells, and could only use the power of the holy tree itself. It was not until he became a demigod that he could use the magic of life to reluctantly imitate some natural spells.

However, I didn't expect that after I became a god, this thing would still affect my soul. What was going on in the end. This is not like a godhead, but it seems to be something of a godhead. I have never heard of it.

Among the gods, Chi Nan is just a cute new person, a rookie. It seems that I have to communicate with other gods in the future and ask what is going on. Moreover, it is not possible to inquire directly.

Chi Nan continued: "My current body is transforming into a divine body. I am afraid it will take some time to evolve. In addition, my divine seat is also evolving. Without this, it is impossible to communicate with other gods."

In every kingdom of God, there is a **** seat of its own gods. Those gods who are powerful and condensed into a **** seat, whoever sits on it, is the god, and after being driven down, they will lose their power.

Moreover, the general gods and gods will also strengthen their own power. But Chi Nan is different. Chi Nan could feel that this **** seat was a symbol for him, and there was no way to strengthen his own power. Whoever does it has no effect on him. Of course, the person who sits on it will definitely be backlashed by the divine power.

This **** seat can be said to have only one use, and that is a communicator. Chi Nan didn't expect that the gods still had a place to communicate. The pantheon of this world's natural evolution is a place that every **** can reach.

The way to get there is to use one's own **** seat. Sitting on the seat of the gods, the souls can enter the pantheon and communicate with other gods. In the Pantheon, no one can manipulate and locate other people.

Only in that place can Chi Nan obtain the knowledge he wants. Following Chi Nan's thinking, the **** seat, which should have been condensed in the void, appeared behind him, which was the center of the main plane of the holy tree.

This place will become its own kingdom of God in the future, and of course the **** seat must be placed in this place. As for the temple or something, Chi Nan really felt that there was no such need, and he didn't need to spread his faith, let alone pretend to be coerced.

"How long does it take, your avatar can only support ten years."

After the demon incarnation has occupied the abyss plane, the entire plane will only be closed for ten years. It is truly a reward from the abyss. Ten years later, Chi Nan's incarnation will meet the challenges of other demon lord, this is a way for the demon lord to rise to the abyss demon god. For them, it may also be the easiest way to achieve.

Chi Nan closed his eyes and calculated, and then said: "It doesn't take that long. The **** seat can be condensed in at most two years. My own transformation may take a little longer, but it only takes five years. And my strength Having broken through, then the demon incarnation can choose to break through at any time, and now you can start the layout."

Chi Nan had already thought about the breakthrough method of the demon incarnation. When Chi Nan said this, everyone was relieved.

"Then can you come back?" Hemira asked cautiously.

Chi Nan smiled bitterly: "No, the gods and plane consciousness are at the same level. There is no problem for ordinary creatures to enter other planes, but if I go back now, I will definitely conflict with plane consciousness because of my threat to one plane. Too big."

Ordinary planes will spontaneously reject gods that do not belong to them. This is the reason why gods cannot easily descend on other planes. In addition to the patron saint, other deities can enter at most by putting one incarnation or possessing them.

If it weren't for the main plane of the holy tree to belong to him completely, Chi Nan must have been rejected now.

"Then, let's move in." Weiweisi greeted, preparing to let people go and pack their luggage.

Chi Nan hurriedly blocked: "Wait, wait, don't come here yet, I haven't transformed this plane. Now anyone who comes will be transformed and everything around me will be transformed. I'll talk about it after I finish the transformation."

Chi Nan does not want his wife to be assimilated into his own kingdom of God, so that he will no longer be his but will become a puppet-like existence, a puppet with his own thoughts, this is not what he wants saw.

A few people pouted and stopped, looking at Chi Nan faintly: "Then you have to hurry up, we don't want to leave you for too long." These years, everyone has nothing to do, so they have always been tired of it. together. Although it took a long time, it didn't make them bored with each other, but the feelings became more and more profound.

Of course, this may also be caused by the mutual attraction of divine creatures. As for the feeling of the seven-year itch, let alone Chi Nan, the others have no effect at all.

"I have calculated it. Based on the comparison between this dimension and my abilities, it will take about three months to six months to perform transformation. I will start to do so now, and strive to complete the transformation sooner."

Chi Nan didn't want to affect the future development potential of his kingdom of God just because of the map. What we need to do now is to be as stable as possible. The crystallization of the power of faith is enough, but to perform perfectly, you still have to rely on your ability to break through. This kind of knowledge was also taught to himself in the whole world after the breakthrough.

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