The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1229: Demon Heart Potion completed

The highest in the Alchemy Alliance is also a demigod, and he doesn't usually show up. Chi Nan's own incarnation, as long as it is made with a little care, those demigods can't see the difference from their own deity.

This natural incarnation is an ability brought after the upgrade, not a spell, but a very special ability. With the improvement of his own strength, it is actually not wrong to say that it is a divine art.

And, even if they can see it, what can they do. There will be no problems at all. It can be said that unless there is a large-scale demon invasion war, no one will say anything even if he does not show up. The alchemy plane is developing step by step, and his territory is no longer as desolate as before.

It's a pity that Chi Nan's current height really looks down on this place. Other gods might like these places with large populations for their faith, but Chi Nan really looks down on these ordinary beliefs.

Even their beliefs must be filtered and condensed by the tree of life before they can be used for themselves. Even if it is used to supply the kingdom of God, Chi Nan definitely does not want to use the power of faith full of impurities, worrying about problems.

So usually, it is enough to use the beliefs of wood elves and ordinary elves. That's right, after Chi Nan broke through, he discovered that when he upgraded and transformed the Wood Elf again, he could also provide himself with faith.

Because there is no soul, and because of its own problems, the wood elves don't provide a lot of faith, but the accuracy is even greater than that of the holy tree elves. Because of these wood elves, there are no other ideas at all. It doesn't matter if the number of units is small, as long as the total number is enough, Chi Nan is also not opposed to the large number of wood elves that spawn.

With these, do you need any population? Now I really don't have any ideas.

Even some of the desolate planes that had nothing, were used by Chinan as a place to raise wood elves in captivity.

To build the Kingdom of God, it also connects the major planes and establishes some lower-level councils of the major planes. It takes a lot of manpower and material resources to mobilize people to relocate, or even explain things about these planes to some officials.

With the full-scale activities of the Sacred Tree Leader, there are many problems in various aspects, and many things need to be dealt with every day. In the end, Chi Nan just left an avatar, and then let the avatar discuss these things with a large group of people.

It was Hermilla and others who worked hard every day, and they often made Chi Nan feel ashamed. But he was not idle, Chi Nan said to himself. Because Chi Nan had already begun to study the devil's heart potions at this time. Accompanying those legendary alchemists cultivated in their own territory, or part-time alchemists.

After digesting a large amount of research data, it is almost finished now. It's just a bit short, and that's about the influence of demonic power on itself. It is useless to clean up the impact, but if it is not cleaned up, it will be very harmful.

One carelessness can make people fascinated, and the grasp of this is not so easy to control. After Chi Nan figured it out, he was relieved. "Isn't it the demonized influence of the power of the devil? This is a problem for others, and is it still a problem for me." Chi Nan is an expert in using the power of the devil.

Your own demon incarnation, using the power of the devil is easier than any demon lord. With the help of the demon lord incarnation and not himself to study together, Chi Nan solved this problem within a short time.

The solution is also very easy, just use the magical life magic as an intermediate neutralizing force, and then integrate into your own life magic. Life magic protects the user from being demonized, and then the communication rules of the devil's potion make their perception easier and clearer. In this case, it seems that the dose can be strengthened.

Chi Nan thought, while continuing to experiment. The hearts of ordinary demons are used, so there are some things that can’t be seen. After a period of research, on this day, Chi Nan gritted his teeth and used the heart of a demon lord.

After a while, the red and green potion in his hand was made. "Look for an experiment first. You can't experiment randomly. But this can make a demigod potion, and you can't give it to others indiscriminately."

After thinking for a long time, Chi Nan finally thought: "If the user is immersed in the energy pool and placed in the kingdom of God, there will be no problem even if there is a problem. Therefore, those who have worked hard, your blessings are here. The strength of the old bald head is the most suitable, the closest to the peak, and the others are a bit short. Then ask first."

"Thank you Lord Lord, Lord Lord will always be the God Lord of his subordinates." The bald father didn't even say a word of reluctance. This kind of medicine is not something ordinary people can get. It is an honor for Chi Nan to think of himself.

Originally Horne was okay, but because Horne had a problem with his breakthrough at the beginning, although he made up for it, his strength was still a little bit worse. On the contrary, the bald father has improved quickly because of chance problems.

Therefore, this test quota is given to the bald father. "Then you start first. We will finish the experiment earlier, and the territory will be able to create some demigods in the future. Don't worry, even if you fail, there will be no problems. On the contrary, it will increase your chances of continuing to break through." Chi Nan was not surprised.

The bald father immersed himself in the energy pool and drank the potion without even thinking about it. In an instant, the bald father passed out into a coma, a faint light radiated from his body, and the whole person was hazy.

"Wait, continue to monitor here, you guys are here to protect the bald daddy." Chi Nan finished speaking to the guards, and left by himself. This time of comprehension cannot be completed in a short while.

The power of this potion must be completely exhausted, and it won't work for a month or two. Even with the help of external forces, it is still not an easy task to break through the demigods. Many people are paying attention to this matter.

Soon, the first demigod in the realm who thought it helped to create was about to be born.

At this time, Chi Nan focused his attention on another place, that is, the place where his demon incarnate. "I'm ready here, and I'm ready there too, then I should consider breaking through."

To make his incarnation reach the level of the abyss demon god, this is Chi Nan's preparation from the very beginning. Now that the previous preparations have been completed, there is only one last step.

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