The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1271: These people finally appeared

"Even if it's not the deity, you don't have to fight so crazy. But the survivability of these **** incarnations is really powerful." Chi Nan looked around, still in a leisurely mood to comment.

As for the others, either they have become a pot of porridge, or they are still hiding their power in secret, waiting for the next snatch. Of course, there are still a few others who seem to have been trying to find the disaster dragon hidden underground.

Of course, their eyes also look here from time to time, it seems that they also have other thoughts.

Although Chi Nan also participates from time to time, but more energy is placed on the magic and ordinary fighting skills used by these people. These are all rare experiences, what Chi Nan lacks most now is these things.

Regardless of Chi Nan's stronger strength, he can easily deal with them, but in terms of fighting skills, they are far from their opponents. Even with more powerful power, it is not so easy to kill them.

This made Chi Nan understand that the gods did not rely solely on the law or the strength of their own comprehension to bully people. Some special skills can also make their own strength play even better.

Sure enough, none of these gods who have lived for many years is simple. Of course, if one's own power surpasses the opponent too much, they can actually be destroyed without any skill.

The reason why I was able to kill that undead evil **** at the outset was because the kingdom of God had directly touched him, so that the other party did not expect it. It was the power of the destruction of the kingdom of God, which also caused the opponent to be very seriously injured, and most of the power could not be displayed at all.

On the other hand, when I was in the void and not face to face, many of the opponent's abilities could not be used. When killing the opponent, Chi Nan directly used the power of the Kingdom of God, and he was still a middle-level god. If the undead evil spirit can run away like this, wouldn't his power be too bad.

But now, after Chi Nan saw many gods with the same strength as his incarnation, he finally exposed all this. In terms of his own fighting skills and experience, he was really far behind.

The most important thing is that I don't have any magic skills, so I think I have time to deduct it.

Fortunately, he still has magic power to condense and use, and his own demon incarnation also has the ability of abyss magic fire. Although this thing is not a divine art, it is definitely not inferior to most divine art in terms of power, and it is also very flexible.

Chi Nan, who was in the middle of the battle, also saw the life-saving tricks of many gods. I have to say, it's an eye-opener. Many things that divine power can do are completely different from normal cognition. For example, an incarnation of a god, even if it is broken into pieces, he can still recover, but it consumes a lot of money, which is incredible.

"Boom" a huge sound suddenly sounded between heaven and earth. A terrifying force descended from the sky. The storm that originally existed was cut open from the middle.

"Hahahaha, I finally found it. It turned out to be in this place." A loud laugh came. Suddenly a golden figure all over appeared in the air, and it was this guy who had just started his hand. However, his attack was not directed at the storm, but at a mountain in the distance. It's just that this mountain is in the vortex of the storm.

The mountain was cut in the middle, revealing a little bit of golden light inside, gleaming under the sun.

"This power is definitely the power of the middle true god." Chi Nan felt that power, and of course he could easily sense that power. This power is not as strong as his own deity, but the degree of power cohesion is higher. That was not sword qi just now, but a way of using it similar to sword qi.

The others are different from Chi Nan, their eyes fixed on the torn mountain peak, which is the cracked place.

Under the golden light, it seems that there is a kind of metal inside. "This is, this is Sky Gold. It turns out that your goal is actually this. Is it because the lava disaster dragon discovered it before."

A **** shouted suddenly, and the eyes of the people around changed suddenly. Of course, there are others who don’t know. "What is the fine gold of the sky, I know fine gold, it is a good material used by mortals."

The Snow Goddess said calmly: "Sky Adamantite is a very valuable metal. It can be used as an auxiliary material for making artifacts. It can also be used to make semi-artifacts alone. If you can find the essence of Sky Adamantite, you can directly use it to manufacture. Sacred weapon."

Sacred tools, that is not something that all gods have, because at least materials are needed to make divine tools. The core of the sky's fine gold can be made, and it is still a good-level artifact, at least it is not a problem for the middle **** to use it.

"So much of the sky's fine gold, even without the essence core, can create a large number of semi-sacred artifacts. If it is used to arm a group of semi-god subordinates, in the future, no one can stop it in all major planes."

"Isn't this the same as the main gods above? They have this kind of fully equipped demigod under them."

Everyone said every word, Chi Nan gradually understood the function of this thing. If I didn't use all plants, I'm afraid I would be as jealous as them.

Even now, Chi Nan is the but this incarnation is not the opponent of those guys. If this is to build some semi-artifacts, and then give them to their **** elves to use, or send them to some planes as their inheritance items. There will be great benefits to the stability of the plane, and for other gods, it is even more difficult to resist the temptation.

Just as an additive, it can also greatly reduce the use of other high-grade materials, which is very good for making artifacts.

I am afraid that the Lord God will be moved by seeing this stock of minerals. If those high-level gods know, they will definitely come to fight for it. I really don't know how these people know that this kind of place has this.

"It's about half, don't want to swallow it alone." Suddenly, an ice blue appeared in the sky, and an icy goddess that resembled the snow goddess before appeared, exuding a powerful aura belonging to the middle god.

"You two idiots, why did you just shoot right away? This is in trouble." Suddenly, a **** of air superiority appeared, with a white light shining all over his body, and it seemed that he should be a **** with bright attributes. But there was no softness in his body, full of aggressiveness, it seemed that he was a pure comprehend of the law of attack of the Holy Light.

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