The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1273: Do you want to **** them?

Chi Nan looked at the distant air. In a short period of time, after these guys had wiped out all the lower gods, they focused on the other real opponents. These were the most troublesome.

Without speaking much, several people almost shot at their opponents in unison.

Several gods formed an alliance almost at the same time, and they fought towards several abyss demon gods. The three abyss demon gods are temporarily in a joint state, joining hands to resist. And the three evil gods are the same, temporarily alliance, their goal is the orthodox gods.

These are all enemies in the general sense. For the evil gods and devil gods, it is true that the orthodox gods should be eliminated first.

On the other side of the orthodox gods, they wanted to eliminate the demon **** first, because the fine gold of the sky was in the hands of the demon god, and it was basically the material to be sacrificed. Even if it is exposed in the future, it is of no use.

But the devil is easy to handle, first unite, solve the most threatening opponent, and then solve the less threatening opponent. It is impossible for the last three demon gods to cooperate. They will definitely fight each other. In the end, only one will be left, and all the sky gold will be sacrificed, so that the greatest benefit can be obtained.

As for wanting the Demon God to share it with other people, it is absolutely impossible. Even, sometimes the Demon God becomes confused, and it is not impossible to directly attack his companions.

Therefore, although the three demon gods are fighting together, the distance is getting farther and farther away. Everyone is guarding against his companions, and may launch attacks on him at any time. In other words, the devil has no concept of companion.

"I don't know, should I mess with them?" Chi Nan thought silently in his heart.

With the battle of several gods, the surrounding environment has undergone tremendous changes. This is even more terrifying than the disaster caused by the previous disaster dragon. The ground was torn, the sky was shattered, and the surrounding laws were in chaos.

If this was a general plane, it would have been shattered by a few people's battles. This is why the gods are generally fighting in the void. Those planes also don't like the entry of gods, resulting in great rejection. Just because these guys are too destructive, it is easy to completely shred a plane.

Fortunately, the central plane is very capable. Although the power of the law of the gods constantly affects the surroundings, it is also constantly eliminated by the power of heaven and earth. The damage caused by the power of the middle true **** can be cleaned up in a few days at most.

This was not what Chi Nan heard about, but Chi Nan felt it. "It seems that no one is in the mood to care about other things now. Maybe I can have a better chance." Chi Nan's eyes narrowed slightly.

After the hapless guys were killed or sent away, the core of the storm remained in place.

Those mighty gods didn't have their eyes on this for the time being, but the core of the storm was still on the ground. Continue to fight, perhaps this core will run to the ground along the cracks in the earth.

If it is wrapped in lava for a long time, the core of the storm may really die out in a few years.

Thinking of this, Chi Nan couldn't bear to make a move in the end. Although the environment in that area was poor, the gods did not pour their power mainly toward the ground, let alone the ground in the distance.

So the grass on the ground still exists. Before, Chi Nan had planted a lot of plants there, and he was going to let the plants shine and reproduce to restore his strength. Now it seems that it is still useful.

An inconspicuous grass on the ground suddenly swelled and turned into a weird grass with a big mouth. Then he swallowed the sealed storm core in one bite. The next moment, the grass disappeared, replaced by a small sapling. The next moment, a wind blade descended in the air, cutting the sapling and the ground into pieces.

Chi Nan stretched out his hand, and not far from it was a small grass with a big mouth. The small grass spit out a ball, which was the core of the sealed storm. "Unexpectedly, the biggest winner in the end was me."

Chi Nan cracked his mouth and laughed. "It's a pity, there is no way to get the Sky Gold, I can only watch them take the things away. Then what shall I do next, with these guys here, my avatar may not be able to return the same way. If I just rushed out like this, so many gods would definitely not make my avatar feel better."

Chi Nan wondered whether he wanted to set up a base for development in this place. Although this place is too far away from its own site, it can only be sensed, but it is difficult to contact. But here is in the middle of the connection between the deity and the avatar.

A little development here can also shorten the time for the two bases to connect with each other. But this kind of thing, it seems that there is no need for such a powerful incarnation to help here.

But to develop to the point of teleporting his own avatar back, I am afraid that it will not work in less than two years.

To transmit a powerful avatar, the power required is stronger. The distance is too far, and the required magic reserve is not a small amount. But watching the battle of the few guys in the air, Chi Nan rationally gave up the idea of ​​returning from the original road.

"Hmph, no matter which of you succeeds, you must be pitted at that time." Chi Nan glanced coldly in the air. He didn’t dare to watch it all the time, otherwise he would definitely be discovered by several As for consciousness, he is not the incarnation of the gods, even if it is so far away, his incarnation can still be shared with the deity. Memory, Chi Nan's deity already knows what happened here.

In the ground that other gods cannot see, plants have begun to grow. This is the original form of the development base. After they leave, the base in this place will explode in a short time.

"Wait, what is this?" Just as a large number of plants spread, Chi Nan suddenly felt a very strange fluctuation point in the plant field. In that place, there is absolutely no way for his own plants to penetrate. Chi Nan moved in his heart, and simply gave up continuing to observe the battle in the air, but walked in that direction.

The battle of several gods in the air cannot be ended in a short time. When Chi Nan came to that special place, he found that it was just an inconspicuous hill, only two kilometers high at most.

At a height of two kilometers, in the central plane, it is not even a mountain, it can only be regarded as a protrusion. Just in this inconspicuous place, a cave at the foot, there is a very pure power permeating the surface. The strength is not strong, but the level is very high.

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