The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1282: The dawn of light

There will be no way to solve the war here for a while, and Chi Nan directly injects spiritual power into the avatar that he has left in his hometown. This avatar has always been sitting in the Central City Lord's Mansion, as if it had become a statue of faith.

When Chi Nan noticed it again, he found that this incarnation had already gathered a huge amount of faith. This kind of faith, after purification, did not condense into the crystallization of faith, but gathered on one's own incarnation.

Over time, his incarnation gradually possessed a very high divinity. The whole body shone with green light, like a glowing Hulk. No matter where you go, it is the image of a big light bulb.

This kind of image made Chi Nan's incarnation dare not walk around at will. Because once you move around, it will cause some wide-ranging effects. Chi Nan is not a person who likes this kind of sight, so he can only sit in his own home. Although Chi Nan's original home is still the same as before, it is enshrined as a holy place and temple.

It is very proud to be able to live in this city.

With the birth of Chi Nan, a new god, there were more and more believers in the sacred tree collar area and even a large area around it, and this situation also spread to the elves.

When the elves knew that there were elves under their command, and even **** elves, some elves spontaneously regarded Chinan as part of the elven **** system, and then began to believe in it.

The result is that now the largest faith group on the mainland is its own. There is less and less faith in the Holy Light, and the compressed ones are almost unable to survive.

It can be said that except for the Holy Light Empire, the Holy Light believers in other places are about to disappear. After all, the belief in God of Light brought them only illusory things. But believing in Chi Nan, the sacred tree god, can get substantial and a good life that can be seen right away. This is the result of the huge financial resources of the sacred tree collar.

Therefore, the people of the Holy Light Empire prayed every day, and finally on this day, they reconnected with their own **** of light.

On this day, the Holy Light Empire also sent an envoy to Hongsha City directly, because they knew that the incarnation of Chi Nan was here. Wherever he passed along the road, bursts of light spread towards the surroundings.

Some ordinary people had faith in the light in an instant. Along the way, the team has grown stronger and stronger. How could such a huge momentum not attract the attention of other major forces? Now that someone wants to provoke the most powerful force on the mainland, it is likely to disturb the future situation of this world, so everyone is staring at this place.

Even the dragons are paying full attention at this time, and they have sent people to watch this place from a long distance.

"When the light of dawn comes, all darkness will be dissipated, and light will illuminate this land."

The Pope of the Holy Light Empire said loudly as he walked around. Behind, beams of light radiated from a handsome but expressionless man. The holiness of the man seemed to be born with him.

Just looking at it makes people trance and yearning. But when they arrived within the scope of the sacred tree, a green light suddenly appeared out of thin air in the void, covering everything around them.

The light seemed to be pierced into the thick fog, moving forward little by little, but it was very difficult to dispel the thick fog.

The people in the thick green fog suddenly woke up. Many ordinary people who originally followed, as if they had become believers, suddenly changed their expressions and left the team quickly, hiding far away.

"Oh my God, what's wrong with me, why am I here?" someone shouted in surprise.

"Damn it, you are not faith at all, you are deceiving, you demons."

Someone soon calmed down: "I can feel the holy light embracing me, and I finally understand the meaning of the holy light." This guy has been brainwashed for too long, and he has become like this even after waking up. .

Some of the people who followed at this time had recovered their spirits, but they had all become fanatics. The power of this brainwashing is really terrifying. I don't know if it can be changed back in the future. When seeing this scene, many people are wary of fear, especially those who return to normal, they are far away from these people.

This is terrible, is this the power of a truly powerful religion? To be able to change a person's mind without knowing it, to make a person believe in their gods, is simply a demon's method.

It’s just that for those who truly believe in, they think that they have found the truth. This is the best gift given to mankind by the gods. They don't think of themselves as demons at all, but think that other talents are.

Two levels that are absolutely opposite to each other just appeared. Sure enough, when there is light, there is darkness. When Chi Nan noticed this, he thought of it silently. The other party's divine power is far from being as powerful as his own, and he is not yet in his own domain of faith, just coming to his own land like this can also burst out such power.

Chi Nan faintly discovered that the other party's understanding of the law was much better than his own. Chi Nan doesn't know how strong it is, which means that the opponent's **** level is higher than his own.

Suddenly the man on the opposite side reduced the light, and no longer continued to affect the people around him. And Chi Nan waved his hand, and the surrounding dense fog disappeared. It was not only a match for the comprehension of the law, but also a contrast of the foundation.

Now that the trial is over, there is no need to continue fighting. After all, they came to their side, so there is still some talk, right? "Go, invite them over, and let everyone escape along the way."

Chi Nan is still a little worried about the other party's brainwashing methods. He doesn't want his hometown to become a place where mad believers are, and he does not believe in himself. Just after Chi Nan's words were given, the movements over there were very fast. The road has been cleared, and the people around have also received news, leaving the road and returning to their homes.

The Holy Light Empire team, which felt meaningless, also accelerated their speed.

They are walking at the same speed as before, but their forward speed has become very fast. This is the help of divine art. On the land, they are moving faster than their own airships, and it seems that they will reach their city in a short time.

Chi Nan walked out and raised his seat in the central square, sitting here waiting for the other party's arrival.

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