The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1284: Sure enough, there is a trap

Among all the light gods and spirit temples in the whole world, all the gods' light disappeared for the first time and became dim. Some of the original gods' responses to them also lost their effect in an instant.

The light power that was originally obtained by the power of the gods actually began to gradually dissipate. All the believers of light on this plane panicked at the same time. This feeling is like being abandoned by the gods.

But in fact, they were indeed abandoned by the gods. Even the pope and the saint, the power in their bodies is also disappearing. This was originally the power given to them by the gods, and the gods can naturally take it back at any time. This is the power brought by the belief system. It is always so unstable and does not belong to them at all.

Regardless of how easy this kind of power comes from, there is no need for cultivation, no need to pay attention to aptitude, just faith. But in fact, it's easy to come, and it's easy to go, after all, it's not as good as what you have worked out hard.

"How could this be, the great God of Light, why do you compromise with an evil person, why do you want to abandon us?" The pope looked sad and indignant, and the breath on his body was uncertain, and black auras were formed out of thin air.

Unfortunately, both the light power and the dark power are dissipating. Otherwise, if the Pope is allowed to transform, he may become a strong man with dark attributes. But now, there is no such time.

In a few days, the power of the Pope will be exhausted, and there may be a little left, but that is his own power.

The Pope who hasn't practiced much has his own residual power, and it's not bad that he can reach the silver level. The Pope at this age has no chance to continue to improve himself.

Moreover, there were too many enemies in the past. After this collapse of faith, it would be a ghost if the pope could survive.

Saint Arthur turned her eyes, and suddenly kneeled respectfully in the direction of Chi Nan: "Respected holy tree god, I am willing to believe in you wholeheartedly. I only ask you to give me a chance."

Chi Nan was taken aback, this noble and holy saint actually took refuge directly. It seems that her head is very clear. She knows her own identity. Once she loses her power, the consequences are terrible, so she should change her faith decisively.

And Chi Nan hesitated, after all, being a saint of the Holy See, her own talent is very outstanding. Although the power may be exhausted, the strength of the body and the ability to accommodate the divine power are the same.

Moreover, this saint also cultivates more when she is fine, and her own strength is much better than that of the Pope. The age of the saint is older than the pope. She really loses her strength and will soon die of aging.

It can be said that Arthurine has no retreat. And this seems to be a good container of divine power to oneself, it is very good for spreading faith, and it can also add a master to this plane.

"You, you dare to betray the gods." The pope suddenly woke up, and was shocked when he saw the black energy on his body. This is a situation that only the fallen. As the pope, he would be like this. However, when I just spoke, I found that the eyes of the people around me were strange, not only the eyes that looked at me were strange.

It seems that many people are interested in changing their beliefs. If the gods die, perhaps many people would rather die than surrender, but the gods will take the initiative to abandon them and do so in person. That's different.

"Okay, I agree. How many of you want to join, as long as there is no disagreement, I agree."

Believers? Really have different intentions, and it is impossible to join. Even if you want to mix in it, it's impossible. Because of the rejection of belief, there is no way to accept the power of the gods, and it is impossible to obtain the unique power of one's own religion.

With Chi Nan's power instillation, although Arthurine's face showed a painful look, there was no problem with the divine power change. It didn't take long for the strength of the saint's body to change from a white light to a jade-like luster.

A new saint was born, but his subordinates can replace the saint, so they don't pay much attention to it.

The original pope left with some other people who were unwilling to join. It is conceivable that with the collapse of faith, the entire Holy Light Empire will usher in major changes.

I don't know if the Holy Light Empire will continue to exist in the future. In short, Chi Nan himself has no interest.

Let everyone leave while letting people take care of those who just joined. Chi Nan looked at the strange sign left by the God of Dawn. "Chi Nan, this thing can be connected to the Light God Element, so why don't you keep it away."

Is it also a retreat after all, Hemila thought in her heart. But Chi Nan was calm, feeling it carefully. "Wait, I just got this thing, I felt something was wrong, it seemed to have a dangerous feeling."

This was not Chi Nan's feeling, but from the sacred tree in his body just now. It's really rare for this sacred tree to take the initiative to contact him. After all, Chi Nan didn't understand the gods.

Chi Nan carefully felt the power of communicating the sacred tree. Sitting in this place, there was no activity for a few days. Finally a few days later, Chi Nan's eyes flashed: "It turns out that this is the case. The people of the light **** system are indeed the most insidious **** system. Sure enough, this is a trap." After a few days, he finally got it. understood.

If it weren't for the power of the sacred tree Chinan would really have no way to find out. "There is a trap, what the **** is it?"

Others were also very surprised. Chi Nan did not hide: "This thing can indeed link the God of Dawn, but it is also a coordinate. Once it is brought into the kingdom of God, this coordinate will enter the kingdom of God, silently."

"At that time, our kingdom of God has nothing to hide from the light **** system. As long as they launch a **** war against us, the power of countless light gods can directly penetrate into our kingdom of god."

"These **** are so insidious, do you want us to get revenge on them?" Wei Wei Si said with a cold face.

Chi Nan waved his hand: "No, we can only eat this loss for the time being. Anyway, it has been discovered, and there is nothing to do with their plan. If this thing is not brought back to the kingdom of God, there will be no problem. We will stay here. Let's face it."

"Chi Nan, this doesn't look like your style. You can do things like this." Slinka's eyes widened and she looked incredible. You know, who dared to calculate Chi Nan before, Chi Nan will definitely find a way to retaliate and go back, what happened this time.

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