The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1294: 1 corner of the iceberg on the central plane

"Then I'll go, I want to see how strong this thing is." Weiwei's figure flashed, her body bursting with light, and she rushed towards the huge monster monster, and there was a light across the distance. Sword Qi issued.

But being stimulated by the divine power, the gods' violent eyes became irrational, their eyes flushed, and some only had cruel killing intent. As if not under control, she rushed towards Wei Wei Si.

Everything around him was no longer within the scope of God's evil thinking. "Good coming." Wei Wei Si roared, and the long sword in her hand danced, and a wonderful symbol was formed under the dance of the long sword.

When the symbol was formed, there seemed to be a small sun formed in the sky. The ball of light hit the front fiercely, chasing the sword energy ahead. The moment the sword energy hit the **** evil, the ball of light had already hit the body of that **** evil. The two forces burst out almost at the same time, and the surrounding area instantly became bright.

"Hmph, the reaction speed is so slow, the combat ability is too bad." Wei Wei Si snorted coldly.

"It's amazing, Weiweisi deserves to be the most talented in combat among us, and this combat skill has been improved to this level."

Weiweisi, who has not learned the magical bow and arrow skills, can only rely on her to comprehend her own fighting skills. Perhaps the cultivation talent is not as good as those talents, but the combat talent, Wei Wei Si is definitely not worse than anyone.

This technique has faintly formed the prototype of a magical skill, and it can definitely become a new magical skill if it continues to develop.

"No, be careful, that's a **** evil. As long as it is a **** evil, the fighting skills will not be bad, even the newly born **** evil." Chi Nan said with a serious face, he could feel that the thing inside was not dead.

Suddenly, the light was torn apart, and a huge pliers hit Weiweisi. Amidst the exclamations of other people, Wei Wei Si lightly jumped, avoiding the large pliers flexibly, and then slashed at it with a sword.

Only after this sword, Wei Wei Si frowned. "What a weird power, what a disgusting feeling."

The breath radiating from the gods, as long as the gods will not feel comfortable, I'm afraid the devil gods don't like it. After all, the Devil God was still recognized by the will of the heavens, although it only went to the other extreme.

God evil is completely a distortion and mutation of a normal creature, which is not tolerated by the world. It's like a deformed monster among human beings, who are born completely different from normal creatures.

"The power of the gods is completely opposite to the gods. The attack effect of the gods on the gods has been weakened too much, and the power of the gods can offset the gods to a much greater degree. The gods of the same level need two shares to offset the gods. A piece of strength."

This conclusion made Chi Nan feel his scalp tingling for a while. If he encounters a **** who understands his level, he really may not be an opponent. No, that's not the case. God evil can only rely on his own strength, and apart from talent, there is no other inherited magic. The gods not only have systematic combat skills, but also a large reserve of divine power.

Counting up in this way, the restraint of the gods against the gods will not be so obvious. Of course, Chi Nan didn't know the exact details. After all, the only **** he saw was the one in front of him, which was of a demigod level.

Facing this huge **** evil, Wei Wei silk fluttered back and forth in the air like a flea, and from time to time he came up with a sword, leaving huge scars on the **** evil. And he has never been attacked.

The fighting talent of this **** is almost completely instinct. I didn't adapt at the beginning, but after all, the large size caused the reaction speed to be slightly slower, which gave Picosi a chance to adapt. After getting used to it, Wei Wei Si discovered that this goddess seemed to have only a few combat methods, and she gradually got used to it.

"Be careful." Suddenly, Chi Nan frowned and felt a sense of danger.

Hearing this, Wei Wei Si immediately gave up her attack plan without even thinking about it, and jumped back towards the back in a flash. And the next moment, a red liquid enveloped the place where the microwire was before, and the earth was corroded into a big pit in an instant.

It turned out that just now, the crack on the pliers of God's evil was instantly enlarged, and then a stream of red liquid sprayed out.

"This is the original power of this god. If it is contaminated, it will damage your own divine power. If it is serious, it will damage the original source. Be careful." Even in the incarnation, Chi Nan didn't want to see Weiweisi's accident.

Weiweisi nodded: "Don't worry, I'll be very careful." At this time, Weiweisi, who was provoked to fight, was useless at this time. Why didn't I find out before that Wei Wei Si was actually a fighting madman in his bones.

After seeing that the attack did not work, Shenni did not continue to hide. The red eyes emit red light, like a laser, but not as fast as a laser. Look closely, this is a highly condensed red liquid.

It looks like light, but after hitting the object, it still has the same attack effect as a liquid, but the penetrating power is stronger.

This kind of liquid can corrode the power of law to a certain extent. However, the main body of Weiwei Silk is already the lower true god, and the law power in the incarnation is more advanced. Although it has been corroded, it is not so fast, and this can achieve considerable damage.

"Ordinary may be difficult to hurt this thing by its own law. I don't know if my power has the ability to restrain this thing. After all, gods are not things like demons and undead." Chi Nan wanted to try it. , But stopped after thinking about it. How could it not be possible for the divine power of the middle god's essence to be completely restrained by this thing.

Apart from the emptiness, only this central area is qualified to be nurtured. With the continuous development, the ferociousness in the central area is showing out to him little by little.

While Chi Nan was thinking about it, the wounded gods finally came to the end. Because of the injury, Shen Nie's control of himself is getting worse and worse. But even so, the gods still attacked desperately, endlessly.

In the face of gods, gods have always been like this, and they don't know how to escape. "Eat my last sword." Weiwei screamed, her long sword swept across her hand, and an aurora burst out, hitting the narrowest center of Shen Nie's body horizontally, sinking into one of the wounds.

The powerful cutting force produced by the Aurora only stopped for a while, and cut the gods in half from the middle. The mountain-like head tribe was on the ground, and a large amount of red liquid was flowing everywhere, eroding everything around it. At the same time, under the action of the law of heaven and earth, these red liquids are rapidly being consumed.

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