The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1303: The magic of the new system

Seeing the excitement and excitement of the violent orcs, Chi Nan nodded with satisfaction: "Since you feel good, then our research has not been wasted. But now, there is also an idea."

After a pause, Chi Nan said: "The totem of a totem warrior is just an external force after all. Although it is easy to use, it will have a great impact on itself, affect future advancement, and also affect the improvement of strength."

This is nothing to the former mad orcs, but with their own gods, it's different.

"My idea is to make this method of totem warrior into a kind of magic. In the future, let the wild beasts believe in you, and then directly use the totem of the magic type to bless you when you meet the requirements. This will not affect yourself. And it will also form a complete system. Divine magic can be improved as one's strength increases, and it is easier to use and more flexible than ordinary spells."

How could the violent beast **** not understand what Chi Nan meant. As a god, the brain's response is not comparable to that of ordinary creatures. Hearing Chi Nan's words, a magnificent scene appeared before the eyes of the violent beast god.

"Okay, I see, I will definitely complete this magical technique as soon as possible." Even the magical technique bestowed on believers cannot be figured out in a short while. Not to mention, he had no relevant experience before.

"I'll leave these to you. By the way, these are divine arts such as sacrifices or totems. I have bought some before. Look at these things. It is helpful for you to form new divine arts. One more thing. , Don’t just follow these things directly. There are a lot of backhands left by the gods, so you can’t be careless.”

"Please don't worry, under the crown of God, I know these things very well."

Having been a **** for so many years, how could the violent beast **** not know these things. If it were calculated, he would be gone now. After all, once, this guy almost joined the orc **** system.

For this kind of guy with a stubborn head, Chi Nan is very relieved. The things explained will definitely be done well.

Finally, Chi Nan confessed again: "Also, you can figure out the reason why these wild orcs have strong reproductive ability, and then let them enter the central area. Depending on the reproductive ability and my plant weapons, the development speed will be faster. "

A **** who has been completely loyal to himself, Chi Nan will definitely not worry. In this case, the better the violent beast **** develops, the more beneficial it will be for him. The greater the power of the mad orcs, the greater their own power.

No way, although plant weapons are not bad, they are a bit weak. Chi Nan has gradually learned the shortcomings of plant weapons. It is too difficult to upgrade plant weapons to the level of a demigod, and it is almost impossible to enter the level of a true god.

These things do not have their own souls, and they are not normal creatures. As the strength gets higher and higher, if you want to find a helper, you still have to train it from your own men.

And the easiest to cultivate and the most loyal group of elves, the growth rate is really too slow. Up to the present position, unless it is a god, otherwise there are only a few legendary levels, and it still takes up his own light.

If it hadn't been promoted along with his own kingdom of God, he would still have no such strength. Only one of the spirits of the gods in his own hands has reached the demigod in his current position.

Therefore, cultivating some masters from among the mad orcs is also an urgent matter. Let the other gods know, I'm afraid they will die of laughter. The degree of stupidity of the mad orcs has long been no secret in the eyes of many gods.

"Please rest assured, I will do this well. I think the breeding and control ability of the mad orcs can be made into a new kind of magic." Well, use magic to control the problem of reproduction speed, how can this be? It feels like Guanyin is sending children, and there is a strong sense of sight. Does this kind of thing need magic to control it?

But thinking about it seems to be useful. Divine art can speed up reproduction when a large population is needed, and it can also perform a method similar to sterilization when it is necessary to control the population.

That being the case, why not develop? Chi Nan simply encouraged the beastly beast **** to develop this aspect, and the spirit of the beastly beast **** was obviously in a frenzy. Really an easy-to-use subordinate, I like this kind of hard work.

After the violent beast **** left, he has been coordinating and studying the matters of the mad beastman, and Chi Nan also handed these matters to the violent beast **** to deal with. On the mad orc side, temples were also established.

With their own racial gods, the wild beasts were not disgusted at all, and directly accepted. The speed and degree of acceptance made Chi Nan feel incredible. Simple-minded races are often so easy to manage.

Of course, as a **** system, although the temple enshrines the violent beast gods, the names of other gods in the **** system also exist. Especially oneself, has always been in the first place, this is also the inevitable of the **** system.

The **** of faith does not necessarily have to be the most powerful one, but the most suitable one, or the one who is directly in charge of oneself. This kind of thing is not difficult to understand. This is similar to the difference between central government and power and local government and government.

As for Chi Nan, he started to coordinate the wild orcs sent to the central plane with his own plant weapons. After the two sides combined with each other, developed faster. From the side of the violent beast god, Chi Nan also knew the intelligence of many places below. Including the powers of the surrounding gods, or the powers of the indigenous people, they all understand.

At this time, Chi Nan also planned a development route. Continue from this place to the prosperous place, but there is an area of ​​evil spirits over there, which happens to be the most suitable opponent for him.

According to the violent beast god, that evil **** is a fear god, and his followers are best at curses like fear art. But this thing is not of much use to one's own plants.

As for the other magical effects, Chi Nan didn't bother to pay attention to it, just use the amount to pile it up. The only thing that needs to be considered is that the number of Fear Gods is also quite large, and among the believers, there are actually several demigods.

In the case that one's own avatar cannot break the rules between the gods casually, and can't casually shoot. It is really troublesome to cultivate a few demigods below. "Forget it, the four element demigods under me can be sent out for use."

Chi Nan finally made up his mind to show his fangs in the central plane. This is only a remote place, if it is a prosperous place, even if there are no opponents of the true **** level.

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