The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1305: They also have so many masters

A war mode different from the small plane appeared. In Tauren's hands, not only these ordinary warriors were the only ones in the hands of the Tauren, but the legendary warriors behind had not been dispatched, and there was also a legendary Tauren offering sacrifices.

"The number of their legendary masters has always been very small, let them see how powerful they are. These wild orcs have been a bit arrogant lately."

The tauren master finally dispatched, and the ground shook like an earthquake. The other tauren roared, energetic.

This is the real master of his own group. Tauren is not like other races, like flying in the air. Even at the legendary level, it is not necessary for them to still walk on the ground.

"Haha, the tauren masters have appeared, let them see how good we are."

Those mad orcs masters who had been itching for a long time were also dispatched. Under Chi Nan, there were a large number of mad orcs. Although there was no demigod, there were quite a few of this legendary level.

The violent air current of the mad orcs vibrated, and their golden light shone.

This is still a non-attributable fighting spirit, but at the legendary level, I don't know why, the fighting spirit cultivated by the mad orcs are all this golden. Compared with the general non-attribute grudge, it has stronger destructive power and higher cohesion.

Chi Nan didn't understand it himself, it could only be attributed to the bloodline of the wild beasts. In Chi Nan's impression, only a special beast like Bi Meng could have this golden but no attribute vindictiveness.

There are nine legendary masters in the tauren tribe, but the mad orcs who fought over suddenly appeared sixteen legendary masters. This is almost close to the number of two-on-one, but their fighting ability is still stronger.

Even if there is a sacrifice who is desperately blessing his own person, at their level, this kind of bonus will no longer have a decisive effect. The two sides had just touched, and several Tauren who had two fists hard to beat four hands had bruised noses and swollen faces. A wave of concussive force opened the cracks in the big earthquake, and the approaching tauren and mad orcs were shaken out on the spot.

Many died even after landing. The fighting between the orcs is different from that of the humans. It is very important to die. For them, the death of a frontal battle only shows that their strength is not enough.

"Quick, stop, we surrender." When the third tauren was beaten out and seriously injured and fell on the ground, the tauren finally conceded. "According to the rules of the orcs, we demand peace talks."

"Hmph, peace talk, how do you guys talk." The mad orc also stopped at the same time.

Gods have their own rules, but different races also have their own rules between different races.

The tauren high priest stepped up to pinch you helplessly: "We will return everything we got before, and at the same time, double compensation.

Several mad orcs glanced at each other and laughed loudly. How many years have passed since, and how many years have not been so raised. In the past, they had been severely bullied by these tauren and even other orc races.

Only at this moment, a more calm mad orc said: "We don't need your compensation, you can keep what you get." Everyone was taken aback, this was not in compliance. Just before they could speak, several native mad orcs were caught by the foreign mad orcs. They have been following Chi Nan all the time, and their horizons have become broader.

Under the huge base, no matter how foolish the race is, there will be several relatively flexible minds in it. Besides, the neurological brains on their bodies are linked to the vegetative brains behind them, and some people also advise them.

This is the real basis for the development of the wild orcs. He has a bad head, but he has a good head.

"Our requirements are very simple. You must depend on us and become our affiliated tribes. We will provide the living materials you lack in the future, but we need to give priority to the materials you produce."

The tauren was taken aback for a moment, and didn't know what this meant. Could this be to give himself warmth.

They certainly don't know that this is a complete development strategy under Chi Nan's command. Use things you don't need in exchange for a lot of materials you don't have or lack. Not only can speed up their own development, enrich their own materials, but also have more voice. In the future, there will be more tribal forces for such transactions and attachments, and a complete system will naturally be formed.

Although attached to them, but the belief in the gods will not change. It's just that the gods don't give direct orders, and they won't resist the attack. The gods can command their own believers, and believers can also influence the gods.

When a perfect large-scale system is formed, even the gods dare not easily break him. Otherwise, either their own believers will rebel against themselves collectively, or the believers will be slaughtered directly.

This is a way to influence the upper level from the lower level, and then control the gods to a certain extent. Most gods have no way to resist this kind of control. Chi Nan also wanted to use this method to eat away the power of other gods bit by bit.

This was not the method that Chi Nan came up with. To be precise, it was a method that Wei Wei Si took the lead and several women came up together.

The same thing happened not only here, but also other small forces around it.

The difference is that some forces are attached, some forces join or join in a transaction situation, and some forces escape. There are also some who are arrogant or have problems with their origins, they will be destroyed directly.

Even if the sacred tree collar wants to develop power here, it will not earn everyone. History has proved that doing so will only completely collapse the alliance. Looking at the current situation, the development is still good, and it has not attracted the attention of other gods.

When Chi Nan knew about these things, he was really dumbfounded, but he didn't say anything, and just acquiesced in it.

With the development of the territory step by step, Chi Nan also improved little by little according to his own plan. On this day, Chi Nan suddenly raised his head because he felt a force nearby began to sublimate.

Others can't feel it, but Chi Nan is different. Faintly, the golden-gray kingdom of God next to it was shining silently, and it seemed to be brighter than usual. The corner of Chi Nan's mouth twitched, an unexpected joy.

"I didn't expect to break through so soon. One or two middle-ranked gods belong to the gods. Although they are not very big, they are not that easy to bully." That's right, the violent beast **** not far away, at this time, Finally broke.

Sure enough, for a racial god, the development of a race has a great influence on itself, which is really exciting.

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