The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1328: New system loved by all

With the implementation of the new system, the nobles, who had almost disappeared before, emerged again. Many people chanted their former aristocratic status, hoping to regain their territory and become the former aristocrats.

But soon they realized that it was not so easy to become a nobleman. Although Chinan has reopened the aristocracy system, it is completely different from the general aristocracy system.

The nobles nowadays only need to make a major contribution, not necessarily military merit, as long as it is a contribution.

However, the nobles in the Chinan Territory have no hereditary status. The nobility is more similar to the status of a reserve officer. Only those who have the title of nobility can become officials of the corresponding level.

The nobles are only one person and cannot be passed on to their own descendants. In other words, if the descendants want to become nobles again, they must have their own contributions. Chi Nan didn't want to mess up his territory because of the rules of hereditary nobles. Chi Nan still understands the various problems of the previous aristocracy system.

Of course, becoming a nobleman is difficult, and there is no possibility of accumulation from generation to generation. So the three sub-classes of nobility have been cancelled here. For example, an earl is an earl, and there is no distinction between first class and second class.

The power of the nobles themselves is also very large. It is very clear how much power the nobles of each level have. Although the territory that nobles can own can only be maintained for one generation, they can enjoy more than the previous nobles.

Moreover, with the status of aristocracy, one's own children can also get more opportunities for meritorious service. As long as a family is not really idiot to a certain extent, it is not impossible to let one's own family continue.

Nobles in various places can freely recruit civilians in their own management territories to form guards and the like. If you want to use some tricks to **** it, you can actually do it. Although Chi Nan didn't like this, it was not all they asked for. This kind of system does not know whether it has improved or regressed.

Those nobles who had only names in Chinan before now finally have real power. These talents are the happiest.

Especially those who have joined the army before now have a large territory one by one, and even some people can own the territory of several cities. Many people have already begun to look for opportunities to improve the status of their children.

The reactivation of the aristocracy system immediately aroused the attention of people everywhere.

At the same time, the knowledge that had been completely released from the original plant brain was directly blocked by Chi Nan.

Some people who did not record their knowledge and did not study well, now it is too late to regret.

If you want to learn knowledge in the future, you must have a certain social status. Without sufficient status, there is no qualification to study. Those untouchables and slaves, and even the nervous brain, would not open up any knowledge to them.

Some of the highest knowledge requires not only status, but status plus funds to purchase. Even aristocrats who want to truly complete the accumulation of generations must purchase these things.

In this way, the nobles have the motivation to continue to climb. What used to be readily available, but now it takes a lot of money and the support of status to be able to obtain it, and the degree of difficulty is completely different.

However, Chi Nan found that their complaints against him were gone soon, and he was even proud of it.

Very strangely, everyone was equal before, so they were dissatisfied. It's different now. Even if you pay more, you can only get it and others can't. This is the manifestation of your identity.

You can come out to pretend to be coercive, and you can suppress other people in terms of identity, which makes them feel comfortable. Especially if you have but most people don't have this kind of heart, let them automatically divide into circles. The social class was clearly divided according to Chi Nan's order, and the hierarchy was created from this.

The one who reacted the most was the plane of Chi Nan's hometown. After all, Chi Nan has not completely controlled that plane, and only his own territory is under his control.

After discovering the great movement of the Sacred Tree Leader, all the forces paid their attention to this place one after another.

"It's weird, what the Sacred Tree Leader is going to do, isn't the Sacred Tree God always thinking the same way as the elves, advocating an equal life, how could it suddenly become like this this time, and all of a sudden, it was divided into levels. "

"Who knows, but it's not better this way. I used to be a nobleman and didn't work at all, but now who doesn't come to fawn on me. I don't want to do what I want. It feels really good."

"Hehe, it turns out that you are also the leader of the sacred tree. The conditions there are good, but what is the use of your nobles not being hereditary." This is a noble from the sacred dragon empire, and now he also uses his nerves. .

The previous person said disdainfully: "What do you know, here, a country baron has better power and life than your earl or even a marquis. As for the credit, hum, it’s not easy to have status. Let’s talk about it. , As long as our territory reaches the strength, we will naturally get the title, and no credit will be the same."

This is the condition that Chi Nan provides to those who like to practice, after all strength itself is a kind of status.

"I heard that some time ago, the Sacred Tree Leader seemed to be investigating public opinion whether it was because of this incident. After all, there is no hierarchy, the society is already chaotic. If it weren't for the strength of the Sacred Tree God , The territory has long collapsed."

"That's it, how can it be done without a hierarchy? The nobles have always managed the world. This is justified in the first place."

Well, this is actually a civilian who is speaking. The civilian himself thinks that he should be under control. What else can others say. Had it not been for this knowledge, Chi Nan would not have made up his mind to completely open up the noble system.

"In short, no matter what you do, the development of the territory will definitely get better and better, and I will support any decision under the crown." This is a fanatic, who came here to preach.

Many other empires and kingdoms, seeing the changes in the sacred tree collar at this time, were also hesitating whether to learn. Especially the kingdoms surrounding the holy tree collar, many are already preparing to imitate.

Only those nobles with vested interests do not want to abolish the hereditary system, so they have no way to do it for a while. They can only watch the Holy Tree Leader make reforms with eyesight.

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