The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1330: Returning Intelligence Service

   In the dark underground, some figures are gathering together. One of them was still a civilian from the Sacred Tree Leader.

   "The next thing will be left to you. That **** Carter won't let us live, and we won't let him live." Carter is the viscount of this city and a new nobleman.

   Just because of taxation, the income of these civilians has been reduced by half compared to before. Without enough gold coins to sustain their lives, they feel very uncomfortable. Even if their income is actually very high, but it is reduced by half at once, no matter who it is, there will be complaints. Today, these civilians are united.

   Communicate with some underground mercenaries outside, and prepare to kill the local nobles, so that they will have a chance to be in position.

   At that time, whether they have been oppressed, whether they should oppress other people, is not their consideration.

   "Don't worry, don't worry about collecting money to do things, but after all, this is the sacred tree collar, which is very dangerous. If that person has anything to do with the temple, we won't do it, and the sacred tree collar charges twice as much as other places."

   "No problem, we knew it for a long time, double is double. Carter has nothing to do with the temple, don't worry."

   Blood is dripping in their hearts, but they can only do this in order to get a chance to move forward.

   "Hmph, wait until that guy is killed, and then your death date. Capture the assassin who assassinated the nobleman, this credit is enough for me to go further." The contact person thought secretly in his heart, and a flash of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

   Just when they were talking, no one noticed that some people in black had appeared on the ground.

Around   , the people in black sprinkled some seeds on the ground. The seeds grew rapidly, and the roots of the vines pierced the ground directly, enclosing them all. There is no way to escape.

   When everyone was controlled in the middle, the people in black swarmed up and broke their underground passage door directly. It was only when they wanted to escape that they discovered that their way of retreat had long been entangled by a large number of roots.

   "Grab them all, investigate carefully, none of them can be let go." A man in black snorted coldly.

"Wait, I am a commoner, I am a commoner of the Sacred Tree Leader, who are you, do you know what it means to do this, we will not let you go under the crown of the Sacred Tree." The contact person shouted. Shouted.

The headed man in black said disdainfully: "We are the subordinates of Princess Sophia, the people of the intelligence department of the Holy Tree. This time, we are here to catch you. You unite and collude with the foreign assassins to murder the local nobles. , The sin is already unpardonable. No need to consider other people, they have all been arrested by them.

   "You don't need to say more, we have collected all your evidence. Do you think we can't find you if we deliberately damage the nerves, take it away." The black man said to this guy with disdain.

   seemed to have been hit hard, the contact person was suddenly sluggish. He didn't expect that when the plan just started, he was caught. As for those assassins, they were knocked out in the first place.

   I want to let them talk now, but they can’t. That's right, these intelligence agencies were ordered by Chi Nan to let them return. In the future, the intelligence department will no longer be a person who is completely dispatched and controls all information from the outside world.

   Today's intelligence personnel are divided into internal and external parts. Internally, it has united with the local militia police department, and anyone who endangers the security of the territory will be directly arrested. When Chi Nan discovered that many of his own leaders were engaging in small actions, they had already decided to do so. If you don't want to live a good life, go to the prison.

   With the differentiation of levels, there are more and more disturbances in various places, and more and more people engage in small actions. But these people are not professional after all, and there are a lot of plants around the Sacred Tree Collar.

  I want to run after doing these things, how is that possible. Some civilians who were unwilling to be oppressed even left the sacred tree collar and went to live in other places around them. But soon they came back.

   Because they found that living outside is worse and the conditions are worse. And the outside world is also oppressed, and oppression and exploitation are even worse. The most important thing is that inside the holy tree collar, there is at least a life guarantee, but outside, it is normal even if you die. After comparing them, they found that the sacred tree collar was better.

   But compared to the previous life, the current life is really terrible. It has become a sad place here. Countless people are regretting, and they dare not make some small actions, sadness fills their hearts.

   For this, Chi Nan just sneered, still doing his own way, not caring about these people's thoughts. Choosing a path, even if you kneel down, you have to go down, not only for yourself, but also for these people.

   I am a god, a lord, but not the nanny of these leaders.

   This kind of thing happens everywhere, not one or two, but everywhere. Those caught will be judged among them. Small offenders will be put in jail, and those who want to assassinate local nobles will be sentenced to hanging their heads ~ and put these people to death in public in front of everyone. No mercy.

   This also lets them know that this time the territory is really playing. For a while in the territory, all places became quiet, full of various sad emotions. But Chi Nan knew that soon they would adapt and return to normal.

   Under this kind of system, the hierarchy is very clear. If you want to climb up, it is not without a chance. Regardless of whether it is meritorious service or cultivation, you can become a master. No one dare to be a commoner now, and no one from now on.

  Only this kind of system with strict hierarchy and opportunities for all classes to climb up is the best. After analyzing the plant brain and himself, Chi Nan has discovered that the territory will continue to develop and it will definitely become more prosperous. The mess of the past is never going to happen again.

   Since this is the case, why should I worry about the resentment of these civilians for a while. Most resentment comes from having nothing to do. There are too many things and exhaustion, who would have the mind to rebel.

   After finishing the internal affairs of the major planes, Chi Nan finally set his sights on the central plane again. This place is the important part of one's own development. And now Chi Nan finally got an important news.

   It turns out that the luck in the legend is not fake. In this world, there is actually such a manifestation of similar power. And this manifestation is mainly reflected in the central plane. ...


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