The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1332: The truth about the fight for the central plane

   Chi Nan, who was watching, suddenly said, "You said, these people are fighting all day long what they want to do. Even if the central plane has a lot of resources, there is no need to fight like this."

This is something that Chi Nan has always been very puzzled about: "In such a desolate place, there is very little output. Whether it is ore or other things, there are very few. And this kind of battle will only make one's own The loss of believers is too great. The gathering of faith mainly depends on quantity, not on the strong. What are they doing this way?"

   Chi Nan hasn't figured it out, these guys seem to have a problem with their brains, and they are always fighting desperately on the central plane.

   If it is said that the beetle **** at the beginning was fighting against himself because he had an enmity with him. As for the other gods, it's not uncommon for them to die with Chi Nan, which is really weird.

   "Don't you know that the **** is crowned?" The violent beast **** was surprised.

   "What should I know? Could it be that there is really something to say?" Chi Nan looked at him strangely.

   The violent beast **** was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized. Although the strength of this divine lord is strong, his time for becoming a **** is very short. I didn't have a few years to come to this place in the central area, and I didn't communicate with people very much. No wonder it was like this.

   Even if Chinan is in the Pantheon, it usually means buying some things you need, or selling some plants to collect resources. Rarely would chat with other gods or inquire about things.

   It's no wonder that this is not a secret thing for a long time, and Chi Nan actually didn't know it at all.

Thinking of this, the violent beast **** quickly said: "That's it, the various outputs of the central plane are indeed good things, but generally these places are not in the bustling places, or near the middle. Ours is very desolate. ."

   "However, our place is very large. After all, it is part of the central plane. Moreover, in this place, there are many creatures living here and occupying these places for development. This is very necessary."

   The violent beast **** drew a circle on the crystal board, pointing out the place they control now.

   "Speaking of which, we don't have any products here, only the roots of some mother trees underground. Is this thing useful?"

"No, no, of course not. The gods like the roots of the mother tree can't be broken, and it's of no use. If it is broken, it will easily cause the earth to mutate, attract gods and other things, which is not good for oneself. ."

It seemed to be organizing the language. After thinking for a while, the violent beast **** said: "In fact, the real purpose of our fight is this area of ​​the central plane. The larger the occupied territory, the more creatures under his command. Great."

   "How good, this doesn't seem to have a direct relationship with faith, right." Chi Nan was even more puzzled.

   "I don't know how adults usually cultivate, I mean how they perceive the law and condense the godhead."

   Chi Nan was stunned, how he cultivated, not just planting trees, and then his divine power would continue to improve. As for the condensed Godhead, your own Godhead itself is a tree, does it need to be condensed, and you will grow. And the law of perception, get rid of, after the growth of one's sacred tree godhead, the law will naturally be understood, why should I understand it?

   suddenly turned his eyes, Chi Nan said: "Isn't it possible to strengthen your perception as long as you improve the kingdom of God."

   Now, it was the turn of the violent beast **** to be surprised. Chi Nan meant that there was no trouble in understanding the law by himself, which showed that when Chi Nan became a god, his own priesthood or statement covered a large range and was very advanced.

   It's no wonder that Chi Nan has such strength without becoming a **** for many years. "It’s really amazing under the crown of God, no wonder we haven’t found it. In fact, it is very difficult for us ordinary gods to gather the godhead and experience the laws. Only when we understand something from the laws of heaven and earth can we be able to The godhead is raised little by little."

   Chinan nodded and said: "I know that the law has not been comprehended to a certain extent, and there is no way to improve the godhead. If the godhead cannot be improved, then many gods cannot advance."

   This is generally accepted news, and there is nothing wrong with it. "Therefore, we will compete in the central area. The law of the central plane is the closest to the law of the whole world and the earth, and it is the most complete. In this place, the larger the occupied territory, the better the development, the clearer it will be. Feel the laws of the central plane to make up for your own shortcomings."

   "It turns out that by comprehending the laws of the central plane and comparing yourself to yourself, you can supplement some of your deficiencies, so you can more easily improve your godhead."

   It turns out that this place has such a big effect on the gods, and can help the gods to advance. No wonder it will attract the gods of all heavens and all realms to come. Only those at the main **** level don't need it anymore.

"Not only that, if the occupied area reaches a certain level, it can even accelerate the speed of cultivation. There are some people who directly comprehend the laws of the central plane and become the gods of the central plane. The face can carry many guardian gods, even the main **** can carry it, and many gods will choose to become the guardian **** of the central plane."

   Chi Nan is really surprised, I have never seen the patron saint of this plane, perhaps because of the desolation here. If this is the case, then the central plane can be even more dangerous than one thought.

   "That's right. In fact, the mother tree was the most powerful patron saint of the central plane at the beginning. Even the main **** is not the opponent of the mother tree. I just don't know why, the mother tree actually died some time ago."

   The mother tree died without warning, and was only discovered long after the death. Under normal circumstances, there is no problem with the plane he is guarding, and he is not attacked. The gods will not die, which is really strange.

   But no matter how the main gods investigate, they just don't know the reason. Of course, it is also possible that the main gods knew but didn't tell them.

   But at this time, Chi Nan started to think. I don't need to refer to the laws of the outside world, and there is no way to refer to it. The sacred tree directly closed the road to comprehend the law, and can only follow the growth of the sacred tree.

   Therefore, occupying a territory in this place does not seem to be of any use to me. Sure enough, I can only provide services to others. It's a pity that Hemira and the others are their own gods, and gods don't need such enlightenment. ...


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