The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1336: The protagonist of this battle is not us

Just like what I did before, after getting a lot of faith crystallization from the other party and adding the other party's gods, through some special methods, he can connect to the other party's kingdom of God. It's just that the orc **** system is much stronger than himself.

This is also a manifestation of the background, even if it is an orc who doesn't like research very much. Chi Nan found that the orcs were able to use the idols to create a very large spatial passage at once, which was extremely stable. The degree is much faster than what I did at the beginning, and this is not something that the simple knowledge left over from the inheritance can do.

This is definitely something that has been studied more deeply, but because it is not a plant, Chi Nan can only look at it and can't figure it out.

The moment the passage opened, Chi Nan let the plants that had been prepared for a while rushed into it, followed by a large number of orcs and mad warriors, and the final stage of the battle of gods finally began.

"Hold on for the time being, as long as they can not be driven out of the kingdom of God, there is no problem. This idol has been used up, I will bring it back to us, and after a month, we will be able to open the gods from another place. Country channel."

This was what Lucas said to Chi Nan, and Chi Nan nodded slightly and agreed directly. "Don't worry, it may not be easy to defeat the opponent, but it is not a problem for me to contain them."

For your own plant army, the most important thing is quantity. After rooting in the opponent's kingdom for a period of time, it is still possible to directly form a production base in the opponent's kingdom. It is not easy to drive yourself out.

In order to be able to take root better, Chi Nan even let some plants not far from the entrance of the other side's kingdom of God, directly transport a large amount of soil, these soils are directly placed on top of a lot of chassis wood.

Even though the opponent's laws of the Kingdom of God kept repelling them, Chi Nan still took root in this place and directly created a base. Starting from the entrance, the opponent's kingdom of God continued to erode, and after having a base, the erosion of the opponent's kingdom of God was greatly accelerated. It seems that if it continues, sooner or later it will cause the collapse of the opponent's kingdom of God.

"It's really an orc **** system, you can use a **** statue to open the other side's divine kingdom passage from so far away. If we replace it with our own words, we absolutely can't do it, this time I don't know who shot it."

After calculation, Chi Nan found that it was impossible for him to do this at all. This was no longer a problem at the technical level, but at the level of strength. In other words, this time at least one high-ranking **** took the shot.

"Chi Nan, don't we add some more powerful plant weapons? You have already researched it during this period of time."

That's right, Chi Nan has recently used divine plants to transform all of his plant army into the second generation of special plant army. This is an overall upgrade. The strength of the newly emerging plant army may not have improved much.

But because these plants all have a special divine relationship, they can effectively kill demigods. And Chi Nan recently plans to add some special offensive plants to it. The army of plants formed in this way can definitely slaughter the masters of the demigod level. Even, it can have a certain impact on the true god.

Such an army of plants, plus the bonus from the Scattered Field of Mother Trees in the Homeland, can definitely become a team capable of destroying the true gods. Such a team can be considered very powerful in the entire central plane.

Hearing Weiweisi's words, Chi Nan grabbed a handful of Weiweisi's head to play with, and said indifferently: "The protagonist of this battle is not us, but the orcs. We just help them delay it."

"Furthermore, with my current strength, if the army of plants I have is too strong, it can't be justified."

This is Chi Nan's worry. In fact, even now, the plant army that he has shown, there are many gods inquiring about him openly and secretly. If it weren't for his apparent cooperation with the Orc God System, and the Elf God System seemed unclear, I'm afraid that many people have already attacked him. After all, he is a middle god.

Even if you are a high-level god, you still can't take out certain things too obviously. Although the main **** may not be very interested in these things, other powerful old high-level gods will definitely be interested.

In fact, the difference between the gods at each level is very obvious. Just becoming a high-level **** and a veteran high-level **** are not at the same level at all. Even now, some ordinary mid-level gods are definitely not their opponents alone.

The army of plants is still slowly and firmly advancing the front line, and the orcs and the mad orcs are constantly fighting in this crazy battle. Almost every day, countless orcs and mad orcs break through to a higher level.

Among the opponent's kingdom of God, the evil orcs are obviously denser, and with the bonus of the opponent's kingdom, their strength is also stronger. It is not easy to survive this kind of battle.

During this period of time, a new legendary master was born almost every few days. After fighting for a month, there were two more demigod beasts, which made the beast gods happy.

With the improvement of the overall strength of the mad orcs, the benefits of the violent beast gods are also very huge. As a patron saint, his own destiny is completely linked to the race he guards. The middle-level kingdom of God, which originally took some time to be consolidated by the violent beast gods, was actually quickly consolidated under the influence of the violent beastman exhibition.

This phenomenon makes Chi Nan very greedy. If it weren't for too much influence, Chi Nan would have an idea of ​​becoming the patron saint of the race. However, he has become a god, and it is impossible to change One month later, the advancement of the army in the opponent's kingdom is not very obvious, but it has not been driven out. Even if the opponent's **** took several shots, Chi Nan used the number of plants to firmly nail it.

It is conceivable that in the battle of God, the opponent's gods directly attack the ordinary army. This kind of behavior that goes beyond the rules, the opponent can not pay a little price. At least the divine power is crystallized, and it must be very expensive.

In the battle of the gods, the gods cannot directly attack the opponent's army. This is the rule of the will of the heavens, and it is also one of the fundamental rules of this world. It is not impossible to want to cross, but the price paid is very high.

This dread beast **** really has a deep background, and ordinary gods would never dare to play like this. At this moment, the entire kingdom of God shook suddenly, and ripples could be seen in the void, continuously spreading out. ...


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