The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1343: Towards the center of the center

As the status is getting higher and higher, all kinds of trivial matters are also increasing, which Chi Nan can't resist.

Even other gods are getting closer and closer with themselves. The height of the upper gods can already ignore the lunatic character, anyway, no one will provoke a higher **** casually.

It happened that while his strength was very strong, he still had a lot of various resources, which was what the gods liked.

If you can't do without yourself, you can only try to get a relationship with yourself. The most important thing is that I am very good to the subordinate gods and subordinate gods, and I don't know who promoted this.

Even recently, some gods want to try to join themselves. He is not a normal natural **** system.

Rather, some elemental gods and mad orc gods were brought along, and even the undead gods themselves had everything. This can be regarded as a very complicated messy **** system, this kind of **** system is rare under normal circumstances.

Usually, there will be some influence due to the discord of ideas, and it is generally easier for the same type of gods to get together.

But once this kind of chaotic **** system can be completely stabilized, it shows that the **** master himself is extraordinary. Coupled with good treatment, of course they want to come in. There are also some gods who are watching.

Chi Nan is not a goddess. He has been screened very strictly, and has not yet earned one.

And these things gradually increased, leaving Chi Nan not even having time to study with him. When my own gods and incarnations went together, they all felt exhausted. Of course, this was just an illusion.

Later, Weiweisi proposed to establish a foreign teacher department, and Chi Nan asked Weiweisi to do it.

In the beginning, the avatars of herself and other people were handed over to Weiweisi to manage and relieve stress. And because of this matter, Chi Nan's selection of new divine matters has also accelerated the process.

At the same time, the lower-level councils and temples are now busy with those planes controlled by Chi Nan below.

His own **** has become a higher god, which is definitely a big deal. The belief in the upper gods is already very stable for them. After all, the middle **** may fall at any time, and the upper **** is different.

With the power of Chi Nan's breakthrough, the voices in the major planes that were originally dissatisfied with the new aristocratic system were suddenly suppressed. Although, they don't know what the upper gods mean.

After suppressing these voices, the policy will be implemented very quickly. Chi Nan detailed that after a few decades, there won't be many voices of opposition. After a few generations, this will form a tradition that is recognized and maintained by everyone. There are naturally people who make small movements in secret, and they will certainly not be wiped out, but there will not be any big waves.

On the plane of his hometown, the fluctuations were much greater. The dragon clan had just contacted his god, and thought he could fight against Chi Nan with the power of the god.

But suddenly Chi Nan broke through, causing the dragons to close their mouths immediately. Dragon gods are a very powerful type of gods, but their number is too small. Therefore, they are usually very low-key.

The dragons themselves are relatively independent and don't like to listen to other people. Therefore, the dragon gods usually act alone. The one that the Dragon Race found this time was just a middle-ranked god.

After learning about this, Chi Nan just waved his hand, saying that he knew it, that's it.

"Finally, these things are almost handled, then the next step is to move towards the central government."

"Chi Nan, are you going to move toward the middle of the central plane? Will this arouse the vigilance of other gods."

Hearing Sophia's words, Chi Nan smiled: "Haha, what's the vigilance? Every **** has a certain strength, isn't it all going to the middle of the central plane? Besides, we are not directly involved. "

That's right, Chi Nan didn't intend to intervene directly, because that would cause a lot of backlash. Chi Nan uses the most stupid method, and it is also a method that is generally not used by any gods.

Because these plants under Chi Nan's reproductive capacity are too fast. Now the split-air cannon with fixed-point locking direction has been completed, just lock the direction in the center, and then establish a space channel towards that side.

A space channel opens, followed by a base exhibition, and then more and more bases expand on the opposite side. When it grows to a certain extent, it will continue to move toward the center, and it will make a leap forward one after another. At the same time, the rear base will continue to expand, striving to connect all bases into one line.

This kind of exhibition mode can be said to be unprecedented. But the central plane is really too big. If you use this method to reach the core of the central plane, you don't know that it will be the year of the monkey.

In addition, it will inevitably collide with the territories of many other gods, and it will definitely cause conflicts at that time.

Some gods will evade, but some have bad tempers or bad brains, and they will inevitably smash with Chi Nan. It is not impossible to even cause a **** war for this, so the delay will be longer. Chi Nan can see it, and of course others can see it too. So this matter will eventually become a joke for other gods.

It's just that Chi Nan doesn't care about this at all. Anyway, he doesn't need to fight for control of the central area.

Even in the upper god, Chi Nan still felt that his godhead had not reached the limit, and he still couldn't break through the shackles that the sacred tree brought to him, so if he continued to display the plants, he could improve his **** power.

As long as the divine power is sufficient ~ ~ as long as the conditions are sufficient, one can still continue to improve until it reaches the level of the main god. As for whether he can continue to improve, that is not something that Chi Nan is qualified to know now.

Therefore, moving towards the central government is just a guise. Actively expanding its territory and plant scale, this is true. After explaining it, everyone understood what was going on.

"This matter must be kept secret. If the main gods know my situation, they will never leave me behind."

Regardless of how friendly the main gods are to each other, they are absolutely unwilling to have a new main god. If anyone now has the certainty to become the main god, then the consequences can be imagined.

How some arrogant high-level gods disappeared in the past can actually be discovered by investigating them. Many of them have the shadow of a certain main **** behind them. There is no way, this is reality. ...


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