The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1354: Helpless distribution and new contracts

   Negotiations are meant to offer mutual conditions and then compromise with each other. Those with strength will naturally have a higher status and make it easier for the other party to compromise. Give up half of it, which is already a face-saving.

   Chinan was also worried that if he gave less, with the character of the dragon clan, he would die directly with him.

   I can't do anything here, I directly exposed myself after I went out. They won't get any benefits, and they won't get any benefits. Simply give them a little benefit and let them sign a new contract to ensure their safety.

   I'm still a bit too tender, and I didn't see such an obvious loophole. This can't be regarded as a loophole, after all, no one thought that there would be so many artifacts of dragon clan fame here.

  Even the three dragons, they all thought that these things were in the hands of the high-level dragons.

   A few people looked at each other, and they found that under Chi Nan's pressure, they could really gain nothing at all. As long as you control them, you can steal everything without attacking. And once Chi Nan did this, even if Chi Nan's affairs were revealed in the future, they would not get any benefits, and they would lose out.

   Once Chi Nan becomes fierce and pays the price for violating the contract, and also takes away the Dragon Ball, then Huang Sha's opportunity to advance to the upper **** will also be lost, so Huang Sha is even more uneasy at this time.

   Before Red and Blue could speak, Huang Sha suddenly said, "I agree, let's follow this ratio. This exploration was originally your greatest contribution. You can take half of it. I agree to the signing of the contract."

   The temporary alliance was suddenly broken. Huang Sha agreed, and Red and Blue were even less rivals.

   Being a dragon is arrogant, yes, but no one is an idiot. In desperation, the two people finally said blue on behalf of the red: "We also agree, but a clause must be added to the contract, not to **** other people's things."

   Chi Nan was taken aback, it seems that these guys have also found a lot of good things, otherwise they would never do that. Can't snatch, is this worrying about taking away their things later? Forget it, anyway, I didn't see what was in them, so I didn't even think about it. Those who want to get all the benefits in their own hands will not end well.

   Chi Nan nodded gently: "Yes, just follow this." Then, Chi Nan used his divine power to communicate the will of the heavens, and a contract appeared directly. The other dragons took a look, a little helpless, but still agreed.

   The contract is signed, then they should be assigned. "Now, you can first take away the more important and famous artifacts among the dragons, and just leave the lesser known artifacts to me. In terms of value, it can only be half, and this bow will also be given to me."

   "Of course." Sacred artifacts are also valuable. Under the same value, naturally the more advanced the better. And the most famous dragon clan, of course, is the best to use and the most suitable for them to use.

   Chi Nan doesn't care about these. Although his **** system lacks artifacts, it doesn't matter if he doesn't.

   For the time being, there are not so many enemies in his own **** system, and there is no need to go out to fight all day. With abundant materials in the future, can I make it by myself? In his own hands, it is enough to have the Light of Death at present.

   Watching several dragons start to organize their magic, Chi Nan took the longbow away. The three dragons didn't know what they had discussed, and in the end the staff was taken away by Lan, instead of the yellow sand that held the information here.

  Perhaps, this is also because Huang Sha has gained too many benefits before, so I have to compromise. Huang Sha alone is definitely not the opponent of the other two for the time being. Unless, he can break through later.

   As for their previous contract, Chi Nan didn't think about it. Just calculate the magic value here and start collecting. "Although the artifacts here are not very high-level, most of them are low-level magical, just suitable for the use of lower gods, but the number is really quite large, enough to go back to arm other people."

   Inferior artifacts are also artifacts, not the same as empty hands at all. Besides, there are many mid-level gods who use low-level artifacts. The gods who have not joined the great **** system are still very hard.

   After finishing cleaning up, Chi Nan gave a cold snort and quickly left the place. I was a little depressed in my heart, if I didn't dislike observing, but took things away quickly, there would not be so many troublesome things. Good things can't be exposed, once they are seen by others, all kinds of troublesome things will follow.

   After entering casually from the next entrance, Chi Nan also ignored the others. He took out his own light of dying, and then grabbed the longbow in his hand, and the two longbows gently merged in the middle.

  In an instant, a bright light broke out in my hand, the two longbows merged together, the light flowed, and the colorful halo formed a cocoon-like thing. "It will take time to merge? Forget it, it's not available for the time being. But it doesn't matter. Those dragons can't do it. They really don't need weapons and are not afraid of them."

   Chi Nan temporarily put aside the matter, and collected the light of dying. It takes seven days to merge, but looking at the, the exploration time definitely doesn't take that long, and the speed should be accelerated.

   "I don't know if there will be such a directly connected channel next, speed up, I don't know what the final is. In the cemetery, generally the best is not on the corpse owner, or at the deepest or center."

   While thinking, Chi Nan speeded up. When I walked around this time, I didn't care what I encountered on the road. No matter what you encounter, put it away first, and didn't even look at it. After you go back, you can sort it out.

   Since then, Chi Nan's speed has indeed accelerated a lot. I don't know how long it has passed before I encountered a hall again, or it was connected to other openings, which seemed to be the same as the armory.

   This time, the halls are not weapons, but armors. Chi Nan didn't even look at it, and immediately took away the armor, chose a path randomly, and walked down.

   As for the next few dragons who came here and found that there was nothing left, this has nothing to do with him. Speaking of it, rushing forward like this is very dangerous. Once you encounter a trap, it is easy to get caught. If it weren't for time, Chi Nan wouldn't risk it. Chi Nan will leave some seeds under his feet all the time.

   Once you are in danger, use the phase shift at any time. This is the real reason why Chi Nan dares to take the risk. This speed of advancement is far from comparable to that of the other dragons. ...


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