The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1359: What should I do if Chi Nan is missing?

   Dealing with two upper gods at the same time is not a simple matter. Chi Nan's own strength is definitely not to be underestimated, but after all, he is not a **** who has experienced many battles.

   On the contrary, most of Chi Nan stood behind and watched other people fight, or just crushed it with absolute strength. When the rare strengths were about the same, Chi Nan's strength restrained the opponent.

   This time, although his own power also restrained the Bone Broken Beast God, it was a real tough battle. Chi Nan, who was inexperienced in combat, was so embarrassed by the two upper gods that he could only defend with all his strength and find a chance to counterattack.

   The Worm God is not an evil god. Although this guy looks nauseous, he is an orthodox **** who has his own seat in the Pantheon. Therefore, Chi Nan had no way to restrain the power of the Worm God.

   From Chi Nan's point of view, the pressure brought by the Worm God is less than the Bone Broken Beast God, but it is not much smaller. There is no way to restrain the power of the Worm God, and can only watch the Worm God laying around. One by one, small insects were released, and silk threads were pulled out of thin air, restricting their own space for activity.

   Although Chi Nan also makes plants around, but in this special environment, Chi Nan found that he was disconnected from his original plants, so there was no way to summon them, but to make them out of thin air.

   But it takes time to make it out of thin air, even with the help of the realm of gods, there is still no way to take shape in an instant.

   And whenever they appear, those little bugs will cooperate with the Worm God to kill the plants in Chinan one by one. "You don't have to work in vain. We already knew that your most powerful things are those plants. As long as you don't let you grow plants, you won't have any abilities."

   As he said, the Worm God was still in shock. Chi Nan did not have the help of plants, and the strength he exerted was indeed different from usual. But what they didn't expect was that Chi Nan would be so difficult to deal with. Only by relying on himself, he can still block the attack of the two of them. You know, Chi Nan's combat experience is not very good.

   Two veteran gods can tell at a glance that Chi Nan has not experienced much battle, especially between the gods.

  I can't see it normally, but when the battle is really fierce, there is no way to hide it.

   "Hmph, it doesn't matter who is dead and who lives." Chi Nan snorted coldly, and continued to insist. They have hole cards, don't they have it. Don't let you make plants, but you still have other ways.

   Powerful plants are no longer good, so just make general plant weapons. These plants are fast in manufacturing and can take shape almost instantly. With the blessing of the realm of gods, their strength is no weaker than the other little bugs. Even if it can't threaten the Worm God, it's good to at least prevent the opponent from continuing to restrict themselves.

   Chinan’s magic power was condensed into armor, and there was a long sword, which he swung while resisting. The two upper gods were opponents at the same time, and Chi Nan still persisted hard. And in the battle, the combat experience is rapidly improving.

   Chi Nan can feel that his pressure is gradually weakening. As long as he can persist, Chi Nan believes that he can definitely drag the two of them to death. Moreover, such a good sparring partner can't be found anywhere.

   While Chinan was fighting hard, in Chinan's kingdom of God, someone finally discovered something was wrong. Chi Nan, who was supposed to go home and live like ordinary people every day, would disappear for no reason.

   When it was confirmed that no one knew where Chi Nan was, Hermilla finally became anxious. As a result, several gods and subordinate gods were called for a meeting. The violent beast gods were excluded. At this time, they did not believe in the violent beast gods who had joined from outside. And the violent beast **** never knew what happened here.

   "What the **** is going on, is Lord Lord really missing, in his own kingdom of God?"

   "Yes, I should have come back today, but there is no news. I have searched for the temple and the laboratory."

   Even Miria, who is the most free, quieted down: "Could it be that there is something busy, so I didn't have time to inform."

   "Impossible. If something happens, we will definitely notify us in advance. Even if we don't have time, we will leave a message through the plant brain. Besides, there are things we can't communicate through the plant brain."

  Everyone understood what Hemira said. With Chinan's control over plants, even if it is separated from a distant world, it is able to communicate with plants, it is impossible to find such a situation where no one can be found.

   And Chi Nan's character has always been, and there is no possibility of using this method to tease people. Then, Chi Nan actually disappeared in his own kingdom of God. Who would believe this kind of thing? This is a high-level god.

   "There are many things in the world of gods that we can't understand. Maybe this is the case this time. Romelia, do you have any records of this in your materials."

Romelia shook her head: "No, although there are rumors that some gods have disappeared, no one can prove some people came back after a while, and some people never showed up. The people who came back didn't even mention anything before." Obviously, Romelia still collected some relevant information.

   "Then, are we going to ask about the Elf Deity or the Orc Deity, maybe they know." Silken Kaye put forward her own opinion. As an elf, she is naturally closer to the Elf Deity.

   Sophia immediately denied: "No, absolutely not. We have no direct relationship with them. We know this. If we let them know that Chi Nan is missing, who knows what will happen to them."

After a pause, Sophia continued: "What we have to do now is to stabilize the current situation and not let people know about Chi Nan's disappearance. Foreign transactions are automatic, and it is the same without Chi Nan. We secretly observe, Who has the special performance. Also, has Chi Nan’s demon incarnation contacted him."

Wei Wei Si spread her hands out: "The demon incarnation just said that Chi Nan should have nothing to do now, and the connection between them has also been severed. This phenomenon should only occur when Chi Nan goes to a place isolated from the world. of."

   There are only a few Jedi in places that are isolated from the world. How could Chi Nan go to those places in his own kingdom of God. "Anyway, hold on to other people first. I believe that if it is artificial, it will definitely be exposed." In the end, Hermilla made the final decision. ...


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