The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1367: Then deal with it first

More and more invitations were sent, but Chi Nan didn't want to respond. Because they are gods, this is different from ordinary humans. Humans go to other people's homes just to be guests, nothing else.

But if the gods accept the invitation and leave the kingdom of gods casually, it will be very dangerous. Especially when it comes to other people's turf, the consequences are even more disastrous. Who knows if those gods are the same as the light gods.

And Chi Nan also knew through some small channels that the Bright God System had invited other gods before, and some were sent back, but there were a few special ones, and there was no response. Some are dead, and some may still be seized. Either join and sign a harsh contract, or you can only stay there forever.

There are even some gods with a bad reputation, and this kind of thing has been done.

They will not think that they are just a **** who has just arrived here, thinking that they don't know the situation. This is very possible. Therefore, Chi Nantongtong refused all these invitations.

It's not to use other words to shirk off. Gods do things very directly. To refuse is to refuse. If it doesn't altogether, it will cause some other things, which will definitely be more troublesome.

"What about these people who are going to visit us?" Weiweisi was waiting for Chi Nan to make up his mind.

Chi Nan thought for a while and said, “Let them come first. Isn’t there an abandoned Kingdom of God’s transformation to receive the Kingdom of God next to us? Let’s receive them here. Let’s observe it in secret, and the people who are really suitable for it will come. You can recommend it, and forget about other unsuitable ones. We have to strictly check from the beginning, but we can't ask for everyone."

My own **** system is different from other **** systems. After all, this place is not only recruiting people with a single attribute.

After thinking about it, Chi Nan continued, "The most important thing about our income is character and potential. We don't have to accept those with insufficient potential and no development prospects." Wei Wei Si nodded, and other gods did the same. .

"As for character, at least in our own **** system, we can't make trouble casually. You know, we have all the attributes here, and we don't hide these people like other **** systems. Walking outside all day, attributes Affect the character, God knows if they will fight on their own, so this character is very important."

Whether he has a brain or is irritable, Chi Nan doesn't care at all. But people in their own gods must not fight on their own just because of small things, it's not just as simple as watching a joke.

If one is not good, the entire **** system may collapse. At this point, we have to be careful.

After becoming a god, it is completely different from when you were a mortal. If your own territory was destroyed before, you can still find a place to make a comeback and re-establish your own territory.

But after becoming a god, it's different. Once the **** system is destroyed, he has almost no chance to do it again. The Kingdom of God was destroyed, and Chi Nan himself did not have the confidence to establish a new Kingdom of God again.

The most important thing is that the war between the gods is very cruel, and the war between the gods is even more cruel. Once it breaks out, either you die or I die. After the failure, there is absolutely no chance to start again. Regardless of the gods, there are many ways to escape, and promise to do it again, but in fact there are not many that can be used.

"Then the invitations of the major gods, it's not good for us to refuse them so consistently, and some gods have already sent a second invitation, and there are some words in it that threaten us." Wei Weisi said hesitantly.

For those who dare to threaten oneself, there must be more than one upper **** in the **** system, and there will even be a main god. And there are only a few gods who have a main god, and ordinary people don't dare to provoke them at will.

But Chi Nan didn't care at all. Isn't he the main god, one day he will be able to reach it. But after joining them, it is very difficult for oneself to achieve this level. Believe in their main god, and don't want to see a new main **** born. One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, and one **** system does not allow two main gods.

Before the main god, perhaps they could still coexist peacefully, but at the level of the main god, the existence of the same strength is basically difficult to be together. At that time, only one part of God could be divided into two, and the loss would be great.

Thinking of this, Chi Nan could only wave his hand and said: "Forget it, let's just perfunctory, we need time to consolidate ourselves. And you have to seize the time to practice, not let the power of the gods be too weak."

Afterwards, Chi Nan said again: "It seems that the number of places for the gods must continue to increase. I have a total of 30 places for the gods. If I train more for the gods, it can be regarded as an increase in combat effectiveness."

Chi Nan's heart moved, and the second round of selection for God began. Except for a few of his subordinates, this time Chi Nan plans to choose all the spirits of the gods. The elves of the gods are the most compatible with their attributes, and they are also the existence that can best display their god-like strength. These even elves will be the most powerful combat troops under their own hands.

And his own special plants have not been cultivated yet. When he is well trained, he will definitely be able to transform into a void combat force that truly belongs to him. This is a combat team that even the Lord God does not have.

Looking at my kingdom of God, as the kingdom of God improves, all aspects are constantly rising. Nowadays, the twelve special trees of life in the kingdom of God, the fertility ability is simply getting stronger and stronger.

Whether it's a **** elves or special element elves, every one of them is born as a demigod. From then on, his subordinates will no longer lack combat effectiveness at the body level.

At this level, he had already broken the curse of gods not being able to cultivate demigods in batches.

I remember that only the top divine power crystallization of the main **** level has a certain chance to directly promote the existence of the legend level to a demigod. And the other low, medium and high divine power crystals, none of them have this ability.

"Okay, let's do it this way, help me maintain it these few days, and don't let people know that I have left."

Chi Nan had already planned to leave here to incubate his own fallen beast. Wei Wei Si naturally knew what Chi Nan was thinking, but she rolled her eyes and didn't answer. They didn't do this kind of thing once or twice.

Now, regarding Chi Nan’s disappearance and departure, there has long been a whole set of countermeasures in the Kingdom of God. It was okay this time, at least before leaving, tell them in advance.

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