The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1370: 1 Cut smooth demon incarnation

When Chi Nan raised the fallen beast, his own demon incarnation was also fully hands-on, and everything progressed very smoothly. The first selected target, when it was discovered that it was not the opponent of the demon incarnation at all, he surrendered directly.

That's right, even Chi Nan himself was very puzzled that this Wing Demon, who looked good at strength, suddenly surrendered.

In desperation, Chi Nan, who happened to be short of manpower, took this Wing Demon to trouble other demon. Later, Chi Nan learned that most of the demon gods did not live very well in fact.

Don't look at each of these demon gods as dangerous and desperate, but in fact they are all forced.

They are not qualified to violate the command of the will of the abyss, they can only carry out some effective resistance, nothing more.

They don't have a kingdom of God, a quiet residence, and no way to strengthen their strength. When they encounter other gods of the same level, they are often at a disadvantage, and one can easily die if they are not careful.

So most demon gods are actually very afraid of death, they are bullying and fearing hardship. When encountering someone whose strength is not as good as one's own, they will go up and swallow it, and when encountering someone stronger than one's own, they will either run away or escape.

In the eyes of the devil, there is almost no saying of surrender, because being caught is basically swallowed. This Wing Demon just tried to surrender, but Chi Nan actually agreed. Later, Chi Nan used his own kingdom of God to directly condense his own contract, even if this Wing Demon was completely subdued.

"I don't know if this is considered the first **** system among the demon gods, and I can be considered a precedent in history."

Chi Nan said to himself that Chi Nan didn't believe in the contract of the will of the abyss as a witness, it was a mess. Wing Demon didn't expect that Chi Nan's contract was witnessed by the Kingdom of God, so there was no way to violate it.

But later, this Wing Demon was completely surrendered. Because Chi Nan discovered that his own abyssal demon fire could also affect other demon gods, not just for fighting and killing each other.

If you control it well, you can temper the power of the demon **** in the opponent's body little by little, and temper the impurities inside. The strength will decline to a certain extent, but the control ability is constantly improving. Moreover, the ability to resist the will of the abyss is getting stronger and stronger. In the end, he will definitely be able to completely ignore the command of the abyss just like himself.

With such benefits, I didn't want to be taken out by the will of the abyss that day to die, this winged demon was immediately convinced, and almost kneeled and licked it. Chi Nan simply asked his gods to help, tempering and purifying the power of the Wing Demon every day.

An existence of the same level is very helpful to Chi Nan. The two demon gods start together and can deal with several lower demon gods at once, and even the middle demon **** can easily kill one.

With these, Chi Nan's speed is much faster. Continue to hunt and absorb, continue to occupy the plane and then merge. Chi Nan's status and strength are growing like crazy. After more than a month, another flame demon unexpectedly surrendered. He was also a middle demon god, and his strength was stronger than that of the wing demon.

Such a mighty and mighty guy would surrender simply, which is really eye-opening. Perhaps, only oneself can see this kind of scene, this is the scene that other gods are unwilling to believe in death.

The three middle-ranked demon gods work together, and the speed of that improvement is even faster. With the passage of time, Chi Nan gradually discovered that his kingdom of God had reached the peak of the middle kingdom of God, and there was no way to continue to improve.

This kind of restriction is useful even for the Demon God. Although the Demon God Kingdom is not as powerful as its own Kingdom of God, and its blessings are not as complete, it is still a Kingdom of God after all, and it is even larger.

Chi Nan's own strength, as he continued to refine the power of the abyss, finally reached the peak of the middle demon god. However, if you want to break through this peak level, relying on yourself is somewhat incapable.

After all, it was just a natural incarnation of himself, and his strength could only be one level lower than himself. If you want to reach the same level as yourself, you must rely on external forces to help. As far as the Demon God is concerned, the best external force is only the abyss, the source of power. Although there is a problem with the abyss's brain, it is undeniable that it is really powerful.

Thinking of this, Chi Nan began to investigate how to raise his demon incarnation to another level. The result was very simple, and I was already doing this, really riding a donkey to find a donkey.

"Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that fighting with the lizard gods for so long, I thought it was a waste, but there is no way to stop. Now it seems that it is really necessary to do so."

Absorb the power of other demon gods to improve, this is one's own initiative to improve. This improvement is not directly helped by the abyss. If you want to break through the limits of your avatar, you must use the power of the abyss, so you need the reward of the abyss.

Now that he has reached his limit, as long as he is rewarded once, he will definitely be able to break through this level. Therefore, Chi Nan hit his mind on the kingdom of lizard gods and himself. As long as the lizard gods are caught, and then the living gods of attraction will be sacrificed to the abyss with the kingdom of gods, and the power gained will be very impressive.

As for the creatures in the lizard kingdom, Chi Nan said it didn't matter at all. The kind of guy who can treat normal humanoid creatures or even the same kind as food, Chi Nan has never regarded it as a creature.

Whether it’s a lizardman or some other large lizards, or even the large lizards that are very similar to the, they are all beasts after all. As long as there are no normal creatures, Chinan will not care if this kind of thing is dead. .

Besides, the battle between gods and spirits would not have left the other's believers in the first place. You must know that if there are too many believers left, even the dead gods may be resurrected.

Although after the resurrection, it is no longer the **** before, but it is still a troublesome thing.

"Counting time, it's almost time. So now, let's start a full-scale attack. Strive to take the lizard kingdom completely within a month." Chi Nan's heart moved, and the order was issued.

This lizard **** has good strength, but has a bad personality, and has no other friends. Therefore, no one came to help when launching the God War attack. Until now, the kingdom of lizard gods has become a war.

There are a lot of people watching jokes around, but none of them have ever asked. Chi Nan also secretly inquired, and found that the people here didn't even find that the opponent was a demon, so Chi Nan was relieved.

The new book "Earth through the Ages" asks for support.

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