The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1392: Expanded, really expanded

While the Demon God was preparing, there was also a problem on the Dawn God's side. Even the God of Dawn himself did not expect such a thing to happen.

I have gone all the way to the present, but I have never encountered this kind of trouble. It was indeed very smooth at the beginning. Just as I thought, a large amount of power of faith gathered continuously, and everything was the same as I imagined.

It's just now that things are developing beyond their control. At this time, the **** of the **** of dawn is a little uncontrollable, and I can only find the **** of dawn. Outsiders don’t know, but they do. The **** of dawn was calculated some time ago, and as a result, he accidentally entered the abyss. Is it a place like the abyss to enter casually?

Immediately after entering, the God of Dawn, who found that something was wrong, wanted to escape, but was still discovered by the Will of the Abyss.

The blow of the will of the abyss did not completely hit the **** of dawn, but even a small attack still shattered the incarnation of the **** of dawn, and even his own body was injured.

If this is your own body entering, definitely don't think of it. The overall power of the will of the abyss is much stronger than the main god. This time it can be said that I have suffered a big loss.

If it hadn't suffered so much, the God of Dawn wouldn't be able to trouble Chi Nan at this time. And the deity of the **** of dawn has always been hidden in the kingdom of God to heal his wounds, and everything outside has been handed over to the incarnation.

If it hadn't been for his profound background and many incarnations, he would be discovered by outsiders now.

"Under Mian, things are a little out of control. Originally, we thought it was just a small group of ordinary demon gods who discovered our gathering place. As long as we drive them out, we can stabilize our territory and completely stabilize the surroundings. But we found that the demon **** who came More and more, it seems to have attracted the attention of a large number of senior demon gods."

They knew that this was done by Chi Nan's demon incarnation, and they also knew that Chi Nan's demon incarnation had become a high-ranking demon god. But how can a newly promoted high-ranking demon **** have friendship with other high-ranking demon gods.

Demon gods are different from orthodox gods. Shouldn't they be carefully hidden at this time to avoid being discovered by other demon gods and then swallowed by them. But what they didn't expect was that Chi Nan dared to sell things with fanfare.

Then, it attracted other high-ranking demon gods. However, Chi Nan was able to suppress them, showing very terrifying strength. Then they cooperated, and then more demons came over.

Most importantly, they didn't expect Chi Nan's methods to be so difficult. A large number of plants are difficult to expel, let alone a large number of lower demons to help out, and under a wave of counterattack, the opponent actually stood on his heels.

How come this demon **** is not like a demon **** at all, but like their god, and he has created something similar to a **** system. Now, things are a bit troublesome. Without paying attention for a while, the core territory below became rotten. Until now, although faith has become more and more pious and the power of faith has increased, it is only an explosion.

If it can't be contained as soon as possible, with the devil's ability to kill and destroy, the number of believers under them will soon be greatly reduced. If the number of believers decreases, the overall faith will decrease, which is not in their interests.

Moreover, once this core territory is lost, it is unbearable even for the God of Dawn.

With this territory, he can see the way forward more clearly. The God of Dawn, who has not yet reached the peak of the upper god, still needs to rely on this method to improve his strength. But if it is lost, it is tantamount to breaking the way.

"Damn, these people who use plants are not good people. How many people under our command can mobilize."

The God Family of Dawn has a great cause. Although there are many people who can use it, all aspects need to be arranged, and not so many can be mobilized. Soon, a piece of information was handed over to the **** of dawn.

Before the **** of dawn said anything, a **** ran in suddenly. "It's not good, under the crown, the number of demon gods in our core territory has suddenly increased a lot, at least five or six times more than before, and more than three middle demon gods have appeared."

Hearing this, the God of Dawn raised his brow, and he knew that things were really troublesome. "The **** devil, the reaction speed is so fast, they are all mad dogs." He knew that now, whether he wins or loses, his loss will be very big. If one fails, he will become a laughing stock in the eyes of others.

In the Light God System, there are still many people who are staring at themselves, ready to take their place at any time. "Since you want to take advantage, let you take advantage of it. The corpse of the demon **** is also a good thing."

Thinking of this, the God of Dawn immediately said: "In my name, notify the other members of the Light God System that we need support. The reward is the corpses of those demon gods, whoever gets it."

Like demons, gods are also very difficult to obtain from demons. Various special materials that only the abyss can have, as well as the corpses of those demon gods, are usually not so easy to obtain.

The demon **** is like a mouse, hiding it very well, except for the stronger demon god, no one else can find it. Even if they find it, they can easily escape Now that they can meet so many gatherings at once, how can they not be moved. The same goes for demons, and the bodies of gods are also very helpful to them.

As a result, under the devil's crazy thinking, the battle became more and more chaotic. There was only a weird thought in Chi Nan's mind. The battle of this talent had really expanded, and it had expanded to a point beyond his control.

If that's the case, then let's get out for the time being. "The hidden ones are more secretive. We continue to develop our base in secret. The surrounding base has been exposed, leaving seeds in other places. If the Light God Element wins this battle, we will definitely clean up the surroundings. At that time, we will still There needs to be a chance to come back again."

Everyone who can control plant cultivation is so troublesome and so difficult. Just like themselves, since they have been discovered by themselves, they don't want to develop steadily in this place.

As long as it is not abandoning this place, then slowly invest in it. Seeing good demon gods, how could they easily let it go. During this period of time, one of the lower demon gods had already broken through to the level of the middle demon god.

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