The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1395: Ruins of the God of Mist

The God of Dawn, who was planning to request support again, suddenly stopped. "If it's just a person, then I don't need to worry, I will pay attention to it and see what this demon wants to do."

"At the same time, pay close attention to the movement of the Devil God and Cthulhu, and be ready to ask for support at any time. However, don't let other people participate when you have to." The last event can cause a heavy loss.

As long as the other gods didn't die in that battle, they all got a lot of benefits. As for the dead, there is no way. Fortunately, the dead are not full members, so they don't care about this.

The only loss is the God of Dawn, and the loss is still heavy. Both gods died in battle, and it took time and divine power to bring them back to life. As a member of the Light God Family, if one's own **** directly abandons the resurrection, then one's reputation will definitely be greatly affected.

Of course, even now, the **** of dawn has also become the laughing stock of the light **** system.

In order to gain more power of faith, the result was a miscalculation and a heavy loss, almost not laughing at others. Because of the decline in the status of the **** of dawn, many people began to move around, thinking about replacing it.

As for the outside of the Guangming God System, there are just some rumors, and not many people know the reason for this matter. After all, the Light God System didn't want people outside to treat them as a laughing stock. The God of Dawn is an important member of the Light God family, he has become a joke, and even the reputation of their Light God family will not be better.

This time, in order to wash away his shame, the God of Dawn was reluctant to ask other people for help.

So when it seemed that Chi Nan was doing it alone, the God of Dawn didn't mean to ask other people for help. But in the rear, constantly mobilizing the army, ready to fight a turnaround.

This time, as long as the opponent is driven out simply and neatly, his reputation will be preserved and restored.

But what he didn't expect was that Chi Nan's previously hidden and now newly nurtured powerful combat power would not be easy to provoke. Because there is no active offense, there is no bottom line to provoke the opponent, most of them are defense and harassment. So this time the battle was led by Chi Nan to what he imagined, that is, a protracted battle.

This battle lasted for a long time. At first, there were still people paying attention, but afterwards, it disappeared.

Although the demons heard some news, the people who asked were vaguely passed by Chi Nan. Although the demons doubted, there is no absolute evidence, and they don't know whether they should come forward to provoke.

The demons are selfish. Without evidence, no one wants to offend a high-ranking demon.

In this case, this battle will last a full ten years. In the entire ten years, except for this matter, everything else in Chi Nan has been developing step by step.

But after reaching the upper **** level, it is already very difficult for oneself to continue to ascend. Other gods only rely on faith to rise, and the speed is very slow. Fortunately, I can say that with the support of at least a large amount of divine power and life magic power, I can still improve at a speed I can feel.

In ten years, Chi Nan's own strength has slowly increased to the mid-level of the upper god, which is almost at this level. His combat effectiveness should not be much worse than that of the old high-ranking gods.

On the other side, the demon incarnation is also constantly assimilating and devouring other planes of the kingdom of God and the plane of the abyss, constantly strengthening itself, and the speed of improvement is not slower than that of himself.

Just when Chi Nan thought that he would continue to use this method to improve in the future, a rumor suddenly spread in the Pantheon. "In the central area, a large ruin was found."

This is the rumor, and soon the rumor was confirmed. The owner of this ruin is the **** of mist. Chi Nan is not very familiar with the name God of the Mist. But when the ruins appeared, there was a lot of relevant information. Nowadays, the new generation of Gods of the Mist, whose strength is only a mid-level god, is simply not enough.

But this **** of the mist is different. It is said that it was a **** before twenty epochs, and it was also the main **** at that time. That's right, no one dares to ignore the main **** at the peak of the gods.

Soon after the ruins were discovered, the **** of the fog of this generation disappeared. If you want to know with your toes, it must have been killed by someone. The purpose is the godhead of the **** of mist and the law and priesthood stored in it.

I am afraid that many people think that as long as they can obtain the inheritance of the Mist Lord God, and then use the Mist God's divine position to lay the foundation, then they will be able to obtain a Lord God level priesthood. In the future, it is possible to become a master god.

There are not a few people who have this idea. As for who succeeded, no one knows this, and those who know will not come out to promote it. However, Chi Nan would not care about these things.

There are only two things that Chi Nan cares about, one is the treasure among the relics of the God of Mist. Whether it's inheritance or other things are important, even if it doesn't work, it can be used to feed one's fallen beasts.

Another point is that Chi Nan heard that the God of Dawn would also enter, and had already sent an avatar of himself. How could Chi Nan, who had always wanted to add blockage to the God of Dawn, missed this good opportunity.

Letting the **** of dawn lose a peak-level avatar will definitely not be more shocking than killing his core territory. For the time being, we can't go to a full-scale war with the God of Dawn. It is already the limit to be able to do this. "I heard that there is fog everywhere in the ruins of the **** of fog, it is difficult to see everything around, and it is impossible to send a signal. This is the best."

The corner of Chi Nan's mouth slightly aroused, and then he sent out his pinnacle avatar, this is his only pinnacle avatar, the strength is similar to his own. In addition, the demon incarnation also has a clone with the same strength as his own.

Since working with other high-ranking demon gods, Chi Nan soon obtained this related magic.

"I may not be an opponent by myself, so let the demon incarnation participate in it. If the two incarnations can interact with each other, it will be a huge help."

Last time I got a lot of benefits from the tomb of the Dragon God, Chi Nan also tasted the sweetness. Of course, on the surface, Chi Nan would not let his own people be dispatched. This was to create an illusion for others that he did not intend to participate.

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