The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1405: This really seems to be a place of trial

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Afterwards, I continued to ask some questions, and found that the other party didn't know as much as he knew, so Chi Nan stepped back. "Then, I wish you good luck, I have to find my friends too." Chi Nan left little by little.

After Chi Nan left, the others remained vigilant, and obviously they didn't believe in Chi Nan very much either. After knowing it for a long time, it was determined that Chi Nan had really left, and they relaxed and recovered to their previous situation.

Chi Nan didn't intend to attack them either. Since the other party didn't intend to attack him and provided himself with such an important piece of information, then just let them go. Of course, if they dare to provoke next time, Chi Nan will not be merciful. But now, it seems that the goal should be changed a bit.

Before, I had let go of the clones of a lot of other gods, in order to avoid too much trouble. Now? It seems that I can't let them go. There is no way to keep the **** clone here for a long time.

Therefore, it is useless for the demon incarnation. But the special divine power crystallization in them is related to their speed of improvement. I have no bottleneck, I can only rely on the accumulation of strength to continuously improve. But if he wants to break through, the accumulated power is far beyond the ability of ordinary gods to compare. And it takes time to digest the divine power crystallization.

Originally, Chi Nan thought that without a thousand years or even longer, it would be impossible for him to break through to the level of the main god. But it seems to be different now. As long as there are enough crystals of this special divine power, it will be able to speed up this speed.

Even if you don't use it, the demon incarnation and the fallen beast Khakilis are also needed. This seems to be a kind of omnipotent energy.

From this time on, Chi Nan began a crazy hunting journey. A few days later, Chi Nan finally reunited with his demon incarnation. They exchanged information with each other, then separated and continued hunting.

Just keep a certain distance between the two at all times, not too far away. Using their own special induction, each other can sense each other, and also be able to communicate. But usually the gods' own perception and vision can never see this far.

Unless someone can monitor the entire fog, they won't find the relationship between the two. As expected, his demon incarnation was the same as the method he chose, and he opened the realm of the gods to let the three dark dragons bred to fight. It's just that the three dark dragons are not too big, only five meters in length, but their combat effectiveness is definitely not bad.

Before the demon clone, he thought it was the same. It is too big to be inconvenient in this kind of place. It is better to be smaller.

After the two unite with each other, the power that bursts out is incomparable, just like a harvester. The two swept across, and they would unite with each other when they encountered strong enemies, and any enemy fell into the hands of the two.

In this way, after a few months, Chi Nan found that the special crystals he had collected were already very impressive. There are tens of thousands of them, and most of them are trophies obtained from them by hunting other gods.

And by hunting down other gods, the crystallization of divine power in his body has also become very much. Even if you consume other divine power crystals to replenish your own divine power, there is no problem. My own consumption here can be said to be very small.

The other gods are different, and Chi Nan can see it through their divine power crystallization. The hunted gods have less and less divine power crystals on their bodies, and the types are getting more and more messy. This is obviously because one's own divine power crystal consumes too much, either to **** others, or they can only choose to leave here.

And Chi Nan also found a special message, that is, it's easy to get out of here, as long as you fly to the sky at full speed. After flying for three days, you can leave. Anyone at any speed takes three days.

At the same time, some new gods who entered here brought news, that is, the clone after going out, there is no way to enter again, it seems that there is a mark on the body. Including their master's other clones and deities, there is no way to enter. Those who died here can still enter if they are sent a new clone.

At the same time, it seems that there is really no other gain besides the special crystallization. Could it be that this is really a place for trials? Chi Nan felt extremely surprised.

"The **** found earlier is a person of the light **** system." The demon clone suddenly sent a message to himself.

"Then you can do it, get rid of them, don't be merciful." Chi Nan said indifferently.

The demon clone walked towards the front blankly, and soon found the other party. However, after finding the other party, Chi Nan was taken aback, because he discovered that this time he was an acquaintance, isn't it the **** of the moonlight that was killed by the clone of divine power before.

It's just that this guy is all three avatars together at this time, and there is not no one around him. A full dozen gods surrounded this fellow's clone, and it seemed to have a feeling of being rampant on the streets.

However, those gods really don't have much strength, most of them are middle-ranked gods, even those of the lower gods.

Seeing their fawning expressions, they really came from the identity of the other party. However, there is no upper god, it can only show that the upper **** still has such a little dignity and status, and will not try to curry favor because of his identity.

Of course, along the way, it is impossible without encountering the upper gods. But the other party was obviously for the sake of face, there was no embarrassment, and he did not kill this guy. Otherwise, he would not be so swollen.

"Master Franca, we found a **** in front of us, and it's time for you to show your talents."

A little brother ran back and said respectfully. Fransa nodded arrogantly, and the three clones had the same expressions, which made people see a little funny. Taking a horoscope, these guys walked forward slowly.

"Do you need to get rid of this arrogant guy? Seeing that this guy is pretending, he really wants to kill him." The demon clone said.

Chi Nan waved his hand indifferently: "Wait, wait until I check the surrounding environment. If we are found out, our actions are not very good. Even if you are your identity, those guys will not let you go."

The domineering behavior of the Guangming God System has long been well-known, and it is not a secret in the Pantheon.

The demon clone nodded lightly, and didn't say much, just waiting quietly, and at the same time there were three dark dragons waiting. No matter what these guys do, they will be their prey anyway.

It didn't take long for Chi Nan to open his eyes: "No other gods were found within a radius of ten kilometers, and you won't be spotted if you do it here. But be quick, who knows what means this idiot has prepared."

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