The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1410: The mist is ripped apart

The fluctuating place is some distance from here, but under the full rush, Chi Nan only took three days to come to this neighborhood. "You can't get closer, otherwise it will be dangerous."

Feeling that there were more and more people around, Chi Nan couldn't help but stop. Hide the wood elves around and make a look that has nothing to do with each other. The same goes for the demon incarnation, but it's not far away. Anyway, all kinds of gods, evil spirits and demons are gathered here, but no one dares to attack others casually.

Here, whoever makes a random move will definitely become the unlucky person targeted by the public.

Not far away, that powerful wave is getting stronger and stronger, and even Chi Nan, which is so far away, feels a bit affected. Being able to make yourself feel pressure from such a distance is really worthy of being the main god.

"I ran all the way, there are many gods, but there are not many gods. It seems that these gods have basically been cleaned up. After this time, I am afraid that the remaining gods are far away. It's also not much. This time the incident is over, just go back, there is not much benefit here anyway."

"Moreover, after gathering this time, many people of the same camp will also gather, and it will be troublesome to start in the future. Even if you are not careful, it is not impossible to become the target of others."

I am alone, and I have not joined any team. In the eyes of anyone, it is an easy target.

Chi Nan knows his own affairs, so no matter what the outcome is this time, he has to leave here.

"You said, what is the real treasure of this place?"

"How would I know that I am not the **** of the mist. But even the main gods have done it. I'm afraid this is not just a trial place. I always feel that something is sealed here."

"Whatever you do, no matter what the seal is, it has nothing to do with us."

"Then what are you doing?" someone next to him asked strangely.

"I just want to come and see what the **** is here. Even if it has nothing to do with me, I am willing."

Well, this is true. Most people here have this idea. Gradually, more and more people gathered, and it became like a vegetable market. After a while, the people here started to set up stalls and sell things.

Maybe the things carried by the avatars of the gods are almost the same, they are used to maintain their own existence and save their lives, but there are still some special things. Some of them cannot be used by themselves, but others can use them.

In many cases, gods and mortals are actually similar, but the things they need are different, so in the eyes of mortals, gods seem to be aloof and have no desires. Otherwise, what is going on in the same market as the vegetable market now? Chi Nan doesn't lack anything, just see if you can find something good.

Facts have proved that those who can become gods are not fools. There are good things here, but the prices are also very reasonable, or reasonably high. If you buy it, it is not worth the loss. It is better to buy in the Pantheon.

After walking in a circle, Chi Nan didn't get anything and was not disappointed, but there was nothing to be happy about.

But others are very happy, and the trading atmosphere here is getting better and better. When some upper gods joined, a set of order was formed spontaneously, and the atmosphere here was maintained.

Large trading locations have been formed around, but those that come and disappear quickly. When many people got what they needed, these trading markets quickly became cold, and it was only two days before and after.

Then, there are a lot fewer people who continue to set up stalls. Either you like this atmosphere, or you just want to be taken advantage of, the market is much deserted anyway. And Chi Nan slowly moved away from here.

Like most gods, when many people they don’t know gather together, they feel a sense of anxiety. So avoiding other people is very normal. The gathered gods slowly dispersed. Because they all know that most of the people here will be enemies in the future.

A month later, the powerful wave in the distance suddenly swelled up on this day. The powerful force is more than ten times greater than before. The fog, which was originally invisible, suddenly became thinner.

The immense force tore everything around, spreading and erupting towards the surroundings. Such a powerful force, when passing by Chi Nan's side, made Chi Nan even feel a sense of tearing.

"Across this far away, this aftermath is still so powerful. This is at least close to the magical attack of the middle god. If the lower **** directly faces this tearing power, I'm afraid he will be killed on the spot."

Chi Nan thought in his heart that what he didn't know was that, just as he thought, some lower god-level divine power incarnations had indeed come here. Facing this wave of eruption, most of these incarnations were torn apart. A few lucky ones did not die, and hurriedly ran far away.

Many middle-ranked gods were also injured under this force, and many gods began to move away from here.

Just like when I came here, another large swath of gods ran around. "Huh, is this, sunshine?"

Suddenly, Chi Nan raised his head and found some sunlight in the sky. In an instant, Chi Nan actually felt his deity, the consciousness link that had been disconnected for a long time, and he felt it again. Almost instantly, the memories of this year communicated with each other.

"It turned out to be like I thought it was really dangerous there, but I didn't expect this to be what I did."

Chi Nan's clone also has a weird look: "I can actually affect the general situation among the gods, and I admire myself a little." Chi Nan also knows what he did.

After that, Chi Nan looked at the distance with a solemn expression, and the red light in the distance actually tore away the fog. This is a relic left by the main god, a powerful magic circle arranged by the main **** himself. Even if it is a general main god, it is difficult to tear it apart like this. This time, the shot was definitely not one or two main gods.

In the far air, shadows appeared one by one, and Chi Nan knew that those were the main gods.

"It's actually here, I finally found you." Suddenly, Chi Nan narrowed his eyes, and a familiar figure appeared in the distance. I could actually feel the breath that the other party broke out. The torn fog allowed himself to restore a part of the power of the gods. And that figure is the **** of dawn that he has been searching for for a long time.

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