The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1412: It feels like something big is going to happen

The demon incarnation has been staring at the **** of dawn, and has not moved away. After Chi Nan was smashed into the air, his wood elves were immediately controlled by the demon incarnation, still keeping the same as before, quietly approaching.

After Chi Nan returned here, he reconnected with the demon incarnation, and knew what had happened before.

The so-called thing is nothing. The strange kettle didn't seem to cause any movement. It's just that I heard a few roars in the middle, and I don't know which Lord God made it.

And after hearing this roar, the movement in the central eruption became stronger and stronger.

"It doesn't matter, let's continue, today we must kill the God of Dawn. With the help of the devil's reputation, we will find a way to invade the kingdom of the God of Dawn, one less opponent, maybe we can get rid of this guy. "

As his own enemy, Chi Nan will never tolerate it. The God of Dawn was not just as simple as calculating himself a few times, because he threw the coordinates into the abyss, Chi Nan was sure that this guy had already had an enemy with him.

Even if he doesn't deal with him, the **** of dawn will not let him go if he finds an opportunity. Besides, if you don't get rid of this guy, you won't be able to understand your thoughts. Today, I have to get rid of this incarnation for anything.

"Sabas, do you want to continue to fight. Even if it continues for a while, it is impossible to tell the winner, and the things have fallen into my hands, so you don't want to take them back."

Chi Nan was taken aback, and Sabassi was the name of the Lord of Light. Speaking of it, the name of the Lord of Light is not something that ordinary people are qualified to know. Even if ordinary people read it out, they will not be able to withstand the pressure. The name of the gods has the power of the gods. It seems that Chinan’s current name is actually known by the people in Chinan’s territory, but few dare to really read it out.

And the guy who dared not put the Lord of Light in his eyes was obviously also a Lord God, but it was too arrogant.

"Mo Ying, give me things, otherwise I will never give up."

"The name Mo Ying? Why didn't I hear it, who is this?" Chi Nan was sure that he had never heard of this name, and silently remembered in his heart that he wouldn't be so stupid to read it out, otherwise the other party would definitely feel it.

Although Chi Nan felt that the name was feminine enough, the person who spoke before was obviously a slightly male voice.

No way, although there are only twenty-eight main gods, it is obviously not easy to find out everyone's names. And these names are not used indiscriminately. If one is not dealt with, they will be bitten back.

Needless to say, Chi Nan also knew that the two main gods were facing each other.

At this moment, a female voice rang: "It seems that this thing does not belong to us, and we have withdrawn from today's affairs." After speaking, a powerful breath disappeared instantly, and it should have left the misty world.

Several other people also expressed their intention to give up. Chi Nan didn't understand what it was that would attract so many gods to fight for it. But it doesn't seem to be an important thing, otherwise other main gods won't give up easily.

However, the ink shadow and Sabassi seemed to be in line with each other, and there was no intention to give up at all. The two powerful forces kept colliding in the middle. It's just that when there are only two people left, the tearing power is much less.

The power of other gods still remains here, constantly affecting the surrounding environment. But in the mist of the God of Mist, these powers are constantly being consumed, and it seems that they will eventually return to normal in the future.

This battle cannot be over in a short time. But to everyone's surprise, the battle ended after only five days. Five days later, only a cold snort came from the center.

"Mo Ying, you won this time, but this matter is definitely not over. I will never allow that thing to be resurrected, and no one else will allow it." This is the voice of the Lord of Light. Listening to the words of the Lord of Light, it seems that there is a little bit of fatigue and anger, is it a loss. Who on earth can make the Lord of Light suffer?

However, the Lord God would not explain these things to them at all, a powerful breath disappeared in an instant, this is the Lord of Light has left. Now, only the power of the main **** remained in the mist.

"This world, after all, will be surrounded by shadows. Light cannot dispel darkness. Only darkness is eternal."

After speaking, the breath of ink shadow disappeared here. Chi Nan was lost in thought.

"Listening to what I mean, is that the Lord of Shadows, too? Usually, only the Lord of Shadows can confront the Lord of Holy Light. Only the two of them are the frequent opponents of the Lord God.

The Lord of Shadows is not a human being. It is said that they are from a special race. This race itself is a group of shadows and has no entity. It is naturally close to the dark and hates the light.

And there is no gender distinction in this race. The gender I guessed before is really boring. The race of the Lord of Shadows and the general race are completely different, but the main **** is the main god. I heard that the Lord of the Shadows who reached this height actually has a gender, but they can switch between men and women at will, not so sure.

Listening to what they said, there is always a feeling that something big is about to happen, Chi Nan thought in his heart.

In fact, other gods are the same, all of them are psychologically depressing. If the main **** and the main **** quarreled, it was a large-scale battle between gods, and once they were involved, the consequences would be disastrous.

But if you plan well, you might get huge benefits. Now many gods around are thinking.

Chi Nan shook his head: "No matter how much, first find a way to solve the incarnation of the **** of dawn. If you wait a long time, let this guy escape, it won't be good." Chi Nan contacted his own. Demon incarnation.

Soon, Chi Nan determined the location of his goal. Speed ​​up, and don't need to hide too much this time. When the main **** left, the fog here began to recover, slowly gathering here to repair the previous cracks.

After a while, Chi Nan saw a figure in the distance. The gods in this position are all upper gods now. And in this position, there is only one God of Dawn. During the previous investigation, it was discovered that the **** of dawn was hiding from other gods. Therefore, there is no other person around here, only the God of Dawn.

"Very well, finally let me find you. Today, let's charge a little interest here." Chi Nan thought in his heart.

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