The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1414: Eat me 1 jade **** thunder

Chi Nan, who was approaching the God of Dawn quickly, used his shield to resist an attack from the opponent with all his strength, but did not retreat and did not repair the shield. In the right hand, a group of thunder and lightning light suddenly appeared. The original long sword, I didn't know where it was thrown.

This period of thunder and lightning is not ordinary thunder and lightning, but emerald green. The thunder and lightning condensed like a ball of water and light. It seems that this is not thunder and lightning, but a ball of water, but this water ball is full of majestic vitality, gleaming and full of greenery. It's like a good jade, not an illusory energy body.

But if you feel it carefully, you can discover the violent power contained in it.

At this moment, even the God of Dawn was shocked. "Eat my emerald divine thunder." Chi Nan shouted loudly, and instantly threw the lightning ball in his hand. The ball of light is fast, passing by in a flash.

Among the electric light flint, the reaction speed of the dawn **** is also very fast. The light that originally attacked Chi Nan suddenly turned an angle and accurately hit the lightning ball.

The lightning ball held the light at an unabated speed, leaving a bright mark in the air, and slammed on the light barrier of the God of Dawn. The electric light exploded, seeming to have no destructive power, and gently stroked everything around him.

However, under this gentle light, the barrier of the God of Dawn suddenly weakened a lot.

The **** of dawn narrowed his eyes and was taken aback in his heart. The attack power of this lightning is not inferior to the high-ranking **** with the lightning attribute. And the sense of crisis it gave him was even more terrifying than the thunder and lightning of other high-level gods.

"Unexpectedly, you still have such a killer move. You can study such a magical skill at the time when you have just broken through the upper god. I really underestimate you. When I go back, I must report the matter. You shouldn't exist."

"Go back? You think too much, you must stay here today, no one can stop it." Chi Nan snorted coldly.

Balls of thunder and lightning flew out in his hand, and attacked fiercely towards the **** of dawn.

"Hmph, I really think I have no other means, so I can only use the previous attack. I just don't want to consume too much." The God of Dawn still has no fear on his face, as if he doesn't put Chi Nan in his eyes at all.

A faint but extremely bright light was released from the whole body, as if the sacred and strong light when the sun rose. The first ray of light at the beginning of dawn is also the most dazzling and brightest light in the entire world.

However, this invisible light has formed sharp sharp edges today, and the target is those thunder and lightning spheres. Under these sharp attacks, his lightning ball was quickly weakened and finally dissipated.

Unlike the first ball of light, although there are many ball of light in the following, there is no way to get close to the **** of dawn. It is indeed a veteran high-ranking god, this method is really endless. In this environment, this one-on-one magic can still be easily displayed, and Chi Nan also realized the gap between him and the other party.

However, there is a gap, but the battle must continue. Let this person run away, I really will be in trouble.

Although it was just a breath, it was like walking a tightrope at this moment. The God of Dawn has his own background, why not he also has his own cards. The fighting between the two sides is in full swing.

Both want to quickly win each other, so the battle has entered a life-and-death stage from the beginning.

On the whole, Chi Nan was at a disadvantage. There is too much light from the other party, and it seems very easy to condense. However, it takes a while to condense with his own lightning ball, and he is not very skilled in using it. So there is still a lot of light, able to attack himself through thunder and lightning, Chi Nan can only attack while dodge.

This emerald divine thunder was the result of Chi Nan's research on divine art all along. Combining with his own life magic, some time ago, he finally developed a powerful magic technique that belongs to him.

Unfortunately, the power of this magical technique is a bit weak, and with his foundation far beyond the normal gods, his attack power is still a bit poor. Because the real effect of the emerald **** thunder is actually aimed at the living body.

A creature attacked by the emerald **** thunder will be quickly disturbed and draw out the vitality in the body. Gods also have vitality, but their vitality is different from ordinary people, they are more advanced and powerful, and their recovery speed is faster than consumption.

If too much vitality is consumed in a short time, the gods will also be unable to bear it. His own emerald divine thunder is simply the nemesis used to deal with life forms. The attack is not very strong, but if you don't use magical techniques to block it and directly hit the body, no matter how powerful the gods are, they will be drained of their vitality by their emerald gods and die on the spot.

And this attack power is really not too bad. Similarly, if you reverse the Emerald God Thunder, you can also release your life force and restore and heal the target you are attacking. The effect of the treatment is even better than the effect of destruction.

The magical technique that Chi Nan has just condensed is not very familiar with. I believe that after getting familiar, it will definitely not be worse than the light used by the **** of dawn, and Chi Nan has confidence in his divine art.

Being able to create such a powerful divine art in such a short period of time, on the one hand, is because it fits with me, and on the other hand, because the emerald divine thunder is built on the basis of life magic, it reduces a lot of difficulty for myself. On the last aspect, it is also because of his wealth and wealth that he has not spent less divine power to perform deductions over the years ~ If this is not the case, it is impossible to obtain such a magical technique so quickly. Originally, the Emerald God Thunder was one of his own cards, which is why Chi Nan dared to let his incarnation come here without magic.

But who would have thought that when he first came here, his hole cards were sealed by the mist.

Now it's finally solved, but the enemy facing him is a veteran high-ranking god. No matter how unexpected it is, the God of Dawn can always face it calmly and easily resolve it by any means of his own.

In the end, it became a matchup of hard power. Fighting against these veteran gods, if you want to use small means, it is really impossible to succeed. In terms of hard power, Chi Nan found that after all, he was a bit worse than the God of Dawn. If you are alone, I am afraid that it is impossible to win today, but you are not that simple.

Moreover, the **** of dawn has never seen his own means. For a long time, the deity did not participate in the battle very much. But every battle is basically a gang fight.

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