The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1438: Is this clone crazy?

"It turns out that this is a perfect kingdom of God, this kind of breath is really annoying." The first time I saw the demons inside the kingdom of God that had not yet been destroyed, they sighed.

Their insights can naturally feel how beneficial this kingdom of God is to the gods living in it. It's a pity that they are demon gods, they are demons when they are born, they have no choice at all.

Being able to go all the way to the present is often the result of good luck. After all, before reaching the demon aristocracy, they didn't even have self-awareness. Whether they could survive at that time, didn't they depend on luck?

Speaking of which, although the demons hate the orthodox gods, they are not jealous. After entering, they found that standing in a place that had been eroded, they were suppressed a lot less, and could even be said to be negligible. As long as it doesn't go to a place that the other party can control, there shouldn't be any problems.

And with their arrival, the erosion of the abyss's will instantly accelerated, and cracks formed under their feet. If it hadn't been for this kingdom of God hadn't been completely destroyed, I'm afraid there would be little demons here.

At this moment, as the light flickered, a figure rushed over from a distance. "This is the God of Dawn? No, the God of Dawn should not be able to come out. He is not bringing his own avatar back, right."

When a demon **** saw this figure, his face was a little weird. "Could it be that he hid it."

"Absolutely not. We heard that their clone on the battlefield disappeared. It should have been transferred back. Moreover, the evil spirit on his body is too heavy. This is definitely the appearance of just after a big battle."

The spirit of light attribute, the evil spirit will be cleaned up little by little with the passage of time, which depends on the reason of its own attribute. Such a big suffocation, it is obviously only left after killing a lot of enemies recently, and there is no time to clean it up. If he was given a few days, none of these evil spirits would survive.

This should have just come back here. Seeing this figure rushing over menacingly, many demon gods are eager to try. To be able to kill a avatar of a god, the only remaining body is very good material.

"Be careful, this guy can still enjoy the bonus of the kingdom of God here."

Chi Nan suddenly said that after many battles, Chi Nan certainly knew that although the eroded Kingdom of God would not exert too much suppression on him, the Kingdom of God was still intact, and the opponent could still get the strength bonus.

Only with erosion, this bonus will become smaller and smaller, but it will not disappear directly. The other people don't know how strong this divine power clone is, but Chi Nan can figure it out.

"You **** demons, if you dare to come here, go and die."

As he said, a spear suddenly appeared in the hands of the God of Dawn, and he slammed them once. A ray of light flickered, and the spear actually appeared to be a clone, and it pierced directly at them.

"It's the Glimmer Spear, the superior artifact of the God of Dawn, how did this guy give the artifact to his clone?"

Seeing this thing, the most knowledgeable Yunwu Demon God screamed, and the surrounding black energy formed various weapons, and flew straight into the air. But with so many weapons, none of them completely blocked the attack of that spear phantom. After breaking through their attacks, they were only slowed down, and then they dodged over.

The light and shadow hit the ground and directly exploded a huge depression in the ground. Then the light exploded, and the ground that had been abyssalized, at this moment, under the radiance of the light, unexpectedly quickly returned to the appearance of normal land.

"Be careful, in the kingdom of God, his bonus is not weak, and there are artifacts in hand, so don't keep your hands, otherwise our clone may really be lost here."

No one thought that the blessing of the gods within the kingdom of God would be so powerful. Chi Nan didn't expect the upper gods to have such a strong foundation of the kingdom of God, and other demon gods had never encountered such a situation. However, the strength of the God of Dawn was originally stronger than them, and the clone made was better than theirs. With the blessing of various conditions, the strength of this clone was beyond imagination.

After the fight, the people released all kinds of magic skills, turning the surrounding area into ruins in a moment.

It's just that the surrounding demon gods all avoided far away and looked over here. "Oh my God, why is the God of Dawn so powerful? Isn't the total of the seven demon gods his opponents alone?"

"Nonsense, how could it be possible, if it were outside, it would definitely not be like this. This is because of the bonus of the kingdom of God. Moreover, the bosses don't have their own magic artifacts in their hands, otherwise, how could they be so aggrieved."

"That's right, you see, that divine power clone consumes a lot of power, and every move will consume a lot of divine power, and it will definitely not last long." The demon gods still know better about the gods.

However, someone made an opinion: "No, the **** clone will be consumed, but our demon clone will also be consumed, and there is no way to replenish it here. This is a veteran high-ranking god, and there must be a lot of divine power reserves. I don't know our boss. How much reserves have we brought, if not enough, it would be bad."

The gods have divine power crystals, and the demon gods also have their own divine power similar to the agglomeration of the power of the abyss, but they are made by themselves. It is more troublesome than divine power crystal production, so the quantity is also small.

It's just that this kind of thing is not so precious in the eyes of the devil, and it doesn't have that much effect. It can only be used to supplement oneself. So many times, the endurance of the demon **** is stronger than that of the orthodox god.

At this moment, the reserves brought by several clones are also quite a lot, and under the confrontation between everyone, there are also contacts. However, the avatar of the God of Dawn was too strong, and it was the kind of desperate attack, and it suppressed them for a while.

"Is this clone crazy? How can I even use this method?"

The clone of the God of Dawn just now struggled to get hurt and almost killed the Wing Demon. Now the Wing Demon clone is very seriously injured, and can only stay aside to replenish the strength to restore the clone, and it will lose combat effectiveness for a while. After losing an important combat power, fighting against the clone of the God of Dawn, they became more passive.

"It's not crazy, this is a last-minute fight. If we get a firm foothold, his God of Dawn will be in danger." Chi Nan's mouth twitched slightly, and he could see more. Besides, I still have a hole card that I haven't opened yet, and I'm just waiting to find the opportunity.

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