The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1443: How did that big guy make a move?

The escape of the God of Dawn was really beyond their expectations. It has not been the first time to launch a battle of gods, and every time the gods will be killed by themselves in the end. But this time, there was an exception.

Not to mention that the God of Dawn gave up his kingdom and ran away by himself, this kind of courage is very impressive. Even with this method of escape, Chi Nan had never seen it before, or even thought about it.

After the other gods are killed, as long as their believers are not completely destroyed, perhaps someday in the future, they will be resurrected under the faith of the believers. But in that case, it will take a very long time. And no one knows whether a religion that has not had a **** for a long time can be passed on.

Many religions will eventually disappear slowly under the long river of time, accompanied by the complete demise of a god.

But this kind of situation that leaves both the soul and the godhead is different. As long as there is a certain degree of faith, the **** of dawn will be able to reconnect with believers and slowly recover himself within a few years.

If the Lord of Light takes action, it may be possible to recover in less than two years. It is really difficult for this kind of **** with a powerful **** system to completely kill it. This place was originally on the territory of the Light God Element, they didn't dare to chase after it. At this moment, the godhead and spirit might have reached the hands of the Lord of Light.

"Forget it, let's preside over the sacrifice, according to the division we have said before."

What can Chi Nan do, he can only nod his head. Subsequently, several people began to sacrifice. The entire kingdom of God has been completely eroded, and it is very easy to sacrifice. The power of the abyss is being brought over little by little, very fast.

Just when everyone thought the overall situation was set, Chi Nan suddenly felt a huge crisis coming. Without even thinking about it, Chi Nan directly gave up the sacrifice guidance and directly used the phase shift.

At the next moment, Chi Nan appeared on the edge of the kingdom of God, and was facing down. Looking at the other demon gods, they also used their own methods either to escape or to defend, and they obviously felt the danger.

Demon God, that is the best at saving lives, the more powerful the Demon God, the more so.

Suddenly, Chi Nan saw an unforgettable scene. In the void, a ray of light descended from the sky, and this ray of light gave Chi Nan an extremely holy and holy feeling. It seems that this is light, compared with other lights can not be regarded as light at all. After watching for a long time, Chi Nan felt that his spirit seemed to be attracted.

In an instant, Chi Nan reacted. This kind of light, this kind of law intensity, this is the main god's shot.

How could the Lord of Light suddenly make a move at this time? This is obviously already extremely angry. The light fell from the sky and directly attacked the demonized kingdom of God. The huge force suppressed it, and the kingdom of God was instantly full of cracks.

In those cracks, the light projected down was full of destructive power. The whole land was torn to pieces in an instant, and countless demonized places were purified all at once, and then completely shattered and destroyed, disappearing bit by bit.

Chi Nan saw with his own eyes many demon gods evaporating on the spot under the shining light, and nothing was left.

Even the upper wing demon **** who had fought together before was seriously injured when facing this ray of light. Then quietly dispersed under the continuous light attack, this clone is considered to be finished.

The attack of the Lord of Light simply exceeded Chi Nan's expectations. It was just that Chi Nan didn't have time to think about these soon, because he was also facing the same danger. Even if he ran to the edge of the kingdom of God in an instant, he was only less attacked.

An attack hit, Chi Nan did not hesitate to throw the phantom of the abyss demon soul flag into the air, and a flame burned. There was a roar of "boom", which only Chi Nan could hear.

On the phantom of his own abyss demon soul banner, the flame was thin, and many cracks appeared in itself. If this phantom is destroyed, it will take a while for one's own body to recover, and it will also be affected a bit, and it will take a while to recover. Although it will not be permanently destroyed, Chi Nan will still feel distressed.

But now, I can't think about that much anymore. Compared to my own clone, it really is more expensive than my clone.

Suddenly another attack came, and Chi Nan swept the phantom in his hand again without hesitation. Although this attack is not locked, but the speed is too fast, there is no way to avoid it.

If you really have spatial ability, maybe it's okay. But after all, it takes a little time for the phase transition, no matter how short this time is, but under the suppression of the Lord God's law, this time will be prolonged, and there is no time to evade.

So under the attack of the second rays of light, Chi Nan found the phantom of the originally damaged Abyss Demon Soul Banner, but finally he didn't hold on. While blocking this ray of light, the phantom of the Abyss Demon Soul Banner also reached its limit and exploded in his own hands.

Fortunately, the second attack has been blocked. It's just that the attacks came too frequently, and then another attack came. It's still light, or a wide-ranging attack, and it's not aimed at me at all.

Chi Nan finally knew that the main **** and the upper **** were really not at the same level. Just this kind of large-scale attack, or through the leaked attack from the kingdom of God, still has no way to resist it. If it was replaced by its own body, I am afraid that it would not be able to withstand a few attacks. This is the main god. Chi Nan was helpless, what else to do besides resisting now.

A lot of plants growing around blocked in front of me, and the magic flame blessed with all his strength. Under a ray of light, Chi Nan was plunged into the ground, which was full of cracks and lava.

The lava did no harm to him, but the light hurt his clone. If you do it again, maybe you can't stop it. Suddenly, Chi Nan smiled bitterly.

"I'm really a crow's mouth." In the air, another light swept toward this side. At this speed, I still can't escape. I got it and said, is my clone really going to lose here?

A clone of the upper **** level, even for Chi Nan, is very precious. If this is the loss here, his own loss can be great, and the spoils of this time will also be left here.

There is a scene of the end of the world in the entire kingdom of God, this time it is really the end of the world. Who could have imagined that the Lord of Light, who had never made a move, would suddenly launch an attack at the last moment, and the attack was so terrifying.


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