The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1447: Disappearing Lord Kamukura

The Lord of Light, the incomparable lord **** who has always been incomparable, loses, this is what no one expected. Although I don't know whether the injury is serious or not, the injury of the Lord of Light itself is already a major event.

Suddenly, the morale of the Guangming God System was severely hit. The only remaining clone of the Lord of Shadows ran horizontally and horizontally on the battlefield, quickly clearing the power of the Light God Element. Even the avatars of the gods who joined in have been smoothed out one after another. Without the control of masters of the same level, the main **** is simply invincible.

This is no longer a continual defeat, but a direct debacle. Countless gods fled, and even their own army of believers could only abandon them. Soon there was a dead silence on the earth, and the believers either surrendered or were killed.

More than that, he felt that his faith had collapsed and committed suicide on the spot. The entire center of the battlefield has almost become the end of the world. Although Chi Nan did not arrive at the battlefield to see it, he could still analyze it from the news he heard.

After a huge battle force, the gods who originally joined the light **** system withdrew one after another and withdrew from the battle. Either they closed their own kingdom of God, or they flew into the void with the kingdom of God.

This is to prevent their enemies from finding themselves along the way. For those who completely close the kingdom of God, outside beliefs can't enter it at all, and it's impossible to even start a **** war. If you want to start a war of gods, you must use the guidance of faith to reach the kingdom of gods. When it is completely closed, there is no way to do this.

Just being able to force them to close the kingdom of God also shows that their losses are really too great, and they no longer have the power to protect themselves.

After these people withdrew, the many gods of the Light God System were outnumbered, and they had to withdraw one after another. In the end, these people unite with each other to resist foreign enemies. The two main gods stopped fighting, and the Lord of Light was injured, which gave the outside world a stronger deterrent. At this time, no one dared to risk the anger of the Lord of Light to launch a magical war against the gods of the Light God System.

The gods of the light gods flinched, but the people of the dark camp unexpectedly did not pursue them. Even the Lord of the Shadows disappeared, and there was no intention to chase after him, making people wonder what was going on.

"Is it because the Lord of Shadows is also injured? The Lord of Light is not so easy to deal with after all, and is also a veteran god." In the Pantheon, some people began to talk.

"Who knows, how can we be qualified to talk about things about the Lord God."

Despite this, there are still many people who are inquiring about all kinds of news. In this case, these gods are similar to ordinary people, and all of them are very keen on gossip.

The key is that in the recent period of time, the evil **** and the gods of the dark gods have mixed together, carrying the power of victory, and began hunting enemies everywhere and destroying them everywhere. Even in the end, some gods who were not enemies were destroyed by their greedy attacks, which made many gods more cautious.

And this kind of chaos happens to be the most suitable time for the demons to move around. Recently, the demons are also frequently dispatched. From time to time, we can hear that some gods or planes are broken by these demons, and then they are completely destroyed and sacrificed.

It can be said that recently, the entire void has been a mess. This chaos is like a prelude to the outbreak of a major battle. The more this happened, the more the gods did not dare to go out and run around.

All people are afraid, afraid that they will be involved in the battle first. According to some records in ancient times, it is very rare that those who were involved first and survived in the end.

"What the **** does the Dark God System do, do you really want to fight all the God System with your own strength?"

"What I don't understand is why they want to get together with the evil gods. Those evil gods are not good things."

In the Pantheon, every day is messy. Even Chi Nan, the low-key **** system, has now been affected. In the past few days, many subordinate gods are talking about these things, and I heard that they have to discuss them with myself, the main god.

There are even many people from the outside world who come to ask from time to time, wanting to join their own gods, this is to find a higher **** to protect themselves. Chi Nan can only strengthen the review of this.

Too many gods with different minds join, who knows what will happen. Haven't seen those top gods, isn't there actually not a lot of gods under them? So although I want to join a lot during this period, the real increase is very small, and even the increase is much smaller than the previous enrollment.

A few days later, all of them suddenly looked up, and they saw that the **** seat belonging to the Lord of Shadows was entangled by a special force. "What's going on? How do you feel that this power is a bit familiar."

Chi Nan thought silently in his heart, not even thinking of what was going on for a while. But the next moment, that huge **** seat suddenly disappeared. That's right, it just disappeared, and the original twenty-eight gods at the top level became twenty-seven.

"Oh my God, how did the Lord of Shadow's God Seat disappeared? What happened? Could it be that the Lord of Light took action and killed the Lord of Shadow." The gods who belonged to the bright camp cheered. Many gods who have been oppressed during this period also secretly rejoiced. Without the Lord God, what are you all?

But some people thought of something their complexion became serious. It seems that something big is about to happen.

Finally, someone shouted: "The breath just now, isn't that the breath after the fallen gods were expelled from the Pantheon, can it be said..." Everyone's expressions suddenly became weird.

That's right, that's the breath of God's seat being expelled from the Pantheon. After coming here, too few gods were expelled, and Chi Nan didn't pay attention, so he didn't expect it for a while.

It's just that it happened suddenly now, which is surprising. "Oh my god, no, the hall master **** will also fall. Why, hasn't the master **** reached the peak of this world? Why did he fall?

No one can figure it out. Generally, only the lower gods fall, and even the number of the middle gods fall is very small. The powerful existences in the Cthulhu were either Cthulhu at first, or they were degenerate when their level was very low, and then their abilities gradually increased, and they didn't degenerate after reaching a high level.

High-level gods, whether for the sake of faith stability or other reasons, rarely have fallen ones.

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