The Rise of Plants

Chapter 1449: The resurgence of gods

Everyone calmed down, and the Orc Lord God finally spoke: "Lord of the Holy Light, now you can talk about what happened. This time, you started the matter, and what is it?"

"Yes, if you really forced the Lord of the Shadows away, then the blame lies on you."

The Lord of Light was angry, and then coldly snorted: "How can a Lord God be forced away so easily? This time I suffered a lot more damage than Ink Shadow. Didn't you find out the strength of that guy in Ink Shadow? The improvement is too fast."

Everyone thought about it. They had reached the level of the main god, and their strength had basically not improved much. Even if there is, it is little by little, and it is impossible to play a decisive role. For a long time, the Lord of Light was stronger than the Lord of Shadow, not only because of the stats, but also because of his own strength.

But this time, the sudden eruption of the Lord of the Shadows was able to kill his clone while injuring him, which was very strange. What is it that makes the Lord of Shadows ascend so fast?

"At the time, you said what power was used by the Lord of Shadows, can you tell me more now."

The Lord of the Holy Light said coldly: "This also starts with the remains of the God of Mist. At that time, we found the core thing in the ruins of the God of Mist. It turned out that the ruins were used to seal the Lord of the Gods. The power of the Lord of Gods was sealed, and time passed, but this power was snatched away by the Lord of Shadows, and it seemed that he had known it before."

"The Lord of Gods? It's actually this thing, this thing hasn't disappeared yet."

Chi Nan was taken aback, just as he wanted to ask, there were already other gods next to him asking. "What is the Lord of Gods?"

A female elf holding a book in the Elf Gods said: "The Lord of Gods is a powerful existence that appeared several epochs ago. At that time, there was a disaster of Gods, and the leader of the Gods was the Lord of Gods."

"Although the Lord of Gods is the same as ordinary Gods, he has no thoughts of his own, but his strength is very terrifying. At that time, several Lords and Gods did not work together to destroy them, and he could only be seriously injured. I heard that the strength of the Lord of Gods is already It surpassed the general Lord God. Later, everyone used a seal to destroy the Lord of Gods."

"There are only these in the record. There is no specific information left at the time. It seems that the seal should be in the hands of the God of the Mist. No one outside knows until the God of the Mist accidentally falls."

Everyone nodded silently, and that was the only possibility. It was really terrifying to be able to fight against several main gods with their own power. I'm afraid I want to get it if I replace it with them. It's just that no one dared to do it.

Who would have thought that the Lord of the Shadows would actually hit the idea here, and it seemed to have succeeded. Otherwise, the Lord of Light cannot be injured so easily, just don't know how the injury is.

"The power of the Lord of Gods is not so easy to use, and after such a long time, I am afraid that there is not much left. We don't need to worry about these. As for the Lord of Shadows, it doesn't matter, but it's fallen. Our Pantheon There are also 27 main gods, don't be afraid of any existence." The orc main **** roared loudly.

The people below suddenly boiled with excitement and excitement. Yeah, what are they afraid of. Even if one left, there were still twenty-seven main gods on his side. There are six evil gods at the main **** level, and four demon gods.

Even if this one is added, they only have eleven in total, and it is not their opponent at all to make a fuss.

The Pantheon today is the most powerful in several epochs. Although the Lord of Light and the Lord of Shadows are the most active main gods, the two of them are definitely not the most powerful. Among the main gods, at most they are just above the middle.

The Lord of Light suddenly smiled bitterly at this moment: "Do you think it is really that simple? If it is really so, I can't have trouble with Ink Shadow. The seal we got at that time was still There is a very special inheritance, and this inheritance is a method of fusing the Lord of Gods."

"What are you talking about? How could it be possible to integrate the Lord of Gods and Sins." At this time, the other Lord Gods were also shocked.

"I didn't talk nonsense, there really was such a method at the time. I wanted to rob the Lord of God's evil and destroy it, but the guy in Ink Shadow doesn't care about anything for power, and doesn't care that this is the power of God's evil at all. He successfully merged..."

Everyone's complexion changed, they had also heard of the powerful power of the Lord of Gods, and that God of Sins had no thinking. Even with only thinking, the original power can also fight against more than ten main gods. As if the power were stronger, there was really no way to deal with it. At that time, perhaps all the main gods in the Pantheon may not be able to suppress them.

If that day comes, how will they deal with themselves, is it true that what the Lord of Light said is true.

"Let me say a few words." At this time, the biggest **** among the gods spoke, the Lord of Time.

As the most powerful and the oldest of all the main gods, the main **** of time has rarely spoken. It's all other people talking, the time master is watching, and even rarely pays attention.

This time he took the initiative to speak, but no one dared to ignore it. "Fusing the power of the gods, this is definitely not something that the gods can study. If possible, it is left by the Lord of the gods himself. Don't doubt, the Lord of the gods has no thinking, but it is closely related to the will of the heavens. Existing, it’s not surprising that this power evolved."

"This epoch is coming to an end. At the end of each epoch there will be catastrophes, sometimes big sometimes small. This time, it seems to be unprecedented. It is very likely that the disaster is the source. To God's evil."

The Lord of Time knows the most and understands the most. Many things that the Lord God does not know, the Lord of Time understands. Hearing this, everyone felt the pressure on their bodies even greater.

"No matter how big the disaster is, our Pantheon has never failed. As long as we are prepared, the victory will ultimately be ours."

Hearing this, the originally nervous gods relaxed. Yes, the Pantheon has existed since the birth of the world, and has always been a temple of gods. They have never failed.

It's just that Chi Nan frowned. He doesn't care if the Pantheon will fail, but in such a battle, it's easy to fall. Chi Nan didn't want to die on his own, even if the hero's death didn't like it.

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